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Everything posted by rickster

  1. That was one great report Awesome job
  2. there are other forums??????? lakeport blue light bud light no particular order
  3. Great report TJ Are you planning to make it to the centre for the moose hunt this year?
  4. LOL if the dawg ever goes i don't think i would visit as much that man is good entertainment
  5. if you wanna pick me up some day I can show you some dandy lakes to fish
  6. HUH I guess you can catch fish Who knew J.K awesome fish man congrats Rick
  7. I am fortunate enough to live in an area where we can still access some logging roads to get to some "back country lakes" I have used some of these roads but it is still usually a bit of a chore to get to the lake itself About ten years ago I was working for my now father in law who is a logging contractor We cut a block beside a lake the ministry said had lake trout and northern in it. we decided one day to pull a boat in from the logging road we built over into to the lake with the atv( about a mile through the bush) four of us went in and in 2 hours of fishing we had our 8 keepers (all about 2-3 lbs lakers) We took a portable fish finder with us that day and the screen was full of fish One year later we went back to try again we took the fish finder again and it was like the dead sea. Never caught a trout When we were leaving we discovered a path down to the lake from a different section of road The path had been cleared with a brush saw wide enough to drive a pickup through heard this year that a few fish were caught but that is ten years after being almost wiped out maybe some of these fly in guys have a right to be worried about the future
  8. Sorry bud but if it is any consolation they tasted as good as the 45" musky I got this weekend.
  9. This is reminds me of when I argue with my wife!!!!!!! I think I am right She agrees that i am wrong Will I ever win
  10. Sorry for your loss My deepest condolences to you and your family Rick
  11. no worries I have in floor heat in my house and have tile in both bathrooms the laundry and both entrances. Very warm floors Rick
  12. heres a couple of my better pics so far
  13. awesome fish ben congrats
  14. awesome pics and report those are some beauty bass
  15. anytime five times today before i stopped and grabbed one no need for coordinates just come on up here to the great northwest and i will take you to the spot
  16. about 10 years ago was out fishing opening weekend of walleye with my father in law and brother in law there was about ten boats fishing the same area (river outlet) one small skiff with a 20hp yammy had two guys in fishing in it when we arrived at the spot they trolled past and said hi hows it going blah blah blah and show us the two eyes they have on the stringer a little while later they head over to shore and have a little fish fry we fished away from the crowd and caught a few slot size eyes well an hour goes by and the two guys get back in the boat and start fishing again they troll up to us and the usual hows it going any luck questions we say ya we got a few out comes the badges measure up the fish (all within slot size) ok lets see the licenses bro in law left his wallet at home so no license on him co says ok come into the office monday morning and show the license and no ticket (thought that was decent of him) funny thing though while they were checking us about six boats took off ..wonder why? good to see them out
  17. lol yes i am in contractor sales as well as being fortunate enough to look after our fishing tackle department
  18. all but five or six were caught on topwater (mepps spinners caught those) it was a blast only missed taking pics of seven bass the whole weekend
  19. It has been about a month since the last time I have made it out fishing but the past couple days have been well worth the wait Saturday I took my son and nephew out for two hours to try for some bass I will let the pics do the talking We fished from about 3-5pm My son wanted to take all the pics Went out again on Sunday But now for the sickening part My son and I both hooked into fish at the same time I told my nephew to grab the net and bring my sons fish in first We fought our fish to the boat and I looked over to see how big my sons "bass" was and all I saw was a monster head He had what I guess was a 40" plus northern on I quickly got my bass in and released so I could net my sons fish Now he brings the northern in and I get him in the rubber net. But the net has a hole in it (can you guess where the northerns head went) Out through the net he goes but still hooked. He fights it back to the boat (8lb mono but thankfully a 9" 30lb leader on) I get it into the net again even though his line is running through the net. I quickly grab it by the gill plate but it starts to thrash around and I lost my grip. You guessed it The fish hit the water went under the boat and the line must have caught a rivet because the line snapped and the fish was gone. I looked up at my son (9 years old) and he had tears in eyes. It made me sick to realize I lost him his biggest fish. All I could do was say I was sorry and tell him he fought it perfectly but that it was my fault it got off.
  20. Just curious Why did you not mention in your letter about bouncing the lure off the rocks for two hours????
  21. Although I haven't seen every episode with Chronzy I can say I don't recall disagreeing with anything he has said on any the episodes I watched. You say you are getting sick of him. If you don't like the show why do you continue to watch it? Lot worse shows out there
  22. heard about this on the radio when i got up this morning very sad like you said i hope ben and simon were not in the area my condolences to the families Rick
  23. i have to agree with Beats Doesnt look like a wolf or yote I'd say dog
  24. awesome fish congrats
  25. Congrats on the career choice stoty i joined our volunteer fire dept ten years ago and it has been the most sastifiying thing i have ever done became chief a little over a year ago hope it works out for you and you get on somewhere (if it doesn't we are always looking for more volunteers ..........pay is terrible but the fishing is unmatched )
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