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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I have a couple of the rare ones in my garage attic above my boat.....some are discontinued because they didn't catch fish or Rapala found a way to alter them slightly reducing production costs to maximize profits.
  2. All of my equipment is OLD (25+ years) and maintained as well as possible but crap happens......so now I always consider a good day when no equipment breaks down....catching fish is the icing on the cake... You guys earned every fish you caught and now Karma will bless you in the future. Bob
  3. YES, I feel VERY SAFE....money spent on the military is money well spent IMHO....don't want to learn how to speak North Korean or Chinese or have to join the Taliban....besides, if you were to make drastic cuts within the military that would only add to unemployment across the globe. I agree 100% about NOT raising taxes and we could stop a LOT of the FREE money give away programs at home and across the globe... In NYS we tax just about EVERYTHING including bottled water and where has that gotten us.....most businesses have left to states that don't tax anywhere as much.... We need another Ronald Reagan come 2012.... We are a hardy bunch, much like you Canadians. We have been through this before and came out even stronger and will do it again....just look at the stock market.....it's getting better by the week....if it keeps this up I may invest in some new fishing toys. Bob
  4. Back in 1983 my bride and I with her parents went through a tornado at the cottage I built at Chautauqua Lake......here is what happened as I described it to someone else in a PM earlier. LONG story but I built a cottage near Chautauqua Lake....it took me 4 years to build it as it was 75 miles away on 2.5 acres of farm land but only 2 miles or less to Long Point State Park boat launch on Chautauqua Lake (great hunting and fishing). I had a built in the hill basement/garage with a 24'X 28' cottage on top of that. My bride was 8.5 months pregnant with my oldest son and we were spending a long weekend with my in-laws when on May 2nd 1983 a tornado hit while we were in the cottage. It lifted it up and set it back down kitty corner on the foundation. If we had walked out the front door we would of fell 8 feet down but lucky after it was over we went out the back door that had step nailed to the house. Didn't know the house moved until we got outside...did THOUSANDS of dollars of damage to my cottage, my car and my father in-laws car but spared the boat that was in the basement...also completely destroyed my 15' travel trailer I stayed in while building my dream cottage. Went it was certain it was going to hit us we put my wife in a corner of the house directly across from the large front window and covered her up with our bodies...only injury was to my father in-law and myself but they were only minor cuts probably from glass. We were pinned against a metal cupboard that we had can and dry goods in. It suck that out of the house without us realizing it. It also suck out the Anderson sliding glass door and FRAME WORK with all the kitchen furniture. Across the street about 500 feet down the road from where the tornado came from was a HUGE OLD barn...that blew up and all that wood was hitting my cottage...a piece of wood about 4" square came right through the wall in the front bedroom and stuck in the wall like a harpoon and moved the bed about a 1'....another large beam about 2.5" x 10" x 20' long hit the poured concrete foundation near a window opening and broke the 8" of concrete and landed in the basement but did not hit the boat or my riding lawn mower that I stored down there. My family and many friends said we should call our first born Gale....LOL Bob
  5. Come summer I will be looking for your WMD (Walleye, Muskie and Docks)...
  6. Nice job and great report.....but don't ever compare boobie girls and trees....just doesn't work.... The WHITE Mercs was the first thing I noticed but it makes sense in the south.
  7. GOOD POINT...but so has Ontario.....If I have said it once I have said it a hundred times..."the more money you give ANY government the more money they spend and WASTE"...we are all drowning in government fees and taxes...
  8. It's SPRING TIME down here so they are already moved ahead...
  9. I agree....I never could understand why everyone likes these FAKE Reality productions....but whatever floats your boat. Randy has a great idea......"TRAPPER MAN"...... BTW is this the first time Swamp People is being run in Canada because these are all reruns down here and they are on the History Channel at 9pm not 10pm as reported in this thread.
  10. I never said you said "there was anything wrong with what they were doing"....you asked "Is this really what we consider entertainment nowadays. Really" So I complied with my post....next time if you don't want someone to respond don't ask the question. I'm older enough to know that...
  11. I think so......it shows how other people live and earn a living while trying to pass down a way of life to their children. I don't see anything wrong with that. When you get older you will understand.
  12. I don't know about by sea but we have been paying this fee on our plane tickets since 2001 so you are not being charged extra for the security fees. Obama promised no tax increases for the middle class... :rofl2:
  13. This exactly why I bought a boat....when I fish I go to get away from the crowds and catch some fish and not put up with the yahoos....
  14. GOVERNMENT leading the way...LOL... :rofl2: :rofl2:
  15. Since the ban only effects the state of Vermont at the present time it irrelevant, NO...
  16. THANKS...Nicely done........the educated angler is a better angler...
  17. I wasn't aware of this and after checking Cabela's site MANY fishing waders are still offered in felt soles.... http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/browse/footwear-mens-footwear-mens-waders-mens-fishing-waders/_/N-1101197/Ns-CATEGORY_SEQ_103926780?WT.mc_id=58000000000536494&WT.srch=1&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.z_mc_id1=40337513&rid=20&WTz_l=SBC;MMcat104793480;cat104674680
  18. Wader woes New York anglers are cautioned to thoroughly clean wader boots, especially felt-soled bottoms, after walking streams so they won't transport whirling disease, didymo, a microscopic algae better known as "rock snot," and other harmful aquatic life. Instances of spreading invasive species has prompted Vermont fisheries officials to ban hunters, trappers, anglers, and all other stream waders from the use of felt-soled boots on streams and lakes starting April 1. Rock snot, discovered in Vermont waters, has been moving westward into New York state and is approaching Western New York. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/fishing-line/article342936.ece
  19. $400 dollars in gift cards should be treat just like cash.....stretched out by only purchasing "things" that are on sale. Spending it on a rod & reel combo would be a huge waste of money IMHO....A $100 - $150 combo will catch just as many fish. Do you need shirts or shorts for the up coming summer months. Check out BPS's CLEARANCE section on their website. I ONLY shop in Cabela's Bargain Cave because eventually the products I am looking for end up there and sometimes I save as much as 50% off. Retail prices are for suckers..... Good Luck Shopping and be patient, Bob
  20. Do all the lights work.... I don't see reflective tape all over it so it must be just a day time ice shack.... BTW.....is this what you guys call ice fishing or socializing.....get a 5 gallon bucket to carry your gear, put your hand auger over your shoulder and hike out a mile or three, drill the damn hole and catch a fish.....now that's how I did it when I was young and dumb...
  21. DRIFTER I like the way you think.......Alaska was in the cards for us this year but then we had to fold when our youngest told us he's getting married in July..... ...Oh, well there always next year...
  22. Around 1992 I took my 2 boys and wife to Disney for the first time....went back the next year and again was amazed how well run this HUGE business was run....invested 5K when we got home and about 4 or 5 years later sold it after a 3 for 1 split and purchased a nice 20K+ coupe.....my son still drives it...since then we have been back about half a dozen times with last year being the most recent. But life is about variety for me and the wife....errrrrr....that was until she discovered VEGAS and Black Jack....so we will be spending a few days again here.... BTW I also HATE the beach.....dirty sand everywhere....
  23. And here I thought you were saying "have VD"......
  24. Red Fisher like his booze... ... that's why he always had those binoculars with him...it was his flask.......he showed everyone on his last show how the eye lense screwed off and he drank from them.
  25. Actually Babe Winkelman was a skirt chaser that's why his hot wife "Charlie" divorced him.....We use to make a weekend in Ohio at the HUGE Sportsmen show there...I think it was held at the IX Center that was at least 4 times the size of Buffalo's....we stayed at the Red Roof in Middlebury Hights and it's parking lot area was shared with another big hotel that had a night club. Babe was always there with what looked like 2 hookers, one under each arm as he left the one night....my cousin said, "look for Herpes sores on the mouth during his next show... This new wife Chris is..........errrrr not good looking at ALL.... I remember Charlie coming to Buffalo to sign her cook book and all the guys were drewling over her as she was wearing a slimsly white low cut blouse while the twins were poking out.
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