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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Unfortunately no... as much as I want to be out there, I'm 3 weeks away from finishing my undergrad and exams are coming up. The "put bait in swim, pick up book and study while I wait for a run" didn't work all that well last term lol! I purposely left my gear at home so I won't get tempted Good luck to all who plan to attend!
  2. Before to the regulation change you just can't fish in the Karwarthas before 4th Sat in Apr, or last Sat, don't remember which one.
  3. Mike, I think it's only fair for the froggy to eat about 50 more gupppies first, so maybe in a month or so ... DSN froggy VS MJL arowana haha
  4. Leechman: I think dsn needs worms to feed his froggy . DSN: Nice work, i started off with a tank similar to yours too, except that my dwarf frog was small and didn't eat fish. 2 Guppies a day, that's quite alot of food, is he growing really fast? And how did the ghost shrimp eggs turn out? I remember seeing my ghost shrimp bearing eggs in her belly as well but nothing ever happened ... I read on the internet that it's quite difficult to breed those.
  5. I doubt that there are many people who purposely travel up to the Kawarthas this time of the year to target carp. Lakes up there takes a while to warm up and Carp doesn't feed actively under these water temps. I would think that people would rather fish places like hamilton or Lake O as it warms up much quicker, unless there's a warm water discharge somewhere up there, then you've hit gold . Or unless they already live up there, like yourself. Maybe you can give it a shot and let us know how the fishing is . Try chumming a spot regularly and fish it, i'm sure they still gotta eat something .
  6. I see. Good luck next time you head out and let us know how you do! Thanks for the fish porn, keeps me sane
  7. nice lol, spammer! :D!!!

  8. Victor


    somehow i missed this post ... anyhow, glad to see you back with us Carole!
  9. love the 2nd pic as well. That's amazing for a cell phone pic!
  10. is there a chance that you're driving the hook too hard on the hookset and rips it out of their mouth? It happens sometimes ... I usually don't really set the hook if I know that my hook is sharp.
  11. nice to see some early season carp! how did you lose those fish? was it on the hookset or mid-fight?
  12. First time attending one of Dave's seminar for me and I really enjoyed it. Here's one that I took.
  13. i JUST talked to you yesterday and I swear you weren't thinking of getting one of these.
  14. if you're not really picky on the action/feel/weight of the rod, go with the telescopic. I bought one used from Mikeh here on OFC for a really good price. I believe it's made by the Koreans ... 12', once it's packed down it's only about 2 feet long. It's stiff enough to fight big carp. Try sending him a message and see if he still has any left. Back when I got mine he was selling 3, 2 x 12' and 1 that's 14. I got one of the 12'. I think he got it when he went to asia intending to use it for carp.
  15. I've used IE, Firefox and Google Chrome ... and still have all 3 on my computer. I mainly use Chrome though.
  16. good times good times, can't wait till it warms up and i can get that bbq going again
  17. Really enjoyed the read Mike ... i try to not think fishing too much during this time of the year, especially with all the school work ... but this sure got my blood going. It sucks that I couldn't join you guys on the laker hunt this year, be sure to count me in for the next one though!
  18. Nice shirt little guy Oh, and a Happy Birthday!
  19. that's a great way to start your "ice fishing career" ! congrats!
  20. So, has Mrs.JohnF found your new toys yet?
  21. You might already know this but I'll throw it out anyway, autofocus won't work with those older lens.
  22. Probably not very many people would be interested but I want to try for some mighty st.lawrence carp at long sault.
  23. Thanks everyone! Unfortunately I was using my carp rod, it did put up a fight but I find that they only go one direction lol! Didn't catch any out of the Grand, but i'm sure they are there... haven't really give it a serious try but I probably will this winter
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