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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. (with a French accent) Barnac!!! :thumbsup_anim: Randy
  2. and what would that be Vince? Randy
  3. I support the Developmentally Challenged..It was an activity I was scheduled to do... I love my job
  4. Elvis Festival. #1 Friday: had great supper with my wife(no kids) at Montana's in Sudbury. #2 bought cheapo cell phone at Wally*World 69.99$ + 50$ card #3 Saturday: leave for Elvisfest in Collingwood with clients , 2012 Ecoboost Ford Flex rental (WOW ) #4 P stop in Trout Creek and lose new phone in Outhouse(down the hole) #5 get to Barrie early have lunch and cruise the waterfront & buy Tackle @Racks & Reels #6 Get to Comphort Inn @ 210 Essa Rd @15h00 to check in to find out that my reservations had been cancelled by my employer (turns out by accident) #7 drive directly to Collingwood to find an OPP station for help since I had no more phone.. there' I had to deal with a very drunk Elvis handcuffed to a bench that had puked and on/in his silk jumpsuit... I threatened to punch him out #8 dealt with impatient overworked officer with 8000 more people in his town.. but a very patient dispatcher named Claire helped me out like a pro. she helped me find a Community Living group home that could give me supplies ,use their phone and give me directions to some motels that had no vacancy. #9 Drove to: Staynor, Grand Bend I think, 2-3 more little towns, Penetang,Midland, Fergus, Angus, Lafontaine, Wasaga Beach... NOT ONE MOTEL TO BE FOUND that had vacancy...until.. #10 on Hwy 26 near Collingwood the "no" sign went out at a motel..Vacancy!! #11 Pleasant Manor Motel #`12 1 double bed for 3 guys.. (clients got to see Elvis by 20h15 )..my clients shared the bed .. I had the whole floor to myself 'til 02h30 and then the tub 'til 06h30.. check out was @ 08h00 all that for 200.00$ #13 Sunday: made my way back to Barrie for proof of cancellation, take Hwy 400N to go home then onto Hwy 11N #14 tune into KICX 106 to find out that Hwy 11N is closed @ Oro Line 12 south of Orillia (I'm almost there)for up to 12 hours because of an OPP investigation #13 find next exit and turn around head back south on 11 then 400 to the 69 junction #14 1/2 hour onto 400/69 I ran over 5 Canada Geese that suddenly ran out of the ditch ..with the Flex... no damage but a lot of feathers & dead Geese:clapping: Built Ford Tough How was your weekend? I'm heading to camp on Friday .... pray for me Please!! Randy Expect a full report of Injuries , Fish , Beer & BBQ....
  5. I'm the only hunter out there dressed in full blaze orange riot gear..
  6. The rearing nets are broken apparently more than 250K got loose recently ..... my nephew and his bud caught 300+ 15"-17" over the weekend... whatever they threw out they caught one...not sure where on the Island.. but it's somewhere near a fish farm. Randy
  7. Thanks guys!!! After posting this I'm pretty sure that not many of you would be willing to fish with me But this.. I can guarantee... if someone comes out alive and with all their limbs it will be you! I'm leaving tomorrow for Collingwood for an Elvis festival... (work related).....( I'm not a big fan)..... I just hope that I don't get injured by someone stepping on my Blue Suede Shoes.... but really... I have 12 days off as of the 29th of July and will be spending it at the Trailer... I'm bringing a double stuffed first aid kit and a few gallons of Benedryl & Bactine... I don't know about you.. but when I go on an expedition .. I look before I leap, and think before I act, and still ... I expect to get injured ( I'm surprized that Curlrap hasn't added to this post) It's a bonus for me when I come home without some sort of injury.. I've been like this all of my 38 years, with scars to prove it. a few highlights... #1 Bear attack #2 Mole jumped out of livewell and bit me on the nose (I was best man at a wedding that day) left a good gash. #3 Knocked myself out with a hatchet fell too close to the fire and melted my glasses and burned my hair. #4 Installed portable outhouse over beesnest.... multiple sings on Peter& #5 Got hit in the neck with a golfball while fishing... I still have no clue where it came from.. whoever it was, he has a hell of a drive. #6 Got my goatee caught in a bilge pump... (don't ask) #7 while getting attacked by Red Ants.. I ran up onto the deck into a closed patio door breaking my glasses and getting a fat lip & bloody nose .. twirled into the air off the deck onto a new BBQ and my daughter's bike (multiple injuries) .. Again .. I can guarantee you'd be safe going fishing with me...rest assured I'll have a double stuffed First Aid Kit for you to use. Randy
  8. It goes like this.... I've had my fair share of adventures so far this summer... not much fishing done. as of June 1 st I've been working almost 6 days a week and at least 3 of those are doubles.... not much time on my hands My camper has been parked on Lake Tomiko since June 15th so I do get a chance to get to camp at least 4 days a week... I got a chance to re-connect with a brother that I haven't seen in 33 years, a sister I haven't seen in 19, and another brother and his husband that has been 10 years since the last time we spoke.. they all spent a week at my camper with me we had a great time.... So far I've had my fair share of Beers and BBQ .. to date I've seen 6 Moose 9 Deer and countless Partridge on my travels to and from camp... no so many fish Most of you that know me, know that I'm a walking definition of Murphy's law..I work in the injury department. #1 4 bee sings on my rt foot #2 8" hardwood splinter through my left arm (still infected) #3 2x 3/4" staples in my right arm (just healing) #4 rust and paint from my trailer step embedded in my right shin #5 tore 2 nails off my right foot on trailer step + 3 damaged toes #6 rental car breaks down in the middle of nowhere while transporting clients to Algonquin area. #7 Rapala in foot 2 hooks.. #8 2 bee stings under my hat.. #9 bad splinter through 2 knuckles on right hand #10 9 bee stings to my back while leaning on a nest in a birch tree #11 fell off pontoon boat #12 fell off dock #13 fell out of camper #14 got tripped by a 120lb Black Lab and his rope.(didn't spill a drop of beer) #15 trailer awning fell on my head #16 Jig in thumb, trailer in hand #17 set fire to my shorts while playing with lighter in pocket..(burned my left thigh) #18 crushed my left thumb with my anchor.. #19 put out a car fire at work #20 BBQ caught fire at camp #21 neighbor kid nailed me in the head with a baseball(he needs pitchin'lessons) #23 (most recent *edit) 6" gash & bruise on a fatroll on my back after snaging it on the camper door. #22 caught less than 25 fish all season.... How's your summer so far...? Here's the start to last year 2010 season I tells ya ... "Murphy from Sturgeon" http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43728&st=0&p=467364&hl=trolling%20motor%20caught%20fire&fromsearch=1entry467364 Randy
  9. It's probably gonna be behind closed doors I'd figure.... Having the general public there would most likely turn violent. Randy
  10. I use a Kershaw and a Rapala...and I have a Fiskars ... I prefer the Kershaw.. stays sharper longer... But regardless of the brad you prefer... NEVER run it through a WILTSHIRE Staysharp thing .... if so you've just ruined it.. they change the angle of attack and are a pain in the to get back to normal.... I know from experience because of my wife of 15 yrs... my fillet knives have been hidden for a few years now. I use the Speedysharp to sharpen mine and I can shave with them. Randy
  11. Bang on the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$... I got stopped last year with my camper.... I passed ... except for one recommendation I have snap hooks on my camper he told me to hook it underhad vs overhand ..apparently it's safer that way. I've always done this... crossing the chains creates a cradle if ever the wagon got un-hooked and would prevent it from falling onto the road digging into the pavement.... Randy
  12. if the kids are over 8 years old..not worth the 100.00$ take them to the Muskoka Wildlife centre instead......... just my opinion. Randy
  13. Could it be the lure/bait? regardless of which line I use .. when I use a jig/minnow (if the minnow isn't on straight) I get massive looping and line twists... not one more than the other though. But I do agree that backing the spool with mono will help... since the spool is designed for braid you'd think that that wouldn't happen or at least happen less. Randy
  14. SEAFOAM!!! Auto ,Fleet ,Marine #SF16 I put that Stuff in everything. Randy
  15. I have a hard time keeping the paint on the Perch & Clown patterns.. not to mention they eyes falling out and breaking the "bills" lips. Slapping these baith on the water to remove weeds is a NO NO. But I also agree that they do catch fish Randy
  16. Now that's cool! Good lookin' Rod.. and a very nice Walleye to boot!
  17. ..Try this.... unplug the pedal and take it apart (simple) get some Brake and Electrical contact cleaner.. spray it onto a cloth and wipe down all the contacts and smear a small amount of Dielectric grease on them ..* REASSEMBLE the pedal before plugging it back in ( if not you might see smoke)... that might do the trick ... It has for me and countless other Minn-Kota and Motor-Guide customers. Randy
  18. Year , Make, Model,HP of outboard? Sounds way to rich... go back to the 50:1 and throw in 1/2 a can of Seafoam for good measure I put that S#%T in everything !! Good Luck .. Eh! Randy
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