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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Water is still warm in the river JB. I saw a picture of that musky and it was over 55 inches.
  2. Good one Brian and nice addition there Chromer.
  3. I have yet to decide where I am heading. I am considering fishing the buffalo harbor for the weekend, for muskies. There is a possibility that I will fish LSC also. I am leaning towards going to the Cornwall area and fishing Lake St.Francis with my brother for muskies and also the ottawa river area too.
  4. If you want to put Joey on a fish then she will have to go in someone elses boat Paul !!!
  5. If anyone deserves a fish like that it you Ron, great fish there bud!!!
  6. I do feel for you. There definitley needs to be some education-discipline handed out to the peoples that target asian fishermen. Enough is enough eh. On the flip side to this, the asian community needs to step up and manage the fishery also. There are plenty of asian fishermen that are law abiding, like yourself. The asian peoples need to step up and start educating the "un-educated" fishermen that do break the law. How many asian fishermen are approached by their fellow nationals to tell them that they are breaking the law, if that is the case?? As long as stories circulate around the fishing community that asian fishermen are taking all the fish they catch home, over the limit and under legal size, this type of behaviour will continue.
  7. Now that is a nice Pike.
  8. Nice fish there Lew!! We could have used one of those on Saturday!
  9. Squid

    Halo 3

    future shop in burlington has tons of games no need to wait. give them a call to see how the stock is before you go.
  10. Squid

    Halo 3

    bought it on Monday and my boys finished it tuesday.
  11. What a joke. Most of the guys that are ranting started fishing these salmom not knowing any better. These fish do not even reproduce in the river. They do this based on instinct. Stress the fish!! it's gonna die!!! I agree with Wayne this is sheeet. If you don't like what was posted then PM the guy, keep it off of the board!!
  12. Nice!! water was nice and clear to boot!!
  13. I am just amazed that you found time to go fishing!!
  14. Ah the meds finally kicked in eh Brian!! LOL Have a good weekend. Heading up to Pigeon tomorrow to see if I can wrestle up some toothies for my camera.
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