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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I have a calcutta 400 te and the revo toro beast, both of these reels set me back a good pile new but i wouldnt want anything else. I ended up getting the beast to throw 10s as i know i cant get parts for the calcutta forever. The calcutta throws the 10s beautifully but the grind will wear it out over time. The beast also throws 10s quite nicely and i have thrown nothing but during a full day and still had some gas in the tank. i had my calcutta new on an old 6'6" compre i bought used for $50, i put my money into the reel first and everything else later. Good luck with your purchase.
  2. Sounds like a good time jimmer! I was supposed to get out tmw but something came up, ill hopefully be up that way next weekend
  3. Nice ski dude!
  4. Wow thats a great weekend! Nice skis!
  5. Living in paradise! Nice fish! that sturgeon looks cool in the stained water too.
  6. Nice looking site buddy! Ill get a better look when im not at work but first glance looks pretty sharp!
  7. It wont stop me from trolling, i know im gonna root out a gbay pig one day...
  8. Chris, i know there are more savvy ways to do it but for some reason i continue to do it the same way i do pike fishing. I run a large gamakatsu octopus hook right in front of the dorsal fin on the sucker, i still have my 9" leader to the hook. I have this comical grapefruit sized bobber that i hook up about 2 feet total to the hook, the key being that when the fish takes it i have the bail open with my thumb on the spool so i can feel the fish. I wait until i think the fish has stopped to turn the sucker around and i give a sweeping hookset always keeping tension on the line. Now, a large slip float would be preferable because the smaller and/or smarter fish seem to know to use the bobber as leverage to rip the sucker right off the hook. They only seemed interested in the biggest suckers i had at the time which were in the 10-12" range, these were hard to come by but the bigger the better it seemed.
  9. Those were on a smaller lake in the highlands so i shouldnt name it on here, most of my fish came on double 10 handlebarz black/orange, gold, and green/black. My buddy got one on a big blue fox and one one a believer., i also got one on a sucker under a float.
  10. Cant say ive used one on skis but i do use them on chinnies up over 30 lbs, i mostly use them to hold them over the boat to revive them but it does help a bit with control. I think mine are the berkely ones, they have held up so far.
  11. Ty tjames O L first thing at the first spot dip the net in the water, we do it every day hopefully it washes your curse away! Good luck.
  12. This was our big one for the trip, we got 2 at 43" Both caught on thursday.
  13. We were up that way last weekend and my boat landed 9 in 3 days. Most fish were shallow with some sitting on the deep edge of structure. We didnt get any on the last day either but we had our fun. Ill be back in a couple weeks to look for a big one!
  14. We went out to penetang yesterday and trolled muskie for about 10 hours, fished all types of structure and marked some good sized bait balls but no hits, no fish. Still, i never feel bad about washing lures in monster territory.
  15. Good show man! Nice looking fish!
  16. Awesome! Lucky man.
  17. Some fine footballs right there!
  18. Gonna hit gbay, try troll up a monster! Then i leave wednesday for 4 days of muskie fishing... Sweet!
  19. Nice fish bud! Cool video!
  20. Couldnt help you with the walters, but if you are going to fish at night anyways why not fish skis in the dark? The best bite usually runs from before sunset to complete darkness. Especially on well travelled waterbodies when the boats go home. Either way good luck!
  21. I cant remember where but i did read a study where fish that were even deeply hooked managed to shake the hooks pretty quickly. if hooked deep, the fish would have a better chance surviving with a deep hooked lure than if you had removed it. Just food for thought.
  22. Thats a lifetime memory right there! Very cool!
  23. Sweet man! You make it seem so much more exciting lol!
  24. Awesome report bud! I love the reaction to the wrong pliers hahaha, i ve been down that road.
  25. I know your pain buddy, i drive quite often at night and early morning for work and fishing, i have seen some crazy things happen on the road in the dark... People dont change so best you can do is be ready for them.
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