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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Broken spark plug....I'm guessing a Ford.
  2. Can't be since you haven't heard all my other ones.... :rofl2:
  3. Don't worry Obama is going to save us all... ....BTW Pepsi is $.99 per 2 liter bottle here, but I drink Coke Zero with my rum....
  4. Thanks, PH....that quote made my laugh of the day...... :rofl2: :good:
  5. I order all my beets from the Dwight Schrute Farm in Scranton, PA....
  6. This bass fishermen says the power company is responsible for his boat damage and it considering suing them.....what do you think ? http://www.wset.com/Global/story.asp?S=14072624
  7. Our membership fee to Sam's Club (no Costco here) is $35 but the fire department picks up the tab for me.....but one big purchase would easily pay off the membership fee....took my sister in-law to purchase her big screen TV and she saved $80.00 plus tax. Also Sam's club has the BEST meat available around here and MUCH better prics...of course I have to buy 15 pork chops or 4 rib eye steaks all at once but I vacuum pack it and salt it away for another day. I will say this, the prices have climb in recent years so sometimes Sam's Club is not always the best deal, like beer....Rite Aid (drug store) beats Sam's Club EVERY DAY in beer prices. But on average Sam's Club is a good deal. Bob
  8. So you're saying that Abu is the "REEL DEAL"...
  9. Now you're talking....
  10. It's the Mexican E-coli I shy away from....
  11. Lake Erie is no different then most any other lake unless you like to eat big old lake trout...... Garlic grows in the garden and is also available growing wild here....We also have a lot of green beans every year and some are still in the deep freezer....but there a some things that don't taste the same frozen, like tomatoes...
  12. I usually can read English fast...it's the Canadian that's slower, eh...
  13. NEVER have to buy fish with Lake Erie less then 10 miles away.....HOWEVER, it's the vegetables that you have to be EXTREMELY careful with when buying...don't like my veggies fertilized with human waste....
  14. Roy, I know you'll Git R Done...
  15. The forum is really slow today....anyone know why...
  16. Oh, I thought he was cat fishing....
  17. I also had great service when I contact Pure Fishing in Spirt Lake, IA by phone...they told me to send it in even though I didn't have the receipt any longer...the roller guide on a spinning reel was pinching the cutting my light 4 and 6# test line....Pure Fishing sent me a brand new reel and it was at my door within 10 days of me sending them my defective one. You know what I think I have the letter I enclosed and who I dealt with on my computer....I'll check and post here if I do have it. Bob
  18. Unless you can contain your exhaust you leave pollution wherever you go including the water. Oh, I'm sorry....it now called carbon foot print, not pollution... On the other hand mother earth has been around a LONG time before any of us even thought about parking a big SUV on the ice and has survived quite nicely and will continue to do so.... Well that's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back because OP decided to go trolling today...
  19. I think so.
  20. And the BEST part of grandchildren is they go home after vistiting....
  21. Now who's slinging mud..... I would love Ron Paul to be my choice...
  22. Actually I was thinking about supporting her......our choices where VERY thin to choose from....but you know what they say, "watch what you wish for".
  23. LOL Yep that's site with a repetition of the truth and only the truth as YOU see fit ..... Can I offer you a equally trusted site....http://www.theobamadebt.com/?m=201102
  24. In the USA where the health care professionals are much better you would have been home the same day......OH WAIT, that's because the insurance wouldn't pay for a overnight stay....LOL Now if they gave you any pain pills the trick is don't take them all now, save some for when you're all better...LOL Get Well SOON, Bob
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