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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. thanks for the refresher Boss
  2. Phil.....Buckeyes all the way Bud! Dont know which hat Im going to wear today........ Either the Ohio State or one of the red ones I picked up at last years Lakair....From you of coarse. Florida has great D.........but the 'eyes have the complete package...specially going 12-0...and with a quarterback as Troy.....Look-out is all I have to say. K.....Hats are settled....the twins will be wearing the red ones from you and I'll be wearing the State hat. Gooooooo...Buckeyes
  3. That is unfortunate Wayne........McGiver the door knob for reason....ingenuity+...I like that very much. I agree with Carp..someone just had to be a local.......We've only beeen in our small town 3 weeks or so and everyone wants to know who you are and what you do for a living etc... That indeed is sad news Gary....... I have heard of and have been warned of b&E's in our neighbourhood as of late too......I no longer have a gun, but keep a baseball bat at the front door. I'd have no problems using it at all.....inscribed on the bat are the names of every dude who owes me money from the construction industry. The backdoor, thats where we stack the firewood for daily useage...some are just about the right size to nail anyone comm9ing through. Pricks they are......just prey it doesnt turn into a Toronto type thing where it becomes home invasions and the families are terrorized.
  4. Big time Congratz.....Mark!!!!!! PB's are always nice......getting to the BOQ in a boat in January is just as awesome. You definitely had the weather for it..it was beautiful here in Quinte yesterday.
  5. Moosebunk, Man...your posts are probably the most looked forward to in this household. Thank-you for letting me see my dreams Bud!!!!!!!!
  6. Great thread Dan! Exellent responses from many here, and totally unexpected-(welcomed)- intelligent banter on a topic everyone who calls this planet home, should not only have some education on but, actually, contributing to the betterment of our environment in some manner or another. I've not seen this Gore Video....but I've read a little on the topic. The pollutes we let into our environment, wether be it into the air, waterways or ground...100% Nasty and Negligent, as well Irresponsible!!! I believe, that we people, most of us......are ruled by the almighty dollar and that is not going to change, therefore, dangerous emmisions and other pollutants will continue to be resulting from our required lifestyles. I dont have a thought on what can be done....... We recycle everything that comes into our household........is this necessarily a good thing when you consider the products that are being manufactured from the recycleables. specially when these products are what we generally see on our roadsides. Who knows.........One thing for sure! Mother Nature takes care of herself........in the end! I was also around when when the threat was the comming iceage, before this global warming so who really knows?
  7. Awesome Rick. Thanks Bud...that has been sent out to ever family member I have. That was really neat.
  8. Too funny Art
  9. I've a Calcutta and use it as my main reel... Ive also the C4 and use it as my trolling reel Muskies only for these babies!!! Some folk may argue Ive got it backwards........but I love both reels for use just as I described.
  10. Too funny Roy!!!!!!!! Keram......... Geeeeze Mark....whatever happened to keraml? Thanks for the report Roger
  11. Second that motion here too Steve.
  12. Thanks fellas.... Found...or should say heard about him through Davids,(superdad) post. Just wanted to know how the heck he was and what he was up to.
  13. Great thread and equally great responses from everyone. I grew up close to one particular trib so I'd half to say creek 'bows and it's still my Fav, but, This board has turned me into a muskymaniacman...fortuante enough not having to have paid my full dues with 10,000 casts...and I believe I have more musky equipment/lures then for all other species combined. I love the ice for perchin cuz its nice being able to feel a tug on the line in the cold winters when my creek has frozen up and its the time my whole family will get out and actually all enjoy. Reaaly enjoy my outings with fishdawg..so I have to add LakeO salmon/browns/lakers to the list. Multi-Species for sure.
  14. David..thanks for the report and pics. Those 'eyes got to be the biggest/fatest Ive ever seen. Never met Jackson but I know Steve is a great guy..and exellent fisherman to get out with. I'm going back to have another look at those fatties right now!!!!
  15. Phil, Beautiful job on the decorations Bud! A very merry christmas to you and your family from mine. Finally meeting up with you this past summer was a truly nice experience and we are very much looking forward to getting together again. (How are the windows on your work trailer?)...scoundrels!!!!!!! Take care and safe holidays Bud!
  16. Congrats to you and your family Yosemite. We shopped property/houses in the Soo the past 2 years...and it indeed has some lovely scenerey. Water,Water wherever you look....and great hunting possibilities. Passing through there this past October I see they have really gone to town on widening the roads incomming from the south...Lord knows they needed it, all they need now is a better detour heading north/west out of town to reduce the traffic. Yessir...a beauty of a city and an anglers paradise. Your children should love all that the Soo has to offer. Nice christmas gift from work. Enjoy your holidays.
  17. Exellent on you and congrats. Im curious if you changed up to pinkies cuz roe/flies werent working??? If I caught a smallish chrome such as yours once a week... it too would be heading to the pan!!!!!!! They've all been so big lately.....I can taste it already....hope you enjoyed it.
  18. Quite the contrary 'Whishin' #1. There is nothing secret about my fishing hole -I just like to refer to it as such cuz I've fished it since the seventies there fore I call it my place even if unowned. #2. I also agree with you on the 'camo' being used to somewhat hide yourself from the all seeing 'bows. I dress for the river too, although not in camo my colours hide my figure as much as possible from the senses of the fish. Lack of movement is another form of 'camo' that you must learn and stealth in approach to the river side. Never, and I mean never, have I ever had the need for a large machette... these tribs are not the amazon. Generally the type of 'camo'd' anglers I referred to usually arrive in pairs and they are anything but quiet and i've have found that at least 7/10 of them wear those utitilty belts to carry their beer which is left behind as trash. I have camo gear myself and only wear it when its called for as you said..in very clear cons. I was refferring to those that wear the head to toe neoprene in 3' of water and the need they have to add to the attire, utility belts sporting long machette's and other hidden compartments....binnoculars??? a compass???????? Comon Wishin'.these guys also wear a fly vest with its own compartments. It's been a good many years where I had to refer to someone as a goof......and there are some locales where if someone is referred to as such, you better have meant it and be able to defend it as well.
  19. Was out this morning......... All the cons were just perfect...... Arrived to see near 20+ vehicles parked at my very secret location.........lol Fishing was near shoulder to shoulder......and it seemed that everyone to the south of me was catching Chrome..... Freaking hilarious..even seen one instance where a fella was doing the hook removal thing and another weekend warrior stepped into his spot and casted over this guys back..... I dont have the patience for that crap.....I like my secret spot to myself. Most of the waters at my spot average about 3'......to see the weekend guys come out dressed neck to toe in neoprene waders/camo'd........sporting 16"/+ machettes strapped to their ..get this..Utility belts???????? Of coarse they also had all you really needed to have ...a river vest. I dont even wear a vest anymore......... Rubber boots near 20" high. A small bag w/strap for over the shoulder, that I discard whilst fishing I suppose to each his own.........and it feels good to do the Rambo thing at the rivers edge to so many. I just cant figure out why they need so much 'Going to War' outfits.......its only bows your going to catcth. Look at all the great musky hunters...you'll never see one of them with a machette. I dont think you would anyway. It was a good morning nonetheless...went 2-5 with the largest around 10lb. Going to head back out this evening...it'll be my last time at my secret location for a while as we are moving this comming week to a real river...hopefully one where head to toe camo'd neoprene isnt called for as proper attire to wear. For Jeeeze sakes...I dont think our military over seas wears as much army equipment/gear as some of the folk I've been seeing recently. Best of luck to all of you steelie fishing this weekend.........if'n the rains hold off it will remain a great day for chrome. Peter
  20. Thanks for all the replies guys..... Polliwog..Harsh you are..but dead correct! Carp..thanks for the offer Bud..... Lew..as always...your advice will be adhered to This is what I will do so this post is finished........ Going to remove it when not in use and wrap it in a couple of shoppingbags after I've greased all the parts. This way I for sure am not going to bang my shins on it or heaven help a lawsuit...anyone else. When in use and parked whilst fishing...picking up a lock down bar and deffinitely getting rid of the bentbar setup it came with. Thanks for your replies and help fellas...most helpful. peter
  21. Where has Mr. Hamilton gotten too..I miss his posts. Just curious is all...if anyone knows I'd like to hear about it...he is a great guy.
  22. I dont shop. My wife has always done all of our shopping.... Christmas shopping starts Jan1...and lasts all year. Good thing about that Ive found is that if one of our kids or another relative or friend drops by and its their birthday and we've forgot....Charmaine just goes into her x-mas trunk and pulls out a gift. I dont have the patience for fishing shoulder to shoulder on the river side steelheading....not a chance I could take the line ups at any store. Thank the good lord for great wives. Great Fishing Stuff on boxing day sales........ I'd go the BPS website and pull up one of their special sale ads......OR, get in touch with Roger or Jackie (OFC'rs on the board who work at BPS) Sorry Crazyhook I couldnt help much...wasnt and are not trying to be a wise guy...just trying to catcth up to Joey's post count.........
  23. WTG Joey. Never notice the post count for myself as its right in my face how much Wayne.Lew,MuskyBill,Roy have and it is not a race I would enter. It was nice to advance to a different (Netman/boy) kinda a name when it happened. Only time I truly cared was when we changed over to this new board and all started anew again for a lil bit. Sorry...dont know what Im talking about.... Congrats Joey....... ps....BEWARE OF STALKERS) PeteNCharmaine
  24. Thanks Chris...Ive added that to my offline favourites. John.....sheesh man...over 2,000pts. I played just the once and didnt adnace to the next round..had only 198pts. Ill get back at 'er tonight.
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