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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Try your local yellow pages or Google your local freight carrier. Working on the RR for 30 years I have to say I never seen a bass boat shipped on the rail....I guess they could put it on the lower deck of a tri-level (car carrier). But if it was my boat I wouldn't go that route unless you could get a guarantee in writing that the boat would not be humped at ANY classification yard along the way. AND make sure it's FULLY insured before shipping on the rail. Good Luck, Bob
  2. For several years coyotes have peaked my interest and have read many different scientific reports on them and the 4 fawns per week seems way out of line. But each and every area should be studied as it's own. You would be surprised what myths can be overturned by science. And hear say is our worst enemy at times. Bob
  3. I would be very interested in where you obtained your facts, especially the last sentence. Bob
  4. Oh no, it's not that I doubt your wildlife spotting's.....the point is the yote's right now have much easier targets if the deer and turkey population hasn't declined...but that could change over time....yotes are not know to feed off of health adult deer and turkeys are some of the smartest birds around...you may have a very health population of rodents as that's a huge part of their diet. BTW how do you know they are bucks....usually by now all bucks have dropped their antlers...
  5. This sounds more like a Disney Movie then anywhere in the wild.... The coyote population has exploded in different parts of North America and some areas are suffering the consequences of that. If your Natural Resources Minister is considering action there must be a severe coyote problem in some areas. Coyotes will consume the easiest prey first until that prey is no longer available. If the dog population in that area continues to rise then other prey is sought. Coyotes have dissipated deer populations by first targeting the weak deer and fawns. Ridding these predators in NOT easily achieved. Just because you have a Disney like appearance in your back yard doesn't mean it's like that 50/100/200 miles away. All wildlife agencies recognize that and manage their state/province accordingly. I commend your NRM for not waiting until it's too late like what usually happens with government agencies. Bob
  6. And deer and partridge and rabbits and anything else to throw off the balance of nature in that area....then you have to wait YEARS for the balance of nature to reestablish itself IF it can....many times it does not...
  7. Certainly NOT me.....I learned a long time ago to have as much fun as possible....life's too short not to enjoy it....
  8. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
  9. I always laugh when politician thinks the best way to eliminate an animal problem it to spend taxpayers money and hire a "professional" rather then use hunters that would do it for free...errr not free, the hunters actually paid to hunt via hunting license fees. And the hunters are no better or worse then the "professionals" the politicians are so willing to hire....of course then the brother in-law doesn't make some easy money if hunters do it for free. Bottom line if you have a severe coyote problem you need all the hunters AND trappers you can get.....a bounty is usually the best way to motivate hunters and good fur prices motivate trappers....something P3TA has tried to kill....
  10. Congrads Godfather and don't forget to give the famous advice of "Never go against the family".....http://www.hark.com/clips/gqdfwpnggv-never-go-against-the-family-dot-dot-dot
  11. You mean he wasn't serious.....I almost bought a dog this week to try that out but the deal fell through.....now I don't have to... BTW I thought the post was funny and entertaining and anyone who was upset by it needs to be evaluated.... P.S. Love means never having to say you're sorry....
  12. OK, I hate to disappoint TJ......get a TUNDRA.... :rofl2:
  13. We prefer Redneck with a capital "R"....
  14. Boy, that sounds GREAT...however I am grounded for at least another 3-5 weeks.....my mouth drools every time I see them Whitefish on the ice. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW Bob
  15. After buying/trying several over the years the Nikon-S570 is hands down the best I have used especially with it's lithium ion battery.
  16. No I don't bring them in....haven't since I added the on-board charger...a well maintained battery cannot freeze.....like your car battery...and if it does freeze it was a bad battery and need to be replaced anyways.
  17. Paul I have a Cabela's brand on my boat and it's a 2 bank charger....works VERY WELL....and it maintains my batteries all winter long......I don't take the batteries out of the boat....just plug in the boat and that's it.
  18. You're better off with a on-board charger....deep cycle batteries require a high amp rate. Not to mention you can get a on-board charger with 2 or 3 banks so you are charging all your boat batteries at once.
  19. I agree, more of a maintainer or SLOW charger with a rate of 3.3 amp max. Most of today's on-board chargers are also smart chargers but do a better job at charging the battery quicker, especially if you want to fish again in the morning.
  20. I don't know Dave Mercer from Adam but he seems to be a nice guy to spend a few moments sharing some fishing info with the rest of us.....he wasn't paid to do that I would assume. But with all that said I know for a fact one MAJOR fishing celebrity that LIED through his teeth promoting his new "Shadling" lure while salmon fishing in Devils Hole in the lower Niagara River. It was a slow day and only one salmon was caught on a Kwickfish but when the show aired he swore that his "Shadling" out fished all other lures 4 - 1....some guys just don't have any principles when it comes to money.... My old fishing buddy's father had a saying "all fishermen are liars except you and me, and I have my doubts about you".....
  21. How old is the unit.....sometimes Lowrance will send you out a new transducer free of charge.
  22. What group size battery are you using now.....24, 27, 29 or 31...I would recommend at least a Group 27 size battery. I have one in my boat and my old trolling motor was a 28# thrust....got me through everyday and sometimes through a weekend but I don't have it on constantly. I now have a 40# thrust TM also with a 27 Group size battery and never have a battery problem. But if you are constantly on the TM maybe upgrade to a 29 or 31 battery...but they are BIGGER and HEAVIER. Bob
  23. IF you haven't lost a rod or two in the lake you haven't done much fishing...
  24. One easy, quick and inexpensive fix for your windows would be to wrap them on the inside with that plastic wrap that you use a hair dryer to shrink them tight so they are almost invisible....this adds a huge air insulation between you windows and you very humid inside air. The windows will no longer sweat. My home is very tight and my windows always would sweat a little each year until I installed a wood burning stove. This has dried the inside air of my home to around 34 - 37 percent during the winter. Now none of my windows ever sweat....something you might want to consider if it's viable for you. Good Luck, Bob
  25. But at the price of $3 to have a non-chip key made isn't it worth the gamble....BTW they can steal the car either way and some cars need to be stolen...
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