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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Awesome TJ! Man I miss northern Ontario fishing.
  2. Sorry guys here's the link... http://www.lprca.on.ca/ And Phone Number: Call 519-875-2874 or 1-877-990-9934 to reserve a campsite or for more information.
  3. Hey Guys, The park doesn't officially open until the weekend but they are doing online reservations as of NOW. If you want a site with Hydro you're best to book it ASAP! Contact me if you need anything at all! Cheers, Ryan
  4. Hey guys thanks for the support! I set up a paypal account tonight, but I want to do a test run on it before passing out the info! As for the color, I chose it because I like blue.. haha our donations are spread out and used where they are needed! Gotta go.. I have 2 kids sleeping on my lap who need to get to bed!
  5. Nope - part of another great lake - and I know you've been there!
  6. In the mail tonight!
  7. lol then this is old new for you! Some of the boys and gals here don't have WFN or The Score so I've been trying to post some clips here and there!
  8. Hey Guys, I pulled this 3 minute clip from a largie shoot we did last season - Who can guess where we were fishing?!? Hope you enjoy! Cheers, Ryan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZHlV9YinVw&feature=player_embedded
  9. Hey Gang - My dad has a small home business doing everything from custom wooden furniture to stickers, decals and trophies. He donated a whole bunch of car decal/stickers for the Fish-A-Thon. All of our participants will get one automatically, as will our sponsors and those who make prize table donations! We'd love to get the word out so if you'd like one please feel free to contact me. A small pledge donation would be GREATLY appreciated, even a dollar or two helps reach our goal! The ball is rolling and things are coming along well for the 2011 Season! Averie made a pledge and got one on her bedroom mirror! Thanks again for all the solid support - you guys rock! Cheers, Ryan
  10. Wow - wanna be my brother? lol good work
  11. Close! lol Nice fish mon friere!
  12. Hey BigMac - I personally haven't used one, but I work for Dave Mercer and last December we shot a redfish show in Louisiana... The boys were using Clarus rods paired up with Caenan reels and were man-handling HUGE redfish all day on them....so I'm pretty sure they could handle little bitty fresh water largies! haha Either way that's all the info I can offer... I'm looking to get a couple of them myself at some point. Cheers, Ryan
  13. awesome! I love the fact that they're slammin' pannies in the rain! Troopers them kids are! Very cute...love the reports with the little ones. Cheers, Ryan
  14. awesome - congrats!
  15. Ditto - I don't have an auto inflate but I do wear my PFD all the time when alone, with the kids or with my brother who can't swim! lol When I get a Mustang A/I I will wear it all the time regardless of who I'm with. I'm going to wear one all the time this year while filming Facts of Fishing THE SHOW with Dave and I might just "forget" to put it back in the boat compartment when I leave one day.... haha He's offered me one a bunch of times but I always forget to grab it. On a side note, it's always nice to have something on board that floats - (mandatory safety rope is fine) but I still like to have a spare (regular) PFD on the boat for back-up. Just the way I am as I always have at least one of my kids on board and you can never be to safe. Cheers, Ryan
  16. Awesome dude! I was close with my grandpa and he died when I was only 5.... Missed him every day since... Enjoy the times out with him!!!!! Good work!
  17. Buddy these are awesome! I might have to pack up the kids and take them for a walk in search of some of these little guys in the creeks around here.... Tanks for the post as usual - always love reading them!
  18. Well it's nice to see some of you hardcore steelhead boys put slammin carp on the fly! Good work dude
  19. Awesome work man! That other brute you got is a wicked fish to... makes me wanna dust off the carp gear!
  20. Thanks for letting us know Roy - I have some idea's in the works for the Fish-a-Thon this year. John was a good dude and strong supporter of the event.
  21. Ps. I'm not a fly guy, especially for carp but I did catch a little carp on a small in-line spinner one time, and had one smash my corn on the drop in 15 fow
  22. Oh my goodness look at the belly on that thing! lol good work!
  23. Oh boy he has one solid weekend on the trib and now he's the brown whisperer! lol
  24. That's enough outta you Bouck!
  25. Buddy... Your weekend beats my whole season thus far! haha
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