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Everything posted by rickster

  1. these are older pics as well but thought i would share kids built a shelter while waiting for the walleye to show up and apparently the walleye didnt show up soon enough
  2. Don't think that's possible Beauty fish Simon congrats
  3. congrats thats a beauty first deer
  4. beauty fish way to go congrats
  5. Thx Skud that is the buck I had the most pics of this fall. Here is one of them. Notice the curved brow tines. I have a couple cams up still but haven't checked them in a while I have a buddy coming from Thunder Bay next week so I will go out with him in hopes of getting a nice one.
  6. Naaawwwwww I wouldn't do something like that to ya.
  7. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family She sounds like a battler and am sure she will beat this as well Rick
  8. I had to work on the morning of the 30th (opening morning) so I couldn't make it to the stand til about four oclock after the sons hockey practice. Wasn't long til I had about nine does and fawns in the field. Just at sunset a decent 10 point came out and began checking out the females. Fifteen minutes go by and the ten point looks behind him and his tail goes down. I'm thinking whatever is coming has kicked this guys butt once before. He walked out about eighty yards away and just stood looking out over the field. With only ten minutes left of legal shooting time left I cranked up the power on my scope and took the shot. It looked like a good shot so I hurried down to look for blood but it was getting dark fast so I went back to my truck for a flashlight and began searching. After about ten minutes of searching I finally found a couple of drops but didn't feel real good because of the small amount of blood. With temps dropping below zero that night I decided to leave him til morning. Found him the next day about twenty yards from where I found the drops of blood laying stone dead in the swamp grass. This has to be my shortest hunting season ever. Any way here are a few pics of me and my son with the deer before we tagged and field dressed him. and this is my favorite pic quite the smile on my sons face Now to start thinking of ice fishing with those tasty deer sausages
  9. u joint perhaps
  10. got a couple nice bucks coming in to my trailcams the one buck in the last pic really likes the camera and the close up
  11. i agree with you a 150 class buck nice mass and good inside spread looks like split g2 as well nice buck hope u get a crack at him
  12. Thanks Beats
  13. My wife told me a friend showed her my pic in ontario out of doors magazine in an ad for the ofah angler awards but she didnt see which issue if anyone has seen the ad can u let me know which issue it is in i am attaching the pic for reference thanks
  14. never even tried a puff in my life thanks for the replies all supposed to hear from the radiologist sometime tomorrow just wish they hadn't told me anything until the radiologist had a look would have saved me a stressful day and night Rick
  15. if they wanted u in earlier, they would have called your internet provider and cut off your "research tool" lol...i should have known better...you always get the worst results when you google medical symptoms thanks for the replys fellas its will be twelve years this nov that my oldest bro passed away from prostrate cancer the docs mis-diagnosed his symptoms in apr saying he had arthritis in his legs...nov he was gone so i am a little more stressed about this than i probably should be
  16. I married my hairdresser. cost me alot more than 14 bucks a month would change a thing tho
  17. have had a cough for a couple weeks now coughed up blood yesterday so went to clinic and sent for xray this morning doc said that i have a touch of pnemonia but they also founds steaks on my lungs and want the radiologist to look at xrays and will let me knnow fri what they find so i googled lung xray streaks and the first thing that pops up is lung cancer so i am wondering if anyone here has had this same thing and could tell me what it was they had i am a little worried to say the least any insight would be appreciated Rick
  18. got a few to add from my trail cam
  19. awesome vid Simon way to go gotta love when the bass hit like that Rick
  20. took my son out this morning in the hopes of catching a laker or two we decided to fish of the shore with some 5-6" minnows i had caught earlier in the week we set up out of the wind and got the minnows out in about 30-40 feet of water with a bobber on the line sitting on the rock so we could hear it if we got a bite we weren't set up five minutes and my sons bobber goes sliding down the rock and into the water FISH ON he yells and picks up the rod i told him to wait and let the fish take the bait The bobber moves out about twenty feet and stops and doesn't move for a good two minutes I tell him he probably doesn't have a laker but a ling instead so he reels up and sets the hook when he feels the weight Whatever it is bends the rod pretty good so i grab the net and get ready After a few minutes he brings the fish in and i net it for him A 28" eight plus pound walleye His biggest walleye of his young ten year life but of course an OOS fish While i was unhooking it he grabbed the camera and we snapped two quick pics before releasing it healthy into the lake. I won't post the pics because of it being OOS but the smile on his face was worth the skunk on lakers Gonna try again tomorrow morning and hopefully the lakers will be hungry
  21. 24 bucks a piece? you are paying way to much pm me i am sure i can get these to you for a lot less rick
  22. great first period keep it up boys
  23. gotta be proud of the boys NO QUIT in them
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