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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Dan I noticed that some of your posts have nothing there. Is it my computer that is missing the link or info?
  2. Very good read RO. This is very good information for newbies to fishing, especially newbie musky fisherman.
  3. Thanks for the link Lew. That was a really nice fish.
  4. Well thanks for that Mike, it is a great store to shop around in. The owner makes great coffee to boot.
  5. One of the best out there for sure.
  6. Again, congrats to all that have and continue to do so.
  7. I find it encouraging that so many are trying to give it up. Take the leap of faith and do it no matter what avenue you use to quit. All great suggestions and support for all of us, quitters.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, J I need a tickle!!
  9. Anything that works for you to quit is a good thing. Just imagine the money that you will save by quitting. Extra road trips away from home and the job jar
  10. Thanks so much for the kind words and support all. Champix is a nicotene receptor inhibitor. This stuff is awesome. No nic fits yet. Best part is, by the second week of the program, the smokes start tasting like c%ap to boot. Ask your doctor, it is a prescription. Yeah Lew, more casts for me from now on.
  11. Well, I usually do not post stuff like this but anywho, I quit smoking cigarettes. Yup no more spending monies on cigs!! Now it will be spent on gas and baits I have to say that Champix is amazing. Yeah, like most of us smokers, I tried cold turkey . Turned to Champix and I have absolutely no withdrawl pangs I hope that I never go back. Now I can work on getting into sumo shape !! Pete
  12. Yeah G I remember those !!! I had the BBQ on, the day after, warming the MB's up while I ice fished. Yummmmmmmyyy. Kept me warm the whole next day.
  13. Yep it seems that the operative word for the lower these days is MUD. Might as well call her the lower mudder!! I am chomping at the bit to get down there and do some fishing but this constant wind is really diminishing the chances of catching fish. Would be nice if we could get a week or 2 of -30 so Lake Erie freezes over.
  14. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Jack and Jackie.
  15. Gees Newman there are so many lakes! Look under the crown land atlas in the ontario ministry of natural resources for areas up there. Most lakes have walleye in them.
  16. As a matter of fact, we still have a guy going around our area ringing his bell looking for something to sharpen. I used to take my cart down to the grocery store and buy my dad a pack of craven A's and a 12 pack of Dow beer. I was 10 at the time. Try that today.
  17. Burping up the cod liver at school, yech. Using a basebal bat to decide issues, with the fingers of your hand. Intermission at the movies.
  18. I have left mine in the boat for 4 yrs now and they work just fine.
  19. Really seems to me that this has tons of bearing on you. You write essays as answers on this thread.
  20. As scotty Bowman said, he wanted the same as Cogliano(sp) has with the Raps, complete control as VP. MLSE said no way, so there is your problem MLSE.
  21. Tony, love that commercial, Dude. Jim, thanks for the laugh, I forgot about that shirt!
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