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Everything posted by easton13th

  1. Toronto should have picked up Roberts at the deadline. I would like to see the Leafs in the playoff but that is going to be a strech. I am a Montreal fan so I can be seen over the next two weeks bitting my nails...
  2. Great pic Tbayboy. LOL
  3. I believe you have to change the burner and the lines to the BBQ. The orifices are different sizes between propane and natural gas. It may be easier to buy yourself a new BBQ after all . you deserve it...
  4. WOW! It is a shame for them that it is nearly inedible..But would they still call this sunfish a pan-fish?
  5. A politician beating around the bush NEVER They will not lower our license fee's. They will tack on more costs for Administration work due to lack of manpower.
  6. I hope what they said: People in Toronto are buying them LIVE, and releasing them into Lake Ontario .....I hope the fines for doing this are on the extreme side. But if the information is on this video it must be being done too regularly, how many time or how many fish have been release in Toronto? Scary........
  7. Fantastic fish.
  8. Great pics makes me jealous..can't wait to get out there. Way to go !
  9. Buy the hitch and install it on your own you save money! Very easy on all my trucks and vans. About 20 minutes work. Have someone do the electrical....I have heard from others that you have to watch u-haul. The local dealership (Ford) said that it can void warranties when installed by U-Haul. They are not recommended. I cannot honestly say it does, but it is what I was told. So I do not use them. I have used Hitch Factory.. They were recommended by The dealership. ?
  10. Welcome and good luck !
  11. MMMMM Gummi Bears! I have also used, used chewed gum for pan fish...they seem to like it and it's hard to get off the hook.
  12. Welcome to the board! Try some of the local Conservation areas around Hamilton! 50 point, Binbrook, Vallens, Guelph lake, Or if you dare Hamilton Harbour. Good Luck Where ever you fish! ENJOY
  13. How do you get the hole started without a ladder?
  14. Welcome and enjoy!
  15. The anticipation is a killer Bring it on!
  16. The Olympus is a great camera....but with it's rugged durability it does still SINK..
  17. I have watched a program on how fast these are spreading... Does anybody know if the Canadian Gov't or MNR is doing anyhing to be proactive to this situation. OR is it too late for our in land waters?
  18. Sorry to here about the camera!!!! For about $20bucks you can buy a water resistant sealed floating case @ wal-mart. Or a case that floats and makes it able to take underwater shots up to about 20 feet deep for about $150.00. Small investment to loosing another camera and the great shots of you and the young one fishing! Congrats on the catch!
  19. I wish you all the best of luck on this pursuit. I think so far you have handled it to a tee. The thank you gestures from your first fishing trip on his land is a great idea. Invite him fishing or maybe even your SGNT at work. Build a relationship. It might not happen over night but WHEN it does you have a spot for fishing and hunting for life and maybe even a few more partners.
  20. Loved my tiller Love my console even more...the decision will be up to you,. Try both and get comfortable with the one you will love for years of fishing to come. Good luck
  21. Nice catch!
  22. I think that calling someone an IDIOT over an accident is a little extreme. Jumping down someones throat over a relatively harmless situation. You can make your point without going to extremes. After all we all fish and some hunt. Nothing like putting razor sharp hooks into another species mouth dragging around the lake for FUN. Or even further putting a bullet into an animal and then tracking it down until it dies.....WE ALL DO THIS ON PURPOSE. The dog is fine it was rescued.
  23. We are here http://www.pickerelpark.com/
  24. We will be in Napanee you are a little further at the top of the bay. We will be in the same area.. Good spot. I wish you all the best. As as read earlier apparently Jen is catching the biggest fish...Or at least bigger than mine.
  25. You may not get a kiss BUT What happens in a doctors office stays in a doctors office
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