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Everything posted by knightfisher

  1. Hey, it's what we agree to. I mean, we the people have the power. We just have to hit the streets and demand change. Of course that would mean leaving the comfort of our couch or homes and actually doing something about it. Think I'll just go fishing.....
  2. One can't compare apples to oranges. The vast majority of British police officers do not carry firearms on standard patrol. As these two countries have totally different cultures when it comes to policing, again in my opinion, Let the police here do what they are trained for. I don't want to see a armed soldier pulling a gun out, pointing it at a civilian because that person perhaps looked shady.
  3. Let the police do what they are trained for. I don't want to see a armed soldier pulling a gun out, pointing it at a civilian, because that person perhaps looked shady.
  4. Have a link to back that up. Nothing currently on the news, less this is just one of his older comments.
  5. I'm thinking ice out will be later this year. Will this delay spawning in some species ? Do you think this will change the timing of the spring bite ? Wondering what your thoughts are.
  6. Fishing Port Dalhouise this fall, I cast out as a Canada goose flies by, line hooks up with the goose, and before I could react, 110 yards of line gone. Totally spooled .
  7. The fans should boycott this team, course that won't happen, and it appears nothing will change. This team is such an enigma . No matter how well this team does in the future, most fans would be wondering, when will the slide start. I'll wait till the playoffs before I give my time to watching this.... excuse for a team.
  8. Stay positive Lew and Diane. Thoughts and prayers to you both.
  9. That's amazing Mike, determined little things for sure. Lew what you experienced there was the effects of the Thompson's hole. It starts around the Peace bridge down to around the train bridge. The waters around the hole average about 12 feet. The hole drops fast 45 to 60 feet, hence the boiling waters at times. Your experience probably gave you a grey hair or two lol.
  10. I love fishing the upper Niagara. You never know what you may catch or see. This is one brave mink to say the least. Caught a number of smallies including this 3.5 bass.
  11. Thanks guys. We were lucky to catch the duck, many attempts. I believe the members here would do the same if the situation arose. npt and glenner...I could cry fowl...
  12. Buddy wanted to know where to catch carp on Lake Gibson in niagara, so I took him to a spot to give it a go. Tried a fews days at one spot for a few hours and noticed this duck with a jig in it's mouth. We befriended it with corn and tried to catch it. No luck the first day. Second day with the net set up and corn as bait Joe caught it. I opened the bill and noticed the jig was in it's tongue. I got my snips and cut off the barbed end of the hook and then back out the jig. Released the duck who stuck around a while and went on it way. We were rewarded with a few carp.
  13. As been mentioned, who to vote for. I done my part to oust the Libs. At least voting for a change in government may stop the bleeding for a bit. Not voting is everyone's right, but isn't it better to vote out the current party, then to chance them getting back in continuing there waste of our hard earned tax dollars ?
  14. I met and talked to Italo a few times. Very nice guy. Last summer Italo and Aaron Shirley were filming a show on catfish on the Welland River. We talked for a bit, our dogs played together as I was unloading the canoe. The past is the past. Italo still has a good following, and due to him, I catch walleyes on the river which I never have in the past. I like the guy.
  15. Wow that's huge. Rod that video had me in stitches lol
  16. Nanny State growing while people's freedoms are slowly slipping away. With the recent release of the psychiatrists DSM V, (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), it now states that creativty and nonconformity is a mental illness. WOW. So now if one disagrees to the never ending creation of rules and regulations on how to live, well....
  17. Some people just don't have the analytical awareness to realize they are contributing to a situation that could turn bad. There is probably one word to sum up these type of folks. Glad it turned out ok.
  18. I tend to think more compassionate, then anger. Some very good points made. Nuclear is not as safe as we are told. With the various problems they have presented over the years, it's pretty obvious that in the future there's going to be one that goes catastrophic.
  19. Wow that is high. Fished the area lots in the past. Daughter also swam the falls with the locals when she was younger.
  20. My cherokee is a gasoholic. These increases sometimes affect distances I will travel to fish. Corporations know we may grumble about prices, but will still buy. They probably have a good laugh around the board table as weekends approach.
  21. My daughter moved in with me back in 03. Have total reality what you are going through.
  22. Gas prices going up, home heating, hydro, water and property taxes putting a huge strain on family income, latest electronic products that everyone doesn't need but has to have, out sourcing of jobs, food prices et al.... it almost seems like the middle class is slowly being wiped out.
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