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Everything posted by caper

  1. Just curious if anyone has any recommendations . My cover was getting a little old and that storm that blew through the other day ripped it to shreds so now I'm looking to get a new one(a little sooner than I had hoped) . Looking for something that's trailerable as well. Also wondering what you guys use when you have a permanently mounted trolling motor on the front. I think that started the demise of my last cover as it was made for the boat then I added the trolling motor later and it never did fit properly. Should I get one of those quick detach plates for the motor or are there ones made that cover the trolling motor properly. The boat is a 2002 17 1/2 Starcraft aluminum console. Thanks, Craig
  2. That 2nd one is a great pic..I bet he had to go clean his underwear after that ride!
  3. More shirtless men pics. What's this place coming to? Nice report and thanks for sharing..
  4. Nice going.. your always hard at it! They are all too tired to eat now!
  5. Good luck on the fishing.. I would have loved to take you up on that but have to work. As I'm pretty new to the Lake O salmon fishing would love to hook up sometime and learn a few new tricks. Had a lot of fun last year just with mostly spoons.. They been starting to see the kings out east here? Craig
  6. Excellent, thanks for sharing...Looks like an awesome time.
  7. Nice going, thanks for sharing...Always nicer to be on the water than to be nursing a hangover! Although I can't say i've never been there....
  8. Very nice shots, definately a place i want to explore in the future..
  9. So sad, very nice tribute from you Lew. Having been through the same thing in the not too distant past with my sister I feel your pain. All the best to you and your's and Ed's family... Take care, Craig
  10. You shouldn't have gotten a busy signal, if they are all tied up you should get a recorded message. Something was wrong either with the phone or something else. You could start by calling the Peel Regional Police communications centre and ask to speak with the call taker supervisor and see what they have to say about it. Each region has their own 911 centres and the initial call goes to the Police and then if need be forwarded to the EMS or Fire.
  11. Nice going, thanks for sharing. The kids really do love those outings..
  12. Nice going, you get a waterproof digital this time?
  13. If it cost that much for the small tinny I can only imagine what they charge to rent the big pontoon boat!! As far as the harbour licence, they just need to go over the harbour rules and such with them and they are good to go..
  14. Good luck on the project Verno, In the meantime your more than welcome in my boat to get out on the water..
  15. Nice going Rick, all too often these sort of things turn out tragically and because of people like you that take the time and make sure all is ok they turn out ok.....Thanks for stepping up for her and her family. Craig
  16. Oh well nice to get out anyway...Thanks for the report..
  17. Sounds like a great trip....Thanks for sharing
  18. Not sure what the effects of it are on the outboards although i have heard there can be some problems. However from my understanding the oil companies must have 10% ethanol but it doesn't have to be in all their regular gas. Say someone in Toronto might get gas that has 20% and someone up north might get 2% or none... As long as 10% of their total volume includes ethanol.. At least that's how I took the explanation I heard in the news.. Doesn't really answer your question though!!
  19. Thanks for sharing, always nice to see the young ones out enjoying themselves. Especially when they beat out dear old dad...
  20. Here's the link for that..Make it team 8 though you'll be much happier in the end!! OOPS forgot the link http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=16
  21. Verno, can you pretend your me and drop off my contest entry when you go by???
  22. Sacrifice the ribs for the rod and reel!! Same for a beer though I guess! All the best for a speedy recovery.
  23. How far do I have to drive to get to a Tim-Br Mart?
  24. Nice looking stuff there, make sure you have the camera for the first whack on that Big Mama!!
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