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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Do it yourself and if not satisfied get a drop in liner... But I keep hearing the best is LINE-X spray in liner......my Tundra came with a plastic liner from the factory and it still looks like new 5 years later........I like it because I can get stuff to slide on it......when you can no longer lift you slide stuff......if I don't want it to slide I just put a old towel under that item. GOOD LUCK, Bob
  2. The BUYER sets the price......not the seller..... Homes here don't last 2 weeks on the market with interest rates as low as 3%.....my sister just sold her home for their asking price on their own....no leachy realtor to give a commission to,,,
  3. Fish bite best when the cows are standing.......when we were kids I was convinced my friend Dave could only catch fish when the cows were kneeling... Fish bite best when the winds are from the west Fish bite least when the winds are from the east
  4. Errrrr....OK. BTW I believe you can go on the History Channel website and watch the other 2 episodes you missed. Bob
  5. I checked and you can't get there from here..........
  6. Red jigs turn black under water after so many feet down.......
  7. But the CATCHING Days are a lot more fun......
  8. Here is some more info/news on the Hatfield & McCoys....... http://hosted2.ap.org/NYBUE/f7ded15e4d4846268a17b79c1c4b7cb8/Article_2012-06-18-US-Hatfields-and-McCoys/id-ddef542e84dd48b499f4c8a77af5e2ff
  9. Is Dover on Lake Erie........are you fishing from shore......
  10. When can I come and visit for a long weekend.........LOL... GOOD LUCK and catch lots of fish, Bob
  11. Not quite sure what you mean by the engine running lean if someone premixes their oil at a rate of 50-1..... Also don't remember saying I improved on the manufactures design....can't improve on something that has run flawlessly for the last 27 years, or can you...... Go VRO....and take the Sabres with you...... Bob
  12. Maybe it's your avatar.........
  13. Johnson VRO outboards are not good and you should disconnect the oil injection system and mix your oil manually......My 1985 engine is still going STRONG and has LOT and LOTS and LOTS of hours on her...... Also only use Johnson/Merc or whatever oil........for the past 15 years I use Walmart SuperTech 2 cycle oil.......use to get it for $8.95 per gallon.....but now it's $12.95 per gallon.....but that still beat $47 per gallon for the red Johnson stuff....or the Merc Silver crappola ..... ........
  14. The bait deal told us he just got back from Buffalo and bait is getting hard to find in the N. River.......HUGE LIE I was thinking as he was counting out our bait.....I took only one dip and had twice as much as he sold us for $7.....
  15. And it KILLED me to do so........all my bait dipped the day before were DOA when we got to our secret spot.....
  16. PM sent..........
  17. OMG....... You have been on BUSY BOY....... GREAT REPORT..... TANKS FOR SHARING....... Bob
  18. Get out while the perch bite is HOT on Erie....... Yesterday the 2 of us fished from 8:30am until 11am and we boxed 71 nice large perch. We were getting them very fast.......many double headers.......so I decided to try out a Gulp Minnow that looked like a Lake Erie Emerald Shiner....never caught a fish on it all while the real minnow kept catching fish. We caught about 15 or so Gobies and a few throw back perch.......nothing else. GOOD LUCK and GO FISHING, BOb
  19. Rednecks LOVE P3TA folks.......they make great moving/running targets once all the varmints have been reduce in these parts.......
  20. X2 MERRY CHRISTMAS Stoty......... We have a new tradition in our house......if you send us a CHRISTMAS Card, it gets displayed.....if you send us a "holiday" card, it gets thrown out....the word got out and we only received 1 "holiday" card in the mail compared to dozens of CHRISTMAS Cards.....
  21. How PURDY......
  22. Lowrance is coming out with a 3rd generation of it's HDS units tomorrow.....this unit makes them bite.......LOL Just like the sign behind the bar "Free Beer Tomorrow"......
  23. If a living wage was offered for these jobs then they would be lining up in the streets to acquire one.
  24. OUCH.......glad it worked out for you....
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