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Everything posted by knightfisher

  1. I have been using Avast for a few years. Works great. I have from time to time visited a few risky sites and with a warning here and there have been totally protected all the time.
  2. Had a few Roadtreks over the years, some great memories for sure.
  3. Doesn't get much better than this.... https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=elp+-+pirates&&view=detail&mid=D7783778FD653E632C55D7783778FD653E632C55&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Delp%2B-%2Bpirates%26qs%3Dn%26form%3DQBVDMH%26sp%3D-1%26pq%3Delp%2B-%2Bpirates%26sc%3D7-13%26sk%3D%26cvid%3DD53863AFC12B450F9A97671BE1A3538B%26ghsh%3D0%26ghacc%3D0%26ghpl%3D
  4. Do you deliver.....ðŸĪŠ
  5. 😆😆 I find this extremely funny
  6. I purchased a paddle duck lure for $2.50 and a multi jointed stick bait (6) for $3.00 from Aliexpress. The quality is pretty good. I target pike and musky. So far these lures have held up and I like the fact I saved over $30.00. Not all stuff from Aliexpress is junk.
  7. Try breaking or bending them with a couple pair of pliers. You'll get your answer that way.
  8. Look this up, klaus schwab world economic forum. This is what we have to look forward to.
  9. Happened to me while trolling my sportspal in the upper Niagara. Came out of a creek towards me and then turned parallel with the canoe. For a moment I didn't feel safe, as this was a hog of a ski.
  10. Good to hear. Makes me wonder however, how many others don't get caught.
  11. MY minn kota digital maximizer 40 lasts at least 2 1/2 times longer on the water, compared to my non maxinizer.
  12. Nice feature I suppose, if one needs to know where the truck is. Of course the other side of my brain says this is just another piece of technology used to track and control people.
  13. Makes one wonder how much truth we have been told about the last year of hell, we have lived through. Are we reading or hearing the truth, or a narrative?
  14. Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people. In my opinion.
  15. Don't worry, won't happen. A few scuffles here and there maybe, but that's all. You're not going to see the two sides shooting each other up.
  16. As long as she doesn't say...I've tried in vain sir, to find it
  17. Think I'll just move to the back of the line
  18. Interesting viewpoint if one is open for it.... https://summit.news/2020/11/18/top-pathologist-claims-coronavirus-is-the-greatest-hoax-ever-perpetrated-on-an-unsuspecting-public/
  19. Received my first bill with the tiered rate I chose, and my bill is cheaper than my past bills.
  20. When faced with conflicting and or threatening information, some people stick their heads in the sand. One's reality is based on their observations. Some will question a narrative, some will just accept what they are being told. What is true for you is what you're willing to accept. On this forum and many other forums around the world, many are undecided. If this pic is any indication of a side effect, I may just wait a while.
  21. Hundreds of Doctors world wide have come forward challenging the current narrative, and either shut down, or omitted from the msm. Not many people are willing to do their own research, and just follow their leaders. Evil is hard to confront. True awareness is only enjoyed by a few.
  22. A vaccine that is 95% effective for a virus that is almost 99% recoverable. How do we know the vaccine is working with figures like these.
  23. The global pharmaceutical market is worth nearly one trillion U.S. dollars. 1,000,000,000,000 One would think an industry soooo rich would be able to actually find hundreds and hundreds of actual 'cures' for all the various diseases world wide, instead of suppling never ending dependency on drugs and vaccines, which for the most part are hit and miss. Just an observation.
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