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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Uh, now I remember that you asked me to check it out for you at BPS ... I did but never gotten back to you. I guess you visited BPS yourself. Let's go for some carp on the Aug7-8 weekend. I haven't gone out since our midnight trip and I'm busy next weekend.
  2. I guess we won't know until one of us puts 2 treble hooks onto a spring feeder and work it with some musky gear !! Congrats on the PB!
  3. I actually haven't given a serious try at that place yet ... only been down there with the family for an hour + limited gear. I wouldn't mind going anywhere fishing with you guys haha, still waiting for that trip to come
  4. and u guys didn't invite me to come along??? ... i need to do some carping soon, it's been too long
  5. enjoyed reading this whole thread lol, thanks for putting it up John, I sure learned a few things. please remember to take some pics next time, sharing is caring
  6. just curious, how did you know there's bass in there? not that i don't trust what you say, but that might potentially help you figure out a way to catch/locate them??
  7. possibly the massasauga? lots of water to explore around that area. I think it'd be tough to find a lake where they allow unlimited horsepower while there's decent fishing
  8. soo... in half an hour, you left your house, caught a carp, and then went home.... THAT'S AWESOME!!! lol I also love seeing the fishing reports with averie ... has it already been "a few short years"? Oh geez I still remember the day you posted when she was born ...
  9. Great read Stan, it's always rewarding to catch a fish on your homemade bait/lure.
  10. Happy Birthday and congrats on a successful father+daughter outing!
  11. I'll be sure to keep those in mind lol. But good for her for sticking it out even after getting soaked (and laughed at by her husband lol)
  12. Thanks everybody. Gotta find something else to do when carp choose sex over food lol
  13. i think 9 out of 10 if not everybody here will tell you that sportspals are the best, i have never been in one so i have no idea. However, you can also consider building yourself some "stabilizers" like what Cliff (ccmt) did to his.
  14. Recently I've noticed that gear oil is leaking from the prop area, upon close inspection I found some fishing line around my prop. I then proceeded to remove the prop and found that the line actually got quite deep in there. I have removed all the line but I know all the seals needs to be replaced. Where should I go to buy these parts? I'm considering to replace the impeller as well while I'm at it. My motor is a 1986 Evinrude 20hp (E20TECDC). Prior to this I have only changed the plugs/gear oil so I have no experience what so ever ... is there anything I should keep in mind/pay attention to? I plan to read up on some online tutorials and watch lots of youtube videos of this sort of repair to learn how to do it. Thanks! Victor
  15. Nice lean fish, must be great fighters and especially on the pin. What did you catch them on? Drifting?
  16. In my first HK report I mentioned that I was going to go on a squid fishing trip, I haven't found time to post until now. A bunch of family friends got together and rented a party boat on one evening for some squid fishing. This type of fishing is done at night. However, they know that I love to fish so they asked the owner of the party boat to head out a couple of hours earlier to give me a chance to catch some saltwater fish. Small shrimp was the bait of choice and here's a beautiful one that I caught. I managed to catch about 20-30 fish in about 2 hours but they are mostly on the small side. I have to say this is very different from fishing back home though. Even small fish seem to put up a decent fight and the specie of fish caught is always a surprise. I must have caught at least 7-8 types of different fish. Here are two of the better sized ones... Now...onto the squid fishing. I actually don't know if this should be called "fishing", because it's more like snagging them. How it's done is that, the boat has several big lights that shine into the water and apparently that attracts them over. We used this rig shown below... It's basically multiple hooks in one with a white electrical wire on the shank of the 'hooks'. All we do, is lower the 'rig' into the sea and keep jigging it. Squid gets attracted by the white wire, swims over, and tries to 'hug' the wire, then gets snagged. Our boat of 27 people boated 60 squid that night, and I managed 3 of them. I have to say this is not really the most exciting type of fishing and they don't fight ... but it is certainly a great experience. Of course, they were very tasty . Hope you enjoyed the read
  17. Oh I see. I have seen other people's work where they stack multiple shots to get star trails. I'm suprised how much those move in 15 seconds. Quite interesting, will try to get some shots like that when I go somewhere without so much light pollution. Thanks and please keep posting your work!
  18. Nicely done. IMO it would be quite hard to get a "reasonably-accurate" estimation by just inputing weight and girth measurements for carp. Their shape just varies way too much.
  19. Great pics as usual Brandon! It seems to me that the loon shots are sharper than the bear shots, although the loon shots are probably stopped down more?? (and it's more difficult since you're floating on the water) As for the star photos, they're done by stacking multiple shots taken under a certain duration, is that correct? It's pretty cool, I have to try doing some of those myself.
  20. I already had fresh carp slime on my hands earlier this week
  21. Nice report Mike, you can keep going after them trout and leave the carp alone. Seriously though, it's heating up. Went down to the Hammy today and topped my PB by....1-lb lol.
  22. Nice work! I see that you've converted to a carper now hahahah!!
  23. Wow, those are some nice slabs Ryan! I can't wait till I get back to Toronto and try going after them with my newly bought Whip.
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