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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. SEAFOAM is DA BOMB!! that doesn't make the engine go BOOM... It sometimes is a "Mechanic in a Can" and has always worked wonders for me. Everything I own that burns gas has Seafoam in it. I pour 1/2 can in the spring ...1/2 can mid summer or whenever I have a low idle trolling problem... 1/2 can in the fall when storing a 1/2 to full tank of gas. When I store my engine .. I pour some down the throat of the carb 'til it stalls... I remove the kill switch tab and give 'er 5 or 6 cranks. Every spring she starts right up with some smoke and runs fine. I haven't tried this yet but.... some of my buds pour some into their lower units before changing their gear oil... #1 drain old gear oil #2 add can of Seafoam #3 Start and engage engine with the muffs on run for about 30 seconds at idle and drain.. #4add new oil. And for the 1/2 cans I have left over ... well they go straight down the oil filler tube and the gas tank of my Expedition. I apologize for making this a Public Service Announcement for Seafoam. Randy
  2. Auto & Marine is what you need in liquid form part # SF16
  3. PURE LARD STRAIGHT FROM THE PIG'S I always use my Turkey Pot for deepfrying ... and the lard is way better in my opinion... end result is a less greasy and crispier fillet or wing or whatever... more costly than conventional oil but lasts longer well worth the extra $. Randy
  4. Closer to home than you may think Wayne http://www.ontariosasquatch.com/#/nipissing/4521082945 YEAR: 1994 SEASON: Unknown PROVINCE: Ontario COUNTRY: Canada LOCATION DETAILS: Canada, Ontario, Temagami OBSERVED: My brother and I were riding in a small boat when I noticed something on the shore. It was about 40 metres away, but we saw a 7 foot tall humanoid that looked completely brown scooping up water into its mouth with its hand. Then it looked at us and walked away. OTHER WITNESSES: We were fishing. Trolling to be exact ENVIRONMENT: It was in a bay off of lake Temagami. There was thick forest all around it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR: 2005 SEASON: Summer MONTH: August PROVINCE: Ontario COUNTRY: Canada NEAREST TOWN: Temagami NEAREST ROAD: Highway 11 OBSERVED: I am 45 years old, my son is 18. Last summer on a camping trip to Temagami, Ontario we had a most intense hour of probable contact with numerous Sasquatch. I'd been reading your website daily for a few months at that point so I was aware of certain things I otherwise wouldn't have been. I can't help but come to the conclusion that Sasquatch inhabit areas that Man has destroyed and then moved on, such as deforested areas and strip mined areas. We were in such an area at the time of these occurences. You can actually drive right to this particular area. On the narrow dirt road in there were many numerous tree snaps (mostly birch) 15 or so feet off the ground. Trees at least 8" across, not tiny ones. When we stopped the truck we startled a huge red fox, who ran away over an entire field of mined piled boulders. My son and his girlfriend got out of the truck and took off running in the direction that the fox ran, over the piled boulders. I slowly and much more carefully made my way up the side of the boulders. When I got to the top I could see them heading towards the woods at the other side of the field of boulders about a quarter of a mile away. I became acutley aware of loud tree tapping noises from the woods on the other side of the field of rocks. You know when you're being watched and we were. This was a very desolate area. When the kids finally returned my son's girlfriend told me that someone or something had been throwing stones at them but they couldn't figure out from which direction. Hmmmmmm. I wonder who that could have been. The kids proceeded to run down the road in front of where I'd parked the truck as there were some abandoned buildings to an old mine. I went to the truck to get my camera, when I turned around the kids were way down the road, yet I could hear loud running footfalls behind some trees off to my right (somewhere between me and the kids). Anyway a number of other stange noises and such happened while we were there. At the bottom of a very old wooden staircase there was a huge mound of what looked like crap. It would have probably filled a 35 gallon fishtank. I joked that it looked like Sasquatch crap at the time and my son of course just said "ya right". So half jokingly I picked up a rock about twice the size of my fist and lobbed it down the stairs at the blob expecting it to just bouce off a pile of dirt. Well, it didn't bounce off. It sank a few inches into this mound with a splat sound. We just all looked at each other and all said "oh crap". It was either the largest pile of axle grease I've ever seen or it was genuine. We didn't go any closer, as there was a huge hole broken through some wooden floor boards only a few feet away from it that most likely led down into the old abandoned mine. I think I may even have a picture of it, as we took a few that afternoon of this strange location. I know exactly where this location is. We are going back again this summer probably in August. ALSO NOTICED: The sound of something very large crashing through the bush towards our location. Stopped just short of a small swampy area. Nothing appeared and the sound stopped. Inside buildings it was pitch black but noises could be heard and it was obvious that something was running around inside. When we would look in one open door the sound moved to the other side of the building. This happened at every opening we looked in. There was also a gravel area that looked like it was once a parking lot perhaps. There was an obstruction in the trees that appeared to have been used as a hunters blind. OTHER WITNESSES: My son, his girlfriend and myself. OTHER STORIES: There is supposedly stories of Sasquatch in Temagami. TIME AND CONDITIONS: Bright sunny afternoon. Very hot day. ENVIRONMENT: Mixed deciduous and evergreen forested area. Small man made lake, likely from where many of the rocks and boulders originally came from. Unimaginably large area of nothing but piled boulders and rocks of every size and shape. A few city blocks in size at least. Follow-up investigation report: I spoke with the writer/witness over the phone and found him to be very genuine in nature and excited about the incidents he experienced. He is an avid fisherman and has traveled around various remote areas of northern Ontario. There was not much extra to add to this original report because he was so thorough. However, he did mention a few more important details. The trees that were broken were snapped off at about the 15 - 20 foot mark. He believes there were about 20 trees broken in this fashion with the tops missing. The wood knocking that he heard lasted on and off for approximately 20 minutes and appeared to be about 1/2 mile away. A couple of days prior to the above reported incident, the writer/witness went fishing with his son approximately 20 - 30 km from the report location. They had parked their vehicle on a bridge and then gone down to the river's edge to fish. They noticed across the river was a crude structure made up of woven sticks. The son went across the river to investigate it. His son walked along a narrow trail and searched the immediate area. Upon returning back along the same trail he found, to his amazement, a large stick ( 1 inch diameter x 8 feet long ) sticking in the ground, like a spear, in the trail. He knows it was absolutely not there when he walked the path just minutes before. He pulled out the stick and took it home. They still have it.
  5. No ,I'm not doing it wrong.... I always make a mess no matter what I do.. painting, staining, spaghetti sauces... oil changes Man.. even when I drink beer. Randy
  6. Castrol EP90 part #0152-39... and as Roy stated... get the 15.00$ refill hose kit and avoid the mess. *edit. get a can of SEAFOAM for good measure put about 1/2 in the gas tank.
  7. Don't count on it.... They were fierce here last night and are out this morning too... Temagami is just 50 minutes north of here... Being a blood donor is a small price to pay for a weekend of fishing. Randy
  8. A woman takes a lover home during the day, while her husband is at work. Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them, and hides in the bedroom closet. Then the woman's husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already. The little boy says, 'Dark in here.' The man says, 'Yes, it is.' Boy - 'I have a Rapala.' Man - 'That's nice.' Boy - 'Want to buy it?' Man - 'No, thanks.' Boy - 'My dad's outside.' Man - 'OK, how much?' Boy - '$250' A few weeks later, it happens again that the boy and the lover, are in the closet together.. Boy - 'Dark in here.' Man - 'Yes, it is.' Boy - 'I have Berkley Lightnin' Rod. 'The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, 'How much?' Boy - '$750' Man - 'Sold.' A few days later, the boys father says to the boy, 'Grab your Lightnin' Rod and Rapala , let's go to the river and have some father & son fishin' time. The boy says, 'I can't, I sold my Rapala and Lightnin' Rod dad.' The father says, 'What?! How much did you sell them for?' Boy - '$1,000.' The father says, 'That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that. That is far more than those two things cost. I'm going to take you to church and make you confess.' They go to the church, and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the door. The boy says, 'Dark in here.' * * * * * * The priest says, * * * * 'Don't start that crap with me again. You're in my closet now.' Randy
  9. Hooked on this one ... <iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fqOw4pUw1KU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. I'm working on a slideshow set to this song for Megan... she's gonna love it! Randy
  11. Monroe ,Sensa Trac Load Adjusters.. # 58608.... I can't give you a $ on these ... but I'd estimate 149.00/ Set.... = BIG TIME RIDE QUALITY SACRIFICE! They do work well.. It'll turn your B-Series into a 1/2 Ton pretty quick. Randy
  12. Bernie is right too! But ...Lip-ripper added something good too... Helper Springs do help as well. I also used to sell these.. not as many as the Timbrens though. HELLWIG make a darned good set that doesn't "SLAP" easy to install yourself. HELLWIG # 550........ EZ-550Lb Capacity HELLWIG # 990........ EZ-990-2000Lb Capacity Forget about "The Steering Wheel" on Main E... really nice and knowledgeable guy.. but wants too much for his stuff. Again, go see Rick at Benson by Burger World near Wal-Mart. bring Hellwig # 550 .. instead of getting it at retail 81.76$... probably 74.99$ ......Hellwig # 990 .. 117.72$ .... probably 94.99$ Tell Rick, Tony or John that , I sent ya. Randy
  13. An extra leaf will cost you about 40$ each plus hardware at H.E Browns go see Rolly in the spring shop. I'd also get a TIMBREN kit... I used to sell about 4 kits a week and they work wonders...see Rick @ Benson.. tell him I sent ya. They only work under load and will NOT sacrifice ride quality usually run about 139.00$/set. Your part 1998-2007 Ranger # FRR0504A Randy
  14. He's not dead, He's driving Taxi in Montreal...they changed his name to Caline De Bine.
  15. I think that Camera #2 is now pregnant.
  16. There must be 6 Sturgeon kickin up silt right now//// 19:37pm VERY VERY COOL!!! Randy from STURGEON
  17. If you can find it and it's not dry-rotted ... the OLD antiquated Du Pont Magnum 14/40 Oval/Flat Mono... would work just fine. What about good ol' Trilene XT? Randy
  18. Cold Storage...maybe? My uncle Luc used to have one on Nepewassi in the 50's when there was no Hydro.. Small log hut with a flat roof covered with a mound of dirt, stone or concrete doorway.. they used to store "Lake Ice" covered in sawdust in it...the Ice would last for more than a year... they used it as a fridge... since collapsed but looks very similar to the picture. Randy
  19. As Dean said... we don't have to worry about low levels, but flooding is imminent. taken this morning... Taken last year at about the same time... Randy
  20. I lost my Dad 24 years ago today he was 87 ... All of the trinkets and treasures he left behind are now mine... I hold each and every item dearly.. even Artie my Antelope.. Hopefully my kids will want to keep them as do I. Great finds Paul!! I especially like the "little jigger" Randy
  21. will this work? YES!! <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="296" id="utv573428"><param name="flashvars" value="autoplay=false&brand=embed&cid=7224882&v3=1"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="movie" value="http://www.ustream.tv/flash/viewer.swf"/><embed'>http://www.ustream.tv/flash/viewer.swf"/><embed flashvars="autoplay=false&brand=embed&cid=7224882&v3=1" width="480" height="296" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv573428" name="utv_n_6699" src="http://www.ustream.tv/flash/viewer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object><br /><a href="http://www.ustream.tv/" style="padding: 2px 0px 4px; width: 400px; background: #ffffff; display: block; color: #000000; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px; text-decoration: underline; text-align: center;" target="_blank">Live video chat by Ustream</a>
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