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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. A few years ago I sold a pop up trailer for it's asking price on the internet. Sent pics to the buyer and he sent me a check and said when it clears we would meet and he would take possession of the trailer. I felt uncomfortable taking his money this way but everything worked out for both of us. He was a little over 300 miles away in PA...we met half way.
  2. The Lake Erie Jumbo's are still biting.....42 more today and 9 walleyes but only 1 was a keeper (3 pounder).....but the bite seems to slow down to almost a stand still by 10am......we fished to 11am only only caught 3 in the last hour.....The lake laid down like a big pond by then...
  3. There are enough seniors that would love to do this daily.....let the working man earn a living.
  4. Cliff, From what I have seen for the walls and roof is solid core underlayment with Styrofoam insulation glued to that on the inside....warm as hell...it's a bit more money but MUCH lighter and water resistant. It the sled part that Sinker and others here have posted about that needs a lot of attention.....or use cement like Beans said... Since your right there I would design the hut so I if need be I could add comfort things after it was set up on safe ice. Now about these propane heaters without a vent....are they "SAFE"....if so that's the way to go....all huts I have ever rented were vented. I wish I lived closer....I would love to give you a hand. Good Luck Building, http://www.halexcorp.com/halex_underlayment_4.shtml
  5. Pretty sure Lowrance will not have a Humminbird transducer in stock...
  6. I use to use the cheap Winchester Xpert loads until someone told me to open one up and see the crap they use for shot....different sizes, many not round...basic crap....that's when I switched to Kent's... I got a box of Black Cloud for only $14.99 so I had to purchase them...I can remember using GOOD LEAD shot magnum loads for only $3-$4 per box... Good Luck on your season, Bob
  7. 100% for sure........it's a Black Bass.....throw it back....it taste like crap...
  8. OUCH.......I feel for you guys.....$1300 a month buys a large home with a 3 boat garage here.
  9. Skipper, that the best thing that could of happened to you.....now you can get a real fish finder.....Lowrance makes the best units and depending on what your budget is, you have many to choose from.
  10. I like the extra large toilet paper roll...in case there is a accident in their ORANGE pants...or do those come with built in diapers....
  11. Anyone can have a great day of duck hunting in the zoo.... GREAT DAY of waterfowl hunting....like I said before, those are BAD BAD Birds and must be punished and shot before sun down....and you did your job....well done......I'M JEALOUS ! ! ! Our season doesn't even open until Oct 22nd.....I did pull a roam permit but in a area I don't know very well.....might go scouting tomorrow if the winds are up and I can't fish Lake Erie for perch. So tell me more.....I'm guessing on a Lake/River with all the Blue Bills....what's your favorite load...#2's or 3's ??? This year I will be trying some Black Cloud but the Kent's have been very good to me in the past. Bob
  12. I hate to say it but that's one ugly kindergarten kid...
  13. I'm IMPRESSED ....very nice work. I make my own walleye/crappie/bass Bucktail jigs but that's about it...... When I was younger I was really into it....making hundreds during the winter and selling them to local bait shops....use to go to several deer processing places for the tails every year....never had trouble selling them...they kept me busy and my wallet full of gas/beer/bait money. Again NICE JOB Roy, Bob
  14. The one thing NYS does and probably Ontario is we can defer the call one time....so every time I deffered to winter months. Also last June (2010) I got ANOTHER notice....I answered all the question using their new online option and never heard from them again.
  15. As a volunteer FF I was exempt...but our lovely state decide to pull that exemption from us...
  16. Rest in peace Al...... http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AlxH7zG2VIXN9F0ZF5ppX6w5nYcB?slug=ap-obit-davis
  17. Not when they are JUMBO Lake Erie perch...the perch we caught yesterday on Erie we long, fat and WIDE bodied....they are getting huge eating gobies....but if caught in the spring time, they are weigh even more but the fillets are THIN as most of their energy goes into the eggs.
  18. Picked 3 times.... Once for assault, kip napping, weapons and robbery. Sent the 2 of them to the big house. Once for Federal court on loan sharking by a Canadian man who was lured over the boarder to comment a crime in NF NY.....I held out because the whole thing stuck of Bull by the FBI but finally caved and sent the old man to federal prison. Third time they settled the case before it went to court. Bottom line....it's nothing like on TV....mostly BORING and you get to meet a lot of shady characters in the court room and as fellow jurors... While I was there I kept thinking.....everyone here is making BIG BUCKS except me...and the criminals.. ....but then I find out some criminals are collecting pensions and or S.S. benefits even while in prison...
  19. Sit back and enjoy.......because it's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............MILLER TIME GO SABRES
  20. Actually, I purchase those photos on the internet.... ...lot cheaper then actually going fishing....
  21. I have never worked on a 4 stroke outboard so my experience there is NADA...but have never ever changed oil on a vehicle that I haven't run to operating temps first......that's the way I was taught back in the '70's...hot/warm oil flows better and carries out sludge better that way.
  22. Gentlemen (and I use that term very loosely here) Paul couldn't wait and really didn't take all the advice everyone has tried to give him. But he's a good fellow with good intentions. HOWEVER, I have obtained this picture of him just after he tried to change his oil....
  23. Damn them Yankees.....hey wait......I'm a Yankee.....yep we were on that spot like stink on a monkey... For anyone who heading out that way here are the GPS #'s 42.10.5508 078.31.6343 Good Luck, Bob
  24. Skipper, All fishermen are liars, except you and me....and I have my doubts about you..... PICTURES or BUST...... BTW I soon be leaving for some Lake Erie Perch action...but there will be NO pictures because they all look a like after awhile....
  25. Sleep on the ground next to the boat launch like real fishermen do.... BTW I'll be at "Camp Sheraton".....LOL Good Luck fishing, Bob
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