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Everything posted by caper

  1. Looks like a nice place. Did she just buy it?
  2. Not that's it's not a good idea HH but in this case they aren't kids.... I say depending on their records which I'm sure this isn't the first time these boys have seen the inside of a police station. 8 months for the driver and 3 months for the passenger is likely. Parole at 1/3 rd the sentence..No restitution.. That'll teach em!!! If it's more than that I would be suprised.
  3. Can't win em all I guess.....Nice going on the fishing lately.. Thanks for the reports
  4. With any luck he chewed on whoever it was he was chasing after!!
  5. "Also...if there is anyone out there who receives the OFAH version and is NOT keeping it, I'd be interested in buying it from you. It's not every day my wife (Bly) is in a fishing magazine!!" Cliff if you want that mag I'll give you my copy..I believe we are in the same area and can make some arrangements to get it to you. Craig
  6. That's too bad.... Don't know about other areas but in Toronto when a vehicle is recovered after being stolen and it is going to be fingerprinted it is towed by a Police tow truck to a place where it can be printed. After it's finished a regular tow is called and it's taken to the pound for the owner to pick up.
  7. That's really too bad bud... There are types like him all over the place. Hang in there...
  8. I keep some for a meal now and again and nope don't feel bad about it..
  9. MMMM what time is dinner!!
  10. Mo's got it right there. I wouldn't ever go to the dealer for any work that's not under warranty. Find yourself a good back yard mechanic and you'll save a bundle
  11. Steve we've never met but I just started into Salmon fishing on Lake O this summer and I missed your big water reports...
  12. Nice going bud... You don't have to justify yourself to anyone...Enjoy. Craig
  13. Never heard anything about him getting smoked so I guess so..
  14. best was 322.9 did get 207.6 on a pop fly though...
  15. 2090 was still going ok then my computer started to freeze up and it drove me into a wall!!
  16. Congrats Verno. All the best to the growing family
  17. Great news Peter, Congtrats. That's a nice area up there as well. My buddy has a cottage on the trent in that area. Maybe I'll see you on the water this summer..
  18. Excellent pics guys... Mine is a pic of Glace Bay harbour where I spent many a day fishing for smelts in my younger years, and the far shoreline where we spent lots of time swimming and hanging out..
  19. Born and raised in Cape Breton, N.S. and moved to Ontario just over 15 years ago ( Hard to believe it's been that long!). Lived a few different places but mostly in Durham Region.
  20. Where's the neither option!!
  21. Congrats and enjoy. Your in for an interesting and rewarding career.
  22. That was a great report. Looks like an awesome time. Thanks for sharing..
  23. Nice going, Congrats. Thanks for sharing..
  24. Nice going boys, looks like a great time..
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