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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. LOL u guys are kill in me.
  2. Awesome buddy!!! U know me - love the family and kid reports! Thanks for posting! Cheers, Ryan
  3. LOL Nice fish man!
  4. Hey gang, Plain and simple... Thinking of getting one to get off the ground and just be more prepared and all around more comfortable when camping and traveling. We hung out in the wife's cousin's tent trailer last weekend and really enjoyed it. It's a 12 footter that opens up to 27 feet with 2 king size beds, washroom and the whole deal.... Anyways - thoughts, suggestions, likes dislikes hit me! Thanks again - u guys are an amazing resource! Cheers, Ryan
  5. haha I'm pretty sure Dave pays better than Averie! I'll stick with Facts of Fishing! Talk to u soon buddy dude I'm totally stealing this! Will do Jaques! Thanks for taking a peak at our report mon ami!
  6. Thanks dude! That's why I post them! And because I'm a ridiculously proud dad! I'm on holidays in a week son expect a bunch of reports! Thanks PG! I don't think Bob has to worry to much.... Yet! have a good one! She's been holding fish since before she could walk or talk! She did impress me holding that carp though... Now she's got the big fish bug! Thanks bud! In my defense she makes every fish look huge! haha the boy was apprehensive about holding fish before and that bass flopping out ofnhis hands didn't help!
  7. Thanks buddy! It was awesome watching her battle her first big fish! Musky next? lol I know... We have a 5 month old girl who reminds me just how fast Averie has gotten to where she is!!! Scary stuff! Thanks man just love spending time with my kids! Thanks I'm just as proud as she is.... Maybe even a little more! Memories of you gettin whopped on to? lol thanks! Much appreciated! Thanks Carp! It's my fav thing to do! Haha Thanks Maureen! lol thanks SBK in my defense I was helping them more than fishing myself! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
  8. Thanks Cliff! Good thing she can handle it on her own at this age cause she has two younger siblings that need help! Ya ya ya thanks Frank! Anytime! Thanks for reading! Doesn't take long! Start em young and get them hooked! Averies first time out was pike fishing the GTA at 7 days old in her stroller! Thanks Joey!
  9. Awesome fish! Congrats!
  10. Usually around this time of year I've caught my share of bass for a while and take some time to target carp. I asked Averie if she wanted to try for carp, or chuck around some baits for bass and gills while I did the carp thing. She's not one to sit still very long, but to my surprise she said she wanted to try for her first carp. So I took her to a spot that typically only holds 5 to 15 pounders but still wasn't sure if she, or her little 4.5 foot rod would be able to handle them. Last night I did some drag tests in the living room with her to see if she could handle having line peeled off and she seemed to do alright. So this morning, off we were, a late start at 9 a.m. but we were headed for some carp action! On our way down the hill and through the bush, I managed to tangle my rod all to heck so while I was screwing around with that I set her up, and of course... she yell's FISH ON before I even get my line in the water!!! It was all her, I just grabbed the camera and snapped away while she fought her first ever carp, and by far her biggest fish to date like a pro!!! I was so proud!!! Luke watched and screamed for her to land it the whole time! lol She worked it perfectly with her little 4.5 foot Voltaeus! Just when she thought she had the fish whopped it'd take off like a bolt peeling her 5lb Power Pro off like nothin haha Check out the bed in that rod! lol Finally after probably close to 10 minutes of her fighting the fish we had him in the net and realized he was missing an eye! Here she is with her prized catch! Release... A few minutes later Averie's rod goes off again but she had a lap full of snacks so being the class act of a dad I am I pounced on her rod and punked her for her second fish of the morning! Once the sun got up high the carp bite died right down... we had a few bumps but missed them... I toughed it out but Averie switched modes....she managed a mixed bag of fish and a new PERSONAL BEST largie... man did she ever whop on me today! lol Here's just a few of her fish... Smaller Largie.. decent rockie.. I don't seem to remember fishing with a Stradic and Crucial combo when I was four and a half... New PB Largie...friggin' kid... luke holding one of his sisters fish... lol After that he wouldn't hold his own fish... This was the closest we could get of him holding his own fish... lol feeling like a broken man I had to at least catch one fish on my own rod before I left... and here it is! lol Averie on the other hand had her first case of Bass Thumb!! wasnt' a problem for me today.. Well that was our morning.... on to some house work and hopefully we'll get out again before the end of the weekend! Thanks for readin....cheers, Ryan, Averie and Luke
  11. Dude I've caught 25+ pounders at the forks of the Thames downtown London! No way I'd drive all the way to p'boro for them! There's great carping to be had all over southern Ontario! Poke around online I'm sure you'll find some new spots to try... I intend to find some new water myself in the coming weeks.. Good luck and keep us posted on how you do!
  12. BETTER REVISE THAT TOTAL AGAIN TO $15,745.00 Thanks to a VERY GENEROUS pledge that I received from our good friend FishnSled ( Thanks Will! ) Some people call him Bill... kind of like how some people call William Shatner Bill... Only FishnSled is way cooler than Shatner... and he can catch fish! Thanks Will!
  13. Hey I got something from him in the mail to! A ONE HUNDRED dollar pledge to the Fish-aThon!!!!! A good man he is... Thanks Will! Youre a good friend with a good heart!
  14. He also provided is with all of the shirts we were wearing!
  15. Thank you very much for the words Charles... and thanks again for the awesome prizes! We had an amazing group of people working together to make this happen and they all deserve a huge round of applause. For those who didn't see the two big fish, adult and kids division in Juli's post... here they are again... this is a fishing forum after all! 13.25 inch Bullhead won biggest kids div. Here he is holding up his check! ( a 5 lb chocolate bar ) lol And here's Brian Beaumont's 22 inch largie... skinny fish but long with a huge head... Thanks again everyone - until next year!
  16. Thanks Brian it was a great day for the kids especially with the bouncy castle and all the prizes from Dixie in St. Thomas and my parents! Hopefully the little ones drag mom and dad out again next year! Dan - don't start a water fight if you can't finish it! Mike - it was nice seeing ya even though you didn't manage to stay! Frank - thanks for having such a great better half... lol Will... Yepp, I'll be on her early with the boy thing
  17. Lol u guys are all crazy! Albert you're part of the family now... The wife loves you... Maybe a little to much.... Thanks again everybody! Dano...... Ur a'aight to I guess... lol No worries Ron hope to see you and dutchie out next year!
  18. Ok Folks - We did a quick count saturday afternoon with all the pledges we had on hand and pledge sheets that were turned in at the time. But once we got all the final pledge sheets dropped off, last minute donations in, and all the money IN OUR HANDS and accounted for we ended up ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING our goal!!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE.... Our final tally, with all cash and checks finally in hand and accounted for is..... $15,645 THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYBODY INVOLVED! I'm back in the office so I have to bounce for now but I wanted to let everybody know just how amazing it turned out to be!
  19. She'd been waiting 364 days to see "the boys" again and brings them up probably a couple times a week.... I love those boys but I told her their just a little to old for her! haha
  20. SPIEL - here's the fish that won your rod! Third prize off the table... It was 22 inches which could have easily gone 6+ pounds but she was skinny.... still a great fish with a huge head... I'll post more pix tonight guys - got some catching up to do in the office! Cheers, Ryan
  21. Thanks for that post Dano! Everything is all cleaned up as of yesterday afternoon and the park was more than happy with the way everything went. They wanted me to thank you guys for being such a great group in the park! Went off without a hitch, and they're proud to have been able to host us and our event! Cheers, Ryan
  22. Absolutely awesome photo gallery! You guys are all unbelievably awesome!!!!! We have some serious thank you's to throw out there which I'll touch on tomorrow for sure - just got in from cleaning up bringing all the borrowed gear back to where we got it and then enjoying an evening back at the park with my family...even managed to spend about an hour on the water and bring some decent fish in the boat!!! Thank you all - Juli, the pictures are awesome... gotta go deal with overtired kids who need to get to sleep... Cheers, Ryan
  23. Hey gang! It was an awesome day and I can't wait to see the pics! I'm down at the lake hanging out with my family, hoping to slam a few fish before bed tonight! Thank you once again to everybody involved it was awesome! Once I'm at home I'll be able to see all the pics.... Can't wait! Big thanks to Juli!
  24. It was awesome seeing you guys again buddy!!! Thank you so much for the prizes and for coming out with the family!
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