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Everything posted by easton13th

  1. Amazing post! Those boats look stunning! Looks like you had a great trip!
  2. I guess the warrant issue is as clear as mud. I read the Laws as stated in e-laws. 1.A conservation officer may obtain a search warrant under Part VIII of the Provincial Offences Act . 2.If a conservation officer believes on reasonable grounds that there is in a building or other place any thing that will afford evidence of an offence under this Act but that the time required to obtain a search warrant would lead to the loss, removal or destruction of the evidence, the conservation officer may, without a search warrant, enter and search the building or other place. 3.A conservation officer who is lawfully in a building or other place may, without a warrant, seize any thing that he or she believes on reasonable grounds, (a) has been obtained by the commission of an offence under this Act; ( has been used in the commission of an offence under this Act; © will afford evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act; or (d) is intermixed with a thing referred to in clause (a), ( or ©. 4. ( that entry to the dwelling has been refused or there are reasonable grounds to believe that entry will be refused. I guess YES they need a warrant BUT if they believe they need one they would have had it already... and if they don't have it already their arses are covered......so I guess in the long and short of it they don't really need one.
  3. As for a warrant I don't believe the Ministry needs a warrant to search or seize property. Even your dwelling. I don't think it would be anywhere near reasonable to do this.
  4. Welcome Doug!
  5. Oh well HABS are out I can get the playoffs at the trailer, now its time to fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. The Insurance co. of the Storage facility would have to cover any damage as long as they HAD Ins. I worked at a yacht club for a few years and we left boats in the water all year with an aerating system. Some Ins. companies offer no insurance for this. Nor would the yacht clubs ins. cover the boats so it was a convenience offered you had to carry your own Ins. I know of several storage facilities that operate like this.
  7. Some of the human race are a disgrace.
  8. Your making it hard to wait for opening day!
  9. Great shots!
  10. Usually last two weeks of April,,in Quinte
  11. Please don't let what I said be discouraging. It is worth a try. I tried and went through it all and never got hired. That was a bit discouraging BUT I tried. Getting to old now to try again though.
  12. Way to go Jen, can't wait to get out there with you.
  13. I know in Hamilton they have recruiting events. These cost $25.oo to attend, there is a test. If you past the test with an 80% or better average, you move on to an ability or athletics test at York University. Again another charge $150.00. From there if you obtain an 80% average, you move on to more testing and interviews etc. From there you get onto the hiring process. Hamilton holds these once a year. Last test I participated in 3500 people wrote the exam. 300 people moved on to the athletics. 250 moved onto interview. They were hiring 0 - 50 firefighters over the next year. If you did not get hired you had to do it all over the next year......? Good luck with your endeavour, all the best.. Again this is just Hamilton.
  14. Devils have a back up goalie?
  15. I am so confused.... My emotions are going crazy. I just don't understand...Saturday night I will be pacing more than I am now.... Go HABS Go!!!!!
  16. That's a great video. Just out of curiosity Why are they milking the fish....?
  17. Not sure of the plastic wrap, that might hold moisture.
  18. GO HABS GO! What a weekend this will be!
  19. First time I saw one was with my wife and kids on a trip to Newfoundland. Great sight amazing bird...Missed pics though I was driving. It was a great thing for my kids to see, as I am sure yours will enjoy. We have a nesting pair of Osprey near our trailer and that was amazing, they had babies ( if that's the proper word ) last year, that was truly an amazing view the nest is about 6 feet round at the top of a power pole.
  20. I may have to order one....or not! It is missing a hot tub so that was the deal breaker.
  21. If it had a convertible top and was buoyant it would be the ultimate amphibious vehicle what else would you need other than a trolling motor
  22. I guess when you buy the right stuff and spend the money for quality it pays off. Good to see that manufactures still stand behind some of their products.
  23. Great storm shots not as much rain in Hamilton. I thought I saw a raccoon running for cover in your shots....
  24. I am sure the paramedics all are talking about that one and maybe it will make their monthly newsletter...Glad to hear you are alright...as I am sure as most men, I did not laugh I felt your pain.
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