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Everything posted by Victor

  1. lol! Nice report! The one with the drunk fella looks pretty long!
  2. dang, that last one looks real fresh. stupid work.
  3. Just voted Brandon, some amazing pictures on there. I just bought a E620 myself (with the 2 kits lens) ... should be picking it up today or tomorrow ... i can't wait. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute a bit to the photography section and also hope to get some feedback/tips from you pros . Good luck on the contest!
  4. Yeah when i was saying it's better off to start learning with mono ... i was refering to casting in the backyard/front lawn with a sinker. That's how i learned anyway.
  5. i lost a decent sized muskie on scugog this past weekend as well. Well, technically I didn't really had him on, he just took a swipe at my spinnerbait and rolled. The moment i felt that little tug and the boil/roll (plus seeing the huge fat belly) ... my heart just stopped. It would have been my first ever muskie ... ahhh well, another 10,000 cast I guess lol.
  6. do up a search on the forum and there are many many posts that are for newbie to baitcasters. As others have said, the braid is kind of hard to learn with ... I started off spooling on some higher dia. mono to practice with (as mono is stiffer it's easier to undo the birdsnest). It's up to you ... but if you get a really nasty birdsnest you might end up having to cut alot of the braid off and waste that line. Mind you everytime I get one I take the time to undo it ... no matter how long it takes, it's whether you have the patience to do that or not i guess. Another tip, you probably have read this one before ... for practicing, pull enough line out for you to make one cast, and alittle more, then put some tape on the spool... this will prevent the birdsnest to get humongous when you do screw up on the cast. Good luck, i use the baitcaster ~75% of the time when I'm out on the boat now. Still not great with it yet but prefer using it over my spinning set up.
  7. Thanks for posting and sharing Cliff! The colors on those fish are amazing!
  8. still got time to fish? How's school? I guess you gotta get out when you can ... you'll probably get busy soon and the white stuff is going to come down... can't believe summer's gone already
  9. double-double header... all by urself too.. wow. 4lb 1oz crappie? I would have guessed that it's at least 6 Is it just me or we haven't seen one of the signature-topless picture of yours for quite some time?
  10. that was smooooooth Randy! Nice one!
  11. o damn, my PB is only a duck. I guess I'll keep trying? Husky jerks should work well right?
  12. As you spend more time on here you'll learn that who you can trust/who u can't. There are quite a few lakes within 1.5hrs of the GTA ... Scugog, Simcoe, Rice, etc. As for spots I can't really tell you any ... not that I don't want to ... but even I can't catch any myself still trying to figure this bass thing out ...
  13. Amazing pictures as usual Dan ... the color on those brookies are just awesome.
  14. welcome aboard and i suggest you to read some of the threads that's pinned on top for newcomers ... they might help you a bit. I haven't had much experience with scugog yet so I can't really answer your Q.
  15. that first fish you lost might have been a 10lb bass!! for me, i find that I usually feel the weight of the fish not too long after i hear the surface strike .. either they completely miss it, or i get'em .... or maybe my reaction is just too slow lol. But i guess it's somewhat different because i was using a skitter-pop most of the time ... might be different for a frog :S
  16. Gosh... we need a new word that's more epic than epic .... Thanks for taking the time to put this together and sharing with us.
  17. Great report Jacques! Looks like some beautiful place/conditions to fish ... I wish I have something like that close to home !
  18. No matter how much it weigh, it's a nice fish for sure ... especially for a person who just started bass fishing not too long ago. Congrats and good on you for letting it back in the drink!
  19. Have a fun and safe trip Cliff! I will be looking for your report when you come back
  20. where've you been all summer Justin!! We certainly miss your reports! Good to see you back and catching some!
  21. As the others have said it should be ok as long as the boat package is relatively light, if you're concerned you can upgrade parts of your vehicle to help (brakes/cooling/etc?)... i forgot what are the things you can do but do a search here and you should find alot of stuff.
  22. I would try trolling in Sobeys/Metro or even Loblaws ... On a serious note ... check out MNR's "Urban Fishing Opportunities" document ... in there it lists a bunch of spots where you can catch whatever fish. At this time of the year, find river mouths or lower stretches of those rivers. Remember to let us know how you make out.
  23. So you finally got all the errands sorted out? Must have been nice to get out and relax.
  24. 16/24?? wow! And you were only there for a "half day". I actually went back to the overnighter swim during my camping trip with my gf, fished from 7pm-12 and managed 3/8 ... the gf is still not used to fighting them and lost quite a few... we did get a 21 and a 23 though. Great pictures, love the scenery down there.
  25. i'm off to a camping trip in half an hour ... but the Grand river is loaded with carp ... if you find a nice spot, just chum it for a couple days and fish it
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