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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. Welcome to the forum and thanks for the post. Now go get 'em. There is a lunker out there waiting for you.
  2. Nice truck. I have a 2009 Silver Laramie. I moved from GM truck and have no regrets.
  3. Awesome. Good times!
  4. $5 for a scoop of minnows and it would be difficult to find better customer service anywhere. I can't wait for Saturday to arrive so I can go launch there. Greg and gang have a great operation.
  5. WTG Skipper! Now let's reel in a big one!
  6. You'll just have to go back and try again!
  7. For what it is worth.... I had a similar issue with my Eagle FF. My issue was the pins on the back of the FF where bent and not all were making proper contact when I plugged in the cable. After noticing and some adjustments, my issue went away (until the pins bent again - cheap/poor design). Best of luck. Hopefully you issue is not a big or difficult one to resolve.
  8. Only a mere 25 more years to go. You're killing me!
  9. Very nice!
  10. Batteries Are Us 68 Clarke St N Woodstock ON N4S7M5 519-539-0626 I bought some deep cycle batteries for my boat and RV from these guys. Great people.
  11. Lucky son of gun!
  12. LOL. Sorry guys but that was funny!
  13. I'd be on the mighty St. John River somewhere sorta near Fredericton.
  14. Yikes. I understand your frustration. It ticks me off when experience or hear about similar stories. The only recourse is to provide your business to folks who know how to treat a good customer.
  15. My brother used to eat milkbones when we were kids.
  16. Another great reason to carry a pocket knife...
  17. Hard to beat that deal!
  18. Oh oh. Better make sure you don't forget your spare next time out.
  19. I was born and raised in NB and have eaten my fair share. Tasty treats. The signs in NB from the highway indicate the scenic route for the lower Saint John River Valley. Nice drive I your not in a hurry.
  20. Does the trailer have electric brakes?
  21. Welcome. If you are ever in the London area later in the summer when feeling better and want to join a boat for a day out, look me up. I hoping for good fishing in the inner bay at Long Point this year.
  22. Walloping websnappers! I need a vacation!
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