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Everything posted by easton13th

  1. Nice. It is the start of a great season when there is success on the opener. Easton
  2. Man that's a great looking catch! Only ever caught one by mistake but it was a blast. Easton
  3. Great game in my opinion, both ways! The Sens showed up. I do think there will be some action taken against Pronger though! The league has to act on this as there was no penalty charged. Second offence in this playoffs as well, so I believe he will be in the hotel room for more than one game. Easton Just watched Sports Centre Update on TSN and Pronger has been suspended for 1 game....
  4. Great! I think they manufacture these troubles to raise the prices. They always seem to occur in summer the peak time. I'm just saying. Easton
  5. Keep crossing off that list! I am sure you are having a blast along your quest. Easton
  6. Great looking catch! Easton
  7. How true that sign is! Would love to get one for the kids as I value the time they have to spend with my Dad, their only grandfather. As I grew up with no grandfathers, I tell them very often how fortunate they are. Easton
  8. Amazing report ! Thanks for sharing, sure looks like one fantastic adventure! Have your Dad take care of his hand! Unless it is easier just to reel all those fish in and have someone else do all the grunt work or him. Sure looks like it worked on this trip. Congrats! Easton
  9. What a great video. Way to go. Looks like he is now hooked for life. His reactions say it all. Easton
  10. Welcome to the board! Stay awhile. Easton
  11. Great looking eyes! Amazing colours in them! Congrats on the catch! Easton
  12. It was a great time, weather was fantastic for such a night. All the kids had a great time. It was interesting to see 6 kids try to figure out how to put a worm on a hook without touching it. Worms don't HOLD ON to the hook. Photoz the carp were there for sure, we seen them moving threw from time to time. There was one gentleman carping closer to shore. Not sure but I don't recall him catching anything. Another fantastic time spent with family. Easton
  13. Joey I think it's time to build the ARK. Never seen duck nest off the ground before. Great shots! Easton
  14. Never seen one before. Scary looking things, glad they are daytime flyer's. I would not want one flying around me at the campfire! Looks like might have teeth! Easton
  15. Truly amazing work all around! Sure captures a great moment! Easton
  16. Steve Paul class act! Not just because your the captain of my team ! Easton
  17. Nice looking dinner, enjoy! Congrats on the fish! Easton
  18. Amazing looking dream home! Congrats! Easton
  19. Great looking shots and report! Easton
  20. At this time she is more interested in driving the boat! BUT I am sure this fish will keep her interested in the fishing part too! Easton
  21. Great clean looking catch! Easton
  22. My father and I headed to the BOQ again this weekend. My wife and son stayed home but my daughter wanted to come. After some convincing she decided to go out in the boat for a few hours with us. As the skipper of the boat she was doing a great job trolling. My father hooked into a small tree, attached to the tree was a spinner, silver and copper colour, my daughter wanted to try it. I changed the treble hook that was in rough shape, topped it off with a chunk of worm and she casted it off. A short time later her rod buckled over, her excitement grew and she fought and landed this beauty. As a proud Dad and Grandfather, I promised her I would post this. Easton
  23. All the best to you and yours during this time Lew! Sorry to hear! Easton
  24. Looks like a great trip Mike! Your building a fishing partner for life! Easton
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