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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Only 9 days left for the year of 2009 and I heard the tribs close to home are frozen, so I probably won't get another fishing trip in before the year ends. Geez I don't even have fish in my fish tank to toy with This has been a great year for me, although I didn't catch any monsters, but I did learned a ton, caught some new species, bought many new toys, fished with many good friends and met new ones. Unlike MJL, I suck at writing so I'll just cut the crap and get to the pics 2009 started off with a number of early, cold, and unsuccessful trips to the eastern tribs ... I decided to mix things up and try my hand at some channel cats. Here's my first ever channel cat that came in @ 11lbs. Love this shot with the sun setting at the background. I did keep on pursuing the steelies and I finally landed my first ever steelhead on the opener, also my first real fish on a centrepin. May - August was my study term in Waterloo so I spent most of my time there. Although I didn't have a car I did manage to get out quite a bit thanks to Marko & Trevor. With them showing me around I caught my first ever Brookie and brown. They're just beautiful. I also caught my smallest pumpkinseed ever, coming in at about 3 inches (yes my hand is small lol) Now, onto the Cyprinus Carpio. My PB was set at 26lbs 5oz 2 years ago and I have been very eager to beat it as 30s aren't that rare especially in hamilton. I couldn't achieve that goal in 09 but I did catch 3 fish that made me VERY happy. I have never caught a mirror carp before and I got 3 this year, with each one growing in size. First, a baby one. Then, it got alittle bigger at 12lbs. And finally, a fully scaled 16lber. Here's the biggest of the year for me, @ 23lbs. I did catch some bass too lol. In the fall, I landed my first ever salmon. (mad fun on the centrepin) I didn't get out quite as much as I'd like to, especially for the salmon + fall crappie/walleye but it was a very productive and memorable year. Those overnighters were certainly unforgettable (intense, and super fun, but not so much when you need to drive home). To cap it off, I'd like to thank Mike and Randy for being a great fishing buddies as always (giving me rides, advices and catching all my fish), thanks to Marko/Trevor for driving me around and showing me your 'hood', and to everybody who offered me any advices/help. I look forward to meet many more friends, catching more species and setting new PBs in 2010! I wish everybody a Merry Xmas, happy new year, and a fish-ful 2010! Oh and also, thank you to the OFC mods to maintaining this amazing place! Victor
  2. Congrats on the new home Lew! maybe another 40 years for me lol
  3. damn i missed out again. nice job guys!
  4. XSi with EF-S 18-55mm IS f/3.5-5.6 Lens for $600 Vistek weekend doorcrashers Just saw this on RFD, it might interest you, people on that forum say that's the lowest price in town.
  5. have not used either camera, but i did a quick search on google and there are alot of comparison articles/forum topics you can look at. From the general consensus seems like the main differences in terms of features are: 1) Xsi 12MP vs D3000 10MP 2) Xsi has liveview and D3000 doesn't Good luck! You might get real good deals on boxing day but if you really need it for xmas you don't have a choice i guess
  6. WOW! CONGRATS! I'm glad that you finally got into some, 6/6 would considered to be amazing in my books, you have me beat in the "total # of steel landed" category now Oh yeah, great pics!
  7. wow what a year, lots of big fish and a new boat!! agreed frozen-fire ... that's some HUGE slabs!
  8. Nice to see you posting a report Mike, and with some fish in it too ! Too bad I haven't been able to get out lately, I'll probably miss the fall run. I think it's time for new waders haha
  9. Congrats Goran! but now, it's time for some buy-all-my-toys-before-wife-says-i-cant-buy-any shopping !
  10. just head out for some steel, it's gonna get colder from here and you can always watch the highlights tmr.
  11. it's still early to make any predictions ... but i'll comment on what i see so far good things 1) bosh is finally playing like an all star, I think he's within top 5 of the league for ppg, rebs and FTA 2) barg also improved quite a bit, more confidence, less stupid fouls 3) I'm liking the defense from amir johnson and wright bad things 1) can't close games 2) personally I find that they don't go to a player when they're hot ... in one game I remember barg + turkolu each had their moments, but they never got the ball back to their hands 3) wright needs to know that he's a defensive player and is not a major offensive force ... multiple times i saw bosh/barg calling for the ball but he decided to drive in himself, and on most cases he missed/turned it over It's still early so there's plenty of time to get more chemistry going ... i'm also curious to see what will happen when reggie evans comes back. It is kind of disappointing to see them lose to both Magic and Spurs without some of their starters (lewis + VC for magic and TD + TP for spurs).
  12. it depends what you primarily target. Hamilton has an amazing carp fishery and i believe that's what most people are after under the skyway bridge.
  13. Good thread Wayne, I actually wanted to start one just like this one a while back but somehow i forgot. i've got one that says "Size does matter"
  14. Work at 6am is no excuse, we only fished till about 2 30 and here i am at work
  15. I've seen people do it with camera flashes as well.
  16. Mean looking brown you have there ... why did you have to go out in the afternoon lol, or else you could have slammed the salmon with Mike and I at night ... we only landed a couple each but they were everywhere.
  17. Stop bragging about your post counts ... now Wayne or GCD please come out and shut him down Congrats! ... Oh and stop checking OFC and get some work done
  18. I finally got the tracking # which means they shipped it and it'll be here by today !!!!!!!!!! FINALLY. Great pics Anthony, just wish that we can attach a piece of line/hook onto those pellets lol I'm heading up to algonquin this coming weekend so hopefully I can bring back some nice pics.
  19. I second that. As I'm also a student right now, I'd say, it's not really a great idea to have to put down so much $ + monthly payment of something that you don't absolutely need at the moment. You have the measurements & pics, so you can always get it done later.
  20. Uh Trevor! It's been a while, hope all is well. We shall go for another carp outing at hamilton sometime in the near future, they're putting on the feedbag this time of the year.
  21. It's in my fridge right now, i'll let you know when i get home And for everyone else who wants to know how I caught this beast: A roe bag drifted near the bottom at a relatively deep pool with a small steelhead hook. This thing also gave me quite the fight, the float shot straight down right away when I hooked him. Unfortunately I think I was overly excited, palmed the reel too hard so it couldn't pull much line out.
  22. That certainly was a new PB, although it's not legit (snagged in the guts... wait... if i deep hook a fish, the hook WOULD be in his guts... so ... lets just say it's legit haha). As you can see, i'm not really the best person to ask for advice lol (with my limited experience out there), i hope you do bettter than me though.
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