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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. 1 word........EXPENSIVE
  2. Someone tried to tap into my wife's credit card today....they tried to charge $1 to her card so to verify it for more fraud charges......so the the bank notified us via email and shut down the card......had to call bank for a new credit card......we got a non English speaking women......had to keep asking her to repeat what she said.....finally wife ask for a English speaking person......we were put on hold for at least 5 minutes.....finally hung up and redialed.....got thru right away with a English speaking person. New card is going to be sent to the house....
  3. http://www.cabelas.com/checkout/item_added_to_cart.jsp?result=success&categoryIds=105625080|139614480&productId=735128&backToPreviousUrl=%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct.jsp%3FproductId%3D735128 http://www.reedssports.com/Category/main.taf?cat=4299&pc=4282
  4. YEP.......I agree......maybe we should start a store called "Custom Crap for the Fishermen"......... ....it's catchy.....get it.....
  5. I make all my own worm harnesses....but I'm sure most guys here do..... I have also tied about a 1000 bucktail jigs.....use to sell them to bait shops years ago.... I also made these contraptions but don't use them much anymore..... Plus my ice fish finder box.... And also this........
  6. LOL
  7. I believe Roy is trying to prevent a citation ($$$) for you having improper Reg #
  8. OK.......then I must of missed the middle letter......I knew they didn't lead with a letter....did all boats have to conform or are there still some out there running about like that...... In the states you don't need reg numbers if you document the vessel.....the way are reg fees are going up, maybe I should look into that....
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong......but at one time didn't Ontario just have numbers on the bow.....
  10. Never cease to fight for your fishing rights....or hunting....stick together and you can cherish these rights forever.
  11. I would expect the dealer was experienced in setting up this rig and it should of been good to go from the get go........but I'm sure they will correct it for no charge......a simple phone call should confirm that. Nice Rig.........NOW GO CATCH A FISH.... Bob
  12. I have been hearing that for about 30 years now.......lots of water in Lake Erie....
  13. GOOD point.......maybe we should stop paying folks to reproduce....
  14. From what I have gathered.....we don't see much oil from the Alaska Pipeline either....99% or more goes to Japan....or at least it did before last year's disaster.
  15. Not in favor of pipelines........then do your part and stop purchase all oil products....including gasoline.
  16. Great Day on Erie.......You travelled a bit to fish that tourny......do you also fish the Southtown's here in NY.....I would expect with the high heat we have had so far and if it continues, the walleyes will be flying here looking for suspended bait.....should be a excellent year here in the eastern basin for walleye fishing. Bob
  17. Looks like you have running water......you know.......go down to the dock and get a pail of water and run back with it..... (hope this post don't get deleted)
  18. Do you use KOSHER Salt.....big difference....lot less salty........Kosher salt should always be used for cooking purposes from what I have read...NOT table salt.
  19. This is the only one I have used for the last 15 years or so.......... RIB RUB 6 lbs of Ribs 4 Tsp of Kosher Salt 2 Tsp of Sugar 1 Tsp of Tumeric 1 Tsp of Paprika 1 Tsp of Celery Salt 1 Tsp of Pepper
  20. The coin I mentioned and the episode....... http://gspawn.com/get-your-old-mans-71st-birthday-commemorative-coin-here/ http://www.history.com/shows/pawn-stars/videos/playlists/full-episodes#pawn-stars-silver-linings
  21. I like the OLD MAN........but also CL......did you see the one where a guy came in with a ton of silver......they purchased it for $111,000.00.....Rick took some and had Silver dollars made with "In Old Man We Trust" on them.....to be sold at $60 each........too bad they didn't have them when we visited their shop in April......but I do have a OLD MAN shot glass....
  22. I agree but find the show as a whole is waste of my time...I sometimes get stuck watching it at the FH...Pawn Stars IMHO is much better.
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