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Everything posted by easton13th

  1. Great looking set up. Congrats!
  2. Wife laughed BUT I don't think it was a laugh because she thought it was funny. BUT she laughed who am I to try to interpret.
  3. Great shots!
  4. Looking fantastic! The final product is going to be great!
  5. Great looking stuff....
  6. Good thing you had a good state of mind and did not over react to the situation of on coming water, way to go... Sorry to hear about the boat..Hope you have it back up in no time.
  7. Great shots, amazing detail of those beauties. Thank for sharing!
  8. The licencing system our government has adapted as previously stated is money grab....(not fully but I will explain). The boaters licence or Operators Card requires a test, PASS and you are eligible to operate a water craft. Buy a 40ft yacht and sail away, no practical or operating experience. Or even a fishing boat, YES you know the theory of operating but,,,,How do you handle ruff waters for example. The hunters licence, or possession and acquisition card yes you can identify a deer, moose etc. BUT fire a riffle,? You know technically how to load and fire but have you had the experience...Buy a gun and go hunting...hit or wound an animal..miss a target... I do not feel the TESTED fishing licence is going to stop poaching to any extent. If poachers could identify BASS or whatever fish they are keeping OOS or over the limit, that would not stop them if the intent to keep these fish already exists. I feel Locking my house when I leave it only keeps out the people that have the intent to steal from me. The honest people that follow the rules would not bother with my house to begin with..... Education at a young age from school would be amazing BUT I believe far from happening... WE as the Anglers and Hunters that follow the rules have to educate our youth and some adults that need it. Guide them, inform them. OUR children will follow our lead, because the experience they gained is practical and practice all their lives. Not info from a book. ONLY WE CAN HELP AND DO WHAT WE CAN THROUGH EDUCATION. I do believe that the licencing revenue being put back into the wildlife and fisheries are definitely a benefit to us all, so I have no problem paying. I would have no problem testing for fishing BUT again I am not going to take OOS fish, Or over my limit... MY $0.02
  9. It all started at 7am Friday morning. Sonny picked me up with boat in tow, ready to go. We left Hamilton and headed towards Port Dalhousie. Lanched the boat and headed towards Jordan. We fished a lot of water, moving around and trying to find some action. We covered water from Jordan to the Welland Canal. It was a fantastic day on the water. With a combination of wind burn and the sun we were a little red. With the tips of the ears on fire, thankfully I wore a hat that at one time flew off and we had to turn around and go get it. Trying a bit deeper water we were lucky to land one small fish. For a Friday with the sun out and being able to get out on the water, I could not have asked for a better day. (fish aside). Thanks for the day Sonny, Looking forward to the next trip. Easton
  10. I always carry a little can of WD40 in the boat as well. I will have to add a few things after reading some of the responses. Great info.. Also I carry a sharp knife other than my fillet knife.
  11. Way to go! Glad to hear it worked out, there was some stress I am sure. It worked out for all involved in the end. Now I hope you catch fish on the new set up. Good luck.
  12. Was out with Sonny today on Lake Ontario. Side Imaging is pretty impressive. Worked fine. Once you get used to what you are looking at it, it actually shows things you might not know was there. Not 100% sure on the brands, the competition and or the technology BUT from what I have seen I am impressed. Easton
  13. Great work,, you must love that valuable time together. AND when they work it will be the greatest!
  14. I almost shed a tear for him.
  15. They had the slot size in Quinte for a while...did bother me a bit. Still have the one over 25" trophy fish. What ever they do to HELP the sport is ok with me. I do not eat fish per say but my family does and love it. I fish for the sport, but keep some for eating....My children love it as well and I would not want to see the sport gone or to the point of destruction when they are my age.
  16. Great shots!
  17. Nice haul for sure .... I would also like to see the photo that you won with! Congrats!
  18. Great job! Funny story....Congrats.
  19. Way to go! Can't wait to catch some!
  20. Welcome stay awile! Easton
  21. That's great! Spent a lot of time there in my youth! I remember when they had the pool table and a store in what is now the lodge @ Pickerel Park. The Cottages my family had were on the same side of the road. 2 lane ways down from Sundowner. Did your grandparents own it when it was sold to P.P.
  22. Thanks Lew that great photo!....I will try and dig some old ones pics of my Dad's from the cottages (all in B&W) I will try and post them. That spot is still the same it is the boat launch now. Other than that jam about 20 trailers in that area now and a row of rental cottages.
  23. Lew My family started going to the bay about 60 years ago. My Grandparents had a 2 cottages a stone throw away from the park I have been going there all my life. When there were two parks on the site Pickerel and Sundowner. We've had a place there for 20 years and now it is all one park 255 sites. A couple of owner changes over the years. It would be great to meet up at some point over the weekend....and swap stories.
  24. @ Pickerel Park, 3 of us from the board and some others...2 min from you Lew...
  25. Welcome to the board, Enjoy. I am sure someone will be able to lend some info, for that area.
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