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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Love to see you there Matt.
  2. I' see what I can do John, stay tuned.
  4. Good luck with the move FM.
  5. Ok Joey, thanks Wayne.
  6. Yes there are Wayne, just hard to find. Playing with my settings, cool that you can change your dsiplay name.
  7. Is there any interest in putting together a G2G on the upper Niagara this December?? dates available are the 1st, 8th and closing, the 15th. The restaurant on the parkway near netherby road has opened with new management and we could meet there after the day is done. We have always had a great time in the past and I would love to get folks together for on last kick at the Muskie bucket before the season closes. There is also excellent rainbow fishing on the upper. Pete
  8. Ron I would love to volunteer next spring in supporting the muskie restocking efforts.
  9. Oh and welcome to the board, you will love this place.
  10. Your right Wayne but the fish comes out of the net with arm support where as holding it up on a scale puts all the weight at one point on the fish.
  11. Great day on the water Wayne!! Lew does a great job of netting fish!!
  12. Nice fish, but I would suggest not hanging the fish like in the picture. Damage can be done to the fishes jaw.
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