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Everything posted by easton13th

  1. Eat lots! Eat fast! Regardless what you are doing is a great thing! For those that respect the efforts please keep it up.. Thanks .
  2. Fantastic looking property ! Looks like a great area!
  3. Absolutely amazing! Welcome.
  4. Phat Bassturd try here: http://www.pickerelpark.com/ I would vouch for it. Have been there forever.
  5. I would be conserned of water in the lower end. What does the oil look like? The water would have been there in the fall and froze.
  6. We limited as well but they seem to be in the 2-3 lb range. The bigger fish were a little late. Maybe it was just me. I will follow you aroud. If you see a green Legend tailing you don't be alarmed Mike.
  7. All the Best!
  8. Spinners and worms always seem to work well. I hope they are active by then I am getting a little worried about this weather. They did not come on last year until mid June. Looking forward to maybe meeting up with some of you on the bay.
  9. Good spot you are no more than a 20 minute ride to hots spots. A lot of pike out front of Cedar Point.
  10. What a fantastic idea! I hope this catches on like rapid fire...Also I hope it snow balls and they are available in more places and maybe even at boat launches etc. I know they should not have to be given away, and have special bags but some people need a push. Congrats on a great start...
  11. Great work out there! Amazing fish. Thanks for putting in the effort!
  12. All the best on your big day!!!!!!!!!! Glad you had the nerve to do it Gerritt... I would never had ventured. Easton
  13. Great report. Looks cold, but it paid off.
  14. Welcome to the site....Good luck with the search.
  15. Welcome and good luck in the up coming season!
  16. I would believe that they are NOT 100% legitimate. Gambling is just that, you have to be willing to lose to win. I don't believe there is any governing body for on-line gambling. The sites after all are making billions of dollars providing the excitement of winning, they want that one or two BIG winners. They advertise it as the dream, everything is possible. Our government does the same with 649...Imagine the Freedom, AND is that legitimate? It is overseen by the Federal Gov't. If they can have irregularities....you could not believe on-line gambling would not.
  17. If we ignore it maybe it won't happen. I to have put away the snowblower and the shovels for the season, I am planning on leaving them there. PLEASE. with fingers crossed.
  18. Gives us something to shoot for! Practice makes perfect, and maybe even a little luck. I would consider taking the 649 as well.
  19. Boat's home now and in the driveway....so that means spring is here, no matter what I hear, or anyone says......The boat is home!
  20. Welcome Ken! Enjoy yourself.
  21. My Dad work on the water dept...and they gave away the lead from the hydrants....not sure if they still do it BUT it was 10 - 15lbs pieces. Call the local water dept. worth a try?
  22. Man now I am depressed But I did show my kids this on the Internet. SO I am modernizing....They still think I am Old and maybe even more now!
  23. I get it ignore the rod,, ignore the fish and they hit! A watched rod never gets a hit... I will have to try it as other than the seagull I am on a skunk streak. But the season is young I hope......
  24. As a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and to have the opportunity to travel to veterans and service clubs, it is an Honor to be around and have the privilege to know some of these people who as most of you have already stated, contributed to what we as Canadians are today. If one day the opportunity arises I would love to visit.
  25. THANK A VET!! It is amazing how we go 365 days a year and there are only a few days set aside that we honor these men and woman who granted us our freedom. Thanks to all who participated and continue to contribute to our freedom..... Easton.
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