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Everything posted by sturgman

  1. Awesome walleye... 6:00 a.m wont come early enough as I am fishing for spring lake trout on maskinonge.. A Lake Wahanpitae watershed lake. Nice Fish!!
  2. And my cottage also.. Great site. Thanks Terry
  3. Awesome TJ... Can Avery hand deliver one to me at school? I'll take a blue one if you have them, but it doesnt matter... Thanks
  4. I visit Port Dalhousie quite often and always wanted to wet a line when visiting family but never have. What could i expect to catch off the pier and what kind of tackle should i bring along?
  5. Found it... Thanks!!
  6. Never have tied one but very intersted in learning the process. Not to hijack this thread but does anyone have a good tutorial?
  7. Thanks for sharing. I havent seen ths either...
  8. Thanks Wayne. I will digest your information overnight.... Hagar esso still has the bell... Love it!!
  9. I have a really large/long driveway and would love to be alerted somehow when someone enters my driveway. I would freak to have one of those dingers go off when someone pulls into a gas station....Of course this may not be an option but how cool would that be for a big bell ring a ding dong when someone pulls in ??
  10. Not sure if this has been mentioned thus far, although if you are running a septic system and other drains in your house are sluggish also. You may only need to have your tank emptied. A tell tale sign your septic tank is full. Good Luck!!
  11. Looks yummy Doug.. I made bannock today and it was delicious with some fried eggs and bacon
  12. Mom always told me that "patience was a virtue" and "all good things come to those who wait".....
  13. Ditto!! I have called my local M.N.R office to request hydro maps of local lakes that were surveyed as far back as th e early 70's. If the maps are available they will mail you (snail mail)
  14. Just "DONT" do it.
  15. Keeping with Christmas - I was looking for a Kingston Trio version of this song performed buy Johnny Cash http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=3bmOPltfLGQ
  16. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=CX5JBsKih0c Noel Galagher attacked on stage........
  17. Yeah bought a case of this stuff when I heard on cbc radio it was being compared to $100 bottles.. Not dissapointed although it's made in Argentina not Niagara.. Cleaned out my local l.c.b.o as they only get 2 cases delivered every Wednesday..
  18. Sounds mightty Yummy to me Glen!! The green bean casserole sounds yummy!!
  19. Gheese almost looks like a dog... Maybe a golden retriever
  20. Welcome to OFC Karlin
  21. Looks fishy to say the least
  22. The best one was called" christmas is coming the goose is getting fat" Remember that one?
  23. Or this.. Kingston Trio http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=3VMSGrY-IlU
  24. A traditional Christsmas tune in my family.. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ThYX967mONQ
  25. Been loving this song for sometime now... Joel Plaskett - Love this town http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=yqj5YDyCqoM&...feature=related
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