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Everything posted by rickster

  1. LOL that man is my hero....too funny
  2. ok sign me up if you still need one more joey
  3. well how about these MINDEN – A Kushog Lake cottager has been ordered to pay $6,745. for a fire that burned .22 hectares of the Frost Centre Management Area. A resident of Toronto, plead guilty to starting the fire at his Kushog Lake cottage. He was ordered to pay fire suppression costs incurred by the Township of Algonquin Highlands and the Ministry of Natural Resources in putting out the blaze. Court was told that on May 26, 2007, at approximately 2:30 p.m., the man ignited a rubbish pile on his cottage lot on Kushog Lake’s east shore. The man left the immediate vicinity of the fire and at approximately 4:30 p.m. he noticed a large plume of smoke rising up from the fire site. The man called the Algonquin Highlands fire department who extinguished the blaze that had spread into the surrounding forest. A joint investigation by the ministry’s Haliburton Fire Base and Minden conservation officers revealed that no permit had been issued for the fire. There were no tools or water on site to contain the fire. The fire was started during the prohibited period and was less than two metres from flammable materials. The case was heard in the Ontario Court of Justice, Minden, September 6, 2007. You must not leave a fire unattended and must make sure it is completely extinguished before leaving. Anyone found responsible for causing a forest fire can be ordered to pay the costs of extinguishing the fire. and also August 2007 $2,400 FINE FOR LETTING A CAMPFIRE START A WILDFIRE SUDBURY — Two Barrie area men were fined $1,000 each for causing a fire that burned 590 hectares of Crown land in Halfway Lake Provincial Park and along Highway 144 on the May long weekend. The cost of fighting the fire, named Sudbury 46, is estimated in excess of $1.1 million. The two men plead guilty and were fined $1,000 each for failing to extinguish a campfire before leaving their site. The men were fined an additional $200 each for littering in a provincial park and for having a campfire in an area not designated for a campfire. The men were placed on probation for two years and must complete 40 hours of community service at Halfway Lake Provincial Park. The court was told that on May 19, 2007, the men were camping on an island in the southern portion of Halfway Lake Provincial Park. Before leaving the park two days later the pair attempted to extinguish their campfire with water and dirt. Sudbury 46 was reported on May 23, 2007 and was aggressively attacked by water bombers. The size of the fire forced the evacuation of several hundred people from homes and camps on Lake Onaping. Halfway Lake Provincial Park was evacuated and closed for two weeks. On May 24, 2007 further investigation found the two men that caused the fire. The case was heard in the Ontario Court of Justice, Sudbury, on August 14, 2007. The ministry reminds the public that protecting our forests from fires requires caution and extreme care. Campers should never leave fires unattended and must ensure that they are completely extinguished before leaving. The public may be required to pay the government for the costs of putting out a fire that they caused. these are just two from mnr website
  4. Not sure of prices your way but up here lifetime architectural shingles sell for 28 dollars a bundle and colored metal sells for about 95 cents a square foot so pretty close in price
  5. So the ice conditions were reported unsafe and he went out anyway and needed to be rescued mmmm try this comparison ok so a fisherman is camping at a backwoods lake and finds out the day before he leaves a fire ban has been put on the area.......catches a couple nice fish and thinks ahhh i've been having campfires for forty years nothing will happen i want a shore lunch....wind comes up and mnr is called in to put out the wildfire guess who is paying the bill do i think the amount of this guys fine is way too much...yes do i think he should have pay for some of the costs....absolutely just my 2 cents oh and we volunteer firefighters aren't getting rich from our "paid" calls most of us would make more staying at work instead of going to a call but we don't do it for the money
  6. heading out with the family for four days of fishing at beautiful Cedar Island Lodge on Pipestone Lake My son is determined to land a muskie....but bass lakers and walleye are also on the list hopefully lots of pics and a successful report will follow
  7. devils in six.....maybe seven
  8. You are talking about plants right????
  9. good friend of mine recently bought a place on beautiful pipestone lake http://www.cedarislandlodge.com/
  10. Nice buck Congrats
  11. Pretty funny one http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=pjkLf_X88WM&vq=medium
  12. hunting in mine centre again?
  13. been running a deep taildancer running 20ft down with 150 ft of line out finding them out in open water chasing the ciscoes
  14. been out the last couple weekends trolling cranks for eyes just before dark no giants yet some decent fish hope to get bigger ones later in the fall all but two of these went back in to catch again
  15. Glad the surgery went well wayne and tell Jen to keep fighting. I have been following this topic closely since you started it as my friends 20 yr son has been battling cancer for the past 10 months unfortunately he passed this past saturday with the funeral on wed need to find a cure too many good people getting sick
  16. Some of you may remember my brother having heart problems 3 years ago that resulted in him having a pacemaker/defibulator put into his chest. He was not feeling well the past while and went in for tests Blood work showed that his kidneys are failing but a Ct scan showed all to be normal. He went for blood work again today to double check and results came back that kidneys are failing. Lost my oldest brother 14 years ago to cancer and I don't think I can handle losing another one. If I have any good karma coming I could sure use it now
  17. Don't try bringing in any rubber boot from cabelas U.S ..we have a wholesale acct with them and I tried bringing in some rubber boots a year or so back.. made in china..boots were 99 dollars...broker told me the import duty on those boots..because they were made in china....109.45 the only rubber boot they had at the time that you could bring into Canada were made by Kamik
  18. i know it's late but can anyone explain to me what the heck saltydawg is talking about
  19. i am sure as an unbiased fan that if you think the chara hit was dirty than you must agree that the patches hit on eaton was dirty as well as was the kostopoulos hit on stuart or kostopoulos on van ryn ahhhh habs fans...must be nice to live life with blinders on almost as bad as leaf fans ya the hit looks bad (maybe even dirty) in slow motion but remember the game IS NOT played in slow motion hope patches in ok
  20. like paciorettys hit on eaton not too long ago
  21. good one
  22. A trucker is sitting at a red light in Thunder Bay when a blonde in the car behind him walks up and knocks on his door. He rolls down the window and she says Hi my name is Heather and you are losing your load. The trucker gives her a strange look and pulls away. At the next red light the blonde again knocks on the truck door. Trucker rolls down the window. Hi my name is Heather and you are losing your load. The trucker shakes his head and pulls away again. Next red light and again the knock at the truck door. Hi my name is Heather and you are losing your load. Tha trucker has had it and when the light turns green he speeds up to the next light and stops He jumps out of his truck and runs back to the blondes car and knocks on her window. She rolls her window down and the trucker says Hi my name is Steve and this is Canada, it is WINTER and I am driving the SAND TRUCK
  23. ????where is the bites my tongue emoticon gonna check with visa tomorrow and see what they have to say Thanks man. We try to do are best and look after our customers. If you ever need a deal on something gimme a call.. (my spring booking stuff is starting to come in )
  24. Got a call from a lady last week looking for a fl22 hd vexilar for a gift for someone I explained to her that we do not sell vexilar but sell humminbird and marcum flashers She asks me what model and how much so I tell her we have in stock all three humminbird flashers and give her the price range of 299 up to 499 She immediately says she will take two of the 499 ones. No questions about model or power ...nothing .... just how quick can you send them out and how long to get them to her. I tell here we can send them out right away and ask her what the address is thinking she lived not too far away. So she rattles off a name and address in quebec Right away the alarm bells go off. Why would someone from quebec call a store in northwetern ontario for something she could buy locally. She did give me a visa number but I just don't feel this is right so I sent her a form to fill out in lieu sp? of having the actual card but have yet to receive anything back So what do you people think? Me thinks this is a scam of some sort Rick
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