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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. You guys have to take a course to own/operate a VHF radio ? ? ?
  2. Looks like a good time....I have been to so many that I know only go every 3 years or so.....last year I took the bride to the one in Harrisburg, PA....HUGE and friggen PACKED with people.....TOO MANY people, you couldn't even get to some of the things I wanted to see.
  3. I don't lock anything here......garage open, truck open, car open, house open except when my wife locks it....but everyone here knows I'm a Redneck and you could be shot messing with my stuff....
  4. Vanguard has some nice options but don't forget about Janus and or Fidelity..... :good:
  5. Figure out how much use you will in fact get from the power auger and go from there.....if only a few times each year then I would say get the one that's has the best deal at the time of purchase.....if you would use it a LOT then the BEST one you can afford.
  6. Believe it or not, my first job on the RR was chipping a ice block from a the ice box car and putting a good size chunk in the ice box of a caboose. GREAT job when it was hot and humid....
  7. Remember, the price of gas & oil is dictated by the open market.......Isn't this the way you want it......if you don't like the price of gas now purchase some oil stocks....if you can't beat them, join them.
  8. I agree with MM.......all the junk we get now is made in CHINA and that's a HUGE part of the problem with our economies...... But I did figure out a way around the cheap fridges they send us from China....ICE BOX......yep, a good old fashion ice box.....no parts ever break down and a unlimited supply of snow and ice right outside my door... :rofl2:
  9. You need to have more chicken dinners then scrambled eggs.... :)
  10. I do the Best I Can With What Little I Have.....
  11. I should live to 150....
  12. My bride would LOVE to live in Vegas...the ADULT Playground of the world.... Me...not so much.....if you think you have a hard time catching walleyes here, go to Nevada..... But I do LOVE to visit it once a year....
  13. Getting sick of this snow...it's long in the tooth by now but I'm sure you guys have also seen enough.....since Dec 3rd it's been snowing almost everyday here... Spring can't come soon enough... What if everyone opened up their windows and heated the great outdoors...do you think it would change to rain...LOL Bob
  14. MANY American Plan resorts will rent by the day/weekend/week...also have you considered renting a houseboat instead...did that twice on the Kawarthans.....LOTS of FUN...
  15. I believe I may have figured this out several years ago....if you own a house on property here taxes are WAY too much......so I plan to get another couple acres in the country and put in a septic system, well and a poured LARGE concrete pad plus a electric pole with a meter.....pull up my motor home on the pad and with the three utilities I have already described and only have to pay for electric. I can stay year round but plan to disconnect after deer season head to Florida or other parts south until mid April.....since there is no structure you can only be taxed on the land.
  16. A on-board charging system that is plugged in whenever you are not fishing...worth it's weight in gold.
  17. Here is the most recent Lower Niagara River fishing report (scroll to the bottom) http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/fishing-line/article348989.ece
  18. Keep it you Hoser and this Redneck will hunt you down like a wabbit...
  19. So no different then down here except we are still blaming Bush for everything...LOL We built a pipe line in Alaska that was going to solve all our oil problems and then sell the stuff to Japan.......Bush's fault...LOL BTW....thanks for all your black gold....keep sending it as I would much rather have my green backs heading to the Great White North then to the hell hole they call the Middle East.
  20. I seen there act once....funnier then hell..... :clapping:
  21. Why is that ? ? ?
  22. With all the oil fields in Canada and it's need to build it's population you would think a max of $2 per gallon and many would flock to Canada to live and work.
  23. They claim Motorcraft.....but I was referring to the vehicle....
  24. Lew, it all Bull and everyone knows it....ANY excuse they can latch onto to drive the price up they will....the one thing you can count on is GREED, plain and simple.
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