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Everything posted by Roy

  1. So let me get this straight, Jamie. You want ME to vote for some dude as 'my favorite' eligible bachelor? I don't think so CH. Do you have any idea what that would look like on my resumé? Sorry, you're on your own, Bud.
  2. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS best news I've had today!!! Thank you Lew!
  3. Smaller lakes should be JUST ok. Be careful out there, Bud. Don't forget the camera.
  4. Solo, hydrolock occurs when a liquid enters your cylinders. It could be any liquid but in this case it would be water. It could come in from a number of places but you should be concerned about the air intake. Internal combustion engines compress the contents of the cylinder and as liquids are not compressable, you can get all sorts of damage like broken pistons ...rods etc... Google "Jeep snorkel"... one of the first entries will be a homemade snorkel that would work fine. I know that a lot of folks will say that you should be worried about the differential, transfer case etc. taking in water before the air breather but those other parts are usually sealed enough to make it through those creeks and rivers as long as you're not lingering in there too long. Have a read...it's interesting....
  5. Great thread Solo. Thanks for posting. Raf is right with the hydrolock though. If I was to do very many of those crossings I'd slap a snorkel on her pretty quick. And with water halfway up the doors, your vehicle doesn't weight much more than you do so it's quiet easy to get swept away. I guess you know what you're doing....thanks again, great shots and report.
  6. Sounds like you're having a great time, Cliff. Looking forward to seeing the pics (no Speedo please). Hug the Sue woman for me.
  7. Yes Terry. Extra terrestrial even....
  8. This cute little guy was sent to me by Jack (Nanook). I can't imagine how vulnerable that poor little guy would be out in the wild.
  9. That was 30 minutes out of my already dwindling life expectancy. The only redeeming moment was when the chopper owner said: If the line gets tangled in the rear rotor, my chopper could get pulled into the lake." To which Einstein smilingly replied: " Right on!".
  10. Well, I've had a close look at all four pictures and I'd say that that 3rd picture is definitely Photoshopped.
  11. I'd guess you just have to put in the time....
  12. I just roll over....and make my way down to the coffee machine...
  13. You're just showing me those pics to make me sick, aren't ya. I'm fixin' to wander down dat way dis summer for a visit. Dat'll learn ya....VARMINT!
  14. 82.4 here this morning. It was 98.4 last week. Thanks Art....gunna call the PM right now and tell him you said it was ok.
  15. I use Luremaking.com. Their service and parts availability is great. Check them out, you can DL their catalogue.
  16. You live in a great part of the country. Welcome aboard.
  17. Thanks for that, Shawn and welcome aboard. Thanks for that, Shawn and welcome aboard.
  18. Moose is mean folks when they wanna be... http://www.gofish.com:80/player.gfp?gfid=30-14670
  19. Well Joey...as you WELL KNOW, I'm left handed. I cast with my right hand and reel with my left hand. I have some right hand baitcasters but I prefer the lefties. It's really a question of personal choice.
  20. Here you go. <a href="http://www.zippyvideos.com/1960803706520736/pike_hot_spot/"><img src="http://i2.zvhost.com/2/j/jb42128f.jpg" border="0" /></a>
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