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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Nice Ski there Jacques, congrats!!
  2. Looks like it was a great day all around Wayne.
  3. That sure was a great day on the water Lew!!
  4. Went back to the site and it looks like it was a reading with cloudiness. http://www.coastwatch.msu.edu/erie/e10.html
  5. Yeah maybe it was the cloud cover over the lake. It showed Erie at 60-64 degrees.
  6. Yeah Lew, Happy anniversary to you and Diane.
  7. I was just looking at the water temps for LSC and it is showing temperatures in the 40 to 45 degree range, BRRRRR!!!
  8. That is correct Lex. Some, not all, charters believe that since they have paying customers, they can do whatever. It does get nasty at times. Aaron, good post man. helps some of new drift fishermen understand what is right and what baits to use.
  9. Thanks Cliff, I mentioned exactly that to Lew and he is calling them right now.
  10. Lew went to open up OFC and it would not load. All other websites worked fine. Rogers told him to restore defaults and now nothing works . He gets a run time error on his system. Windows 2000 explorer 6 is his system. Can anyone help?? I will call him with info to help him out.
  11. I trolled the entire day with raf on the upper holding on to my musky rod. That was a lot of work!! Rod holders are the way to go for big baits. When the water gets colder <50 degrees and you have slowed down your troll to under 3MPH, you can troll big baits with the rod in your hand.
  12. really nice looking fish there.
  13. Nice fish Dax!!! Love the photo of the sun.
  14. yeah there is a pecking order in the drift.
  15. All the best tomorrow brother. I will hug the kids extra special tonight.
  16. Nice fish dawg!!! Good to see you with a shirt on.
  17. Have to say that those are beautiful fish Wayne and Dano. Amazing numbers and I just love those under water shots. Great report!!!
  18. That is a hog for sure Darren!!!
  19. All the best to you, Diane and Sheri, Lew. Enjoy the drumsticks!!
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