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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. I'm the kind of guy that usually minds his own business and very seldom do I.. snoop into others. I just picked up my kids from school and was chatted up by a friend that had seen my truck at the Police Station this morning.. he asked me if something was up. I told him what I was there for. He already knew of my being pulled over in December and went on to say that .. the Officer in question has many complaints against him , hear say? maybe? I, for the sake of this small town, hope that he calms down and acts like a professional from now on.
  2. Well..... I just got back from the Police Station... I was greeted at the window by the one and only "Constable Mike Davis" He politely asked can I help you Mr.Kirkwood... I told him that I would like to file a formal complaint on his truly and I asked for another constable. Our new Police Chief then assisted me... WOW talk about good service... I was questioned about what causes I had to want to file such complaints. We logged onto OFC so he could see for himself.... Hmmm... I then asked if I could get in trouble for posting such a topic On-Line... he re-read it and said no. Since I didn't use the Officers real name nor the name of the Detachment or other Officers I was OK. PHEWWW!! Word of my being pulled over in December had long ago came to his attention by way of my Buddy the Staff Sargent. Instead of having me file the complaint against said Officer ... he called him to the office and sat him right beside me like a School Principal would do... he then reiterated my claim and asked if they were true...Cnst Davis quickly said "Yes Sir". Our Chief asked me if a formal apology and a handshake would suffice... I hesitated and said Yes. The Constable then extended his hand and said "Mr.Kirkwood ,I'm sorry for what I have done to you and you can be assured that it will never happen again"... WOW! Holy Friggin' professional! The Chief asked me if there was anything else ... I had nothing to say but Thank You... he let me out of his office and SLAMMED the door shut with said Constable still sitting in there. I think that he may have been a little angry I feel better now that I know the Chief himself has an eye on him. All is well that ends well...thanks for all the advice guys ... I'm glad I didn't do anything drastic.. Mr. Kirkwood
  3. The Excursion 3/4 ton Diesel is basically a F-250.... good machines..a few friends of mine have them... way better than a comparable Suburban. I've had an Expedition @260000K(F-150 5.4) for the past 8 years and have had ZERO problems with her... regular maintenance is key. Randy
  4. His boss will be back on Tuesday .. lucky guy is gone to see the Daytona 500... I will file a formal complaint..with him 'cause I really trust the Man I would have thought that his first talking to would have set him straight but it just seemed to jack him up.. Unless he decides to start a rumble I'll steer clear of him... and if he does I'll do my best to turn the other cheek. It just angers me to see someone with authority abusing it. Randy
  5. If the producers of this show decided to make a show about a "Trapper Family" from Northern Ontario... it probably wouldn't be that different. Instead of shootin' gators they'd be Bonking Lynx and Wabbit... skinning Beaver and Muskrat..bombing down a trail on an old Ski-Doo.. eating beans and playing the harmonica. To me it's a window to a different culture and lifestyle.. and I like the Cajun-French accent. Welcome to da Swamp, Laissez les bon temps rouler!!
  6. All I can see is that in high school ,I was a better football player and could out-bench press him by about 100Lbs... we never really butted heads or hung around together .. we have a lot of mutual friends... Everyone that knows him say that his new position has gone to his head.
  7. he chuckled in a sinister way, swearing with attitude before getting into his cruiser.... I was at his bosses place over the holidays having a few beers and his name came up .. so I mentioned the incident.. He's a new member of our municipal force and not well liked at all , even in high school he was an arrogant butthead.. and still is.
  8. I was pulled over in early December by an Officer on a power trip accusing me of being on a cell phone.. which I wasn't.. I don't own a cell phone. He's a guy my age that I played football in school with. *** Officers name has been changed*** When I got pulled over .. I rolled down my window and said " Eh, Mike " he said " If you see me having a beer in town on Friday or Saturday night you can call me Mike.. but today you're gonna call me Constable Davis" I asked him why he pulled me over and he said "You were on the Phone"... I denied it and gave him consent to check my car... he did ...While huffing and puffing he checked the glove box and the console storage.... no phone to be found. He had witnessed me putting a pen in my hat. He then said "Randy, you can leave now" I said ... Constable Davis.. "If you see me in town on Friday or Saturday night having a beer you can call me Randy .. but today you're gonna call me Mr.Kirkwood" he chuckled used a few choice words and went back to his cruiser. His boss, is a GREAT friend of mine and an Ex Employer.. I told him all about it.. Cnst Davis was taken aside at work and reprimanded for being an . It got around the office and his peers are razzing him... most of his peers are good friends of mine too. Now... I was out last Saturday and so was he Cnst Davis. He was being really loud and throwing me insults.. I shrugged it off.. and left for another establishment... not long after he showed up at the same place.. still being an arrogant . I was playing pool with another friend and Cnst Davis..Intentionally stepped on my foot and hit my cue just before I took a shot and made me scratch... I know that he's looking for a physical confrontation... I also know that I can take this guy if ever it would happen. And to top it all off he pulled my wife over today and tried to find something to charge her with ... from inspecting the truck and delaying her lunch hour by 25 minutes before letting her go without an apology or a fine. He's driven by my house 6 times within the past 2 hours. My question ... is he always on duty? and if he is and I'm pretty sure that I'd win the battle... what would be my charge and what would be his. I tried getting hold of his boss today ... but he's in Florida Randy
  9. Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!
  10. I made application for this show and a buddy of mine, Ian ,beat the Man. Here's how it went... the "prey cam" and Mantracker scenes are actual videos taken during the chase. The cameraman in the bush scenes are re-enactments shot after the race was ran.. Totally real and Canadian.
  11. I applied for that show... If I get chosen to be tracked ... Damn Them!!! no Terry no deal.
  12. Thanks Man! I just a seizure and I have an urge to listen to Radio 1... Randy
  13. That happened to me as well..with the fridge I have in the shed only does it in winter, works fine in the summer. I'm interested with the answers that you're gonna get.
  14. I used to have such a job on Nipissing...about 20 years ago for a few seasons..500$/ week from my employer , I was disappointed with 700USD $ in tips every Saturday when the guests left.. I got a 2500.00$ tip and all expenses paid trip to Hong Kong.. Got to go fishing on days off and be a GUEST ... drink beer and sit by the campfire. Although the work can be hard and there's some s you have to deal with out there, it was well worth it and an experience I'll never forget. If I were 17 again I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over. As for hot chicks , some of the kitchen staff turned out to be pretty hot. I got roses on my piano , quite a few times. Randy
  15. If you're talking Tall Pines Camp on Nipissing's Sandy Island.. owned by Dan and Linda that would be Francis. I heard today that APTN is looking at making a biography of his life.
  16. Here in the small community of Sturgeon Falls, we had an original aboriginal... He was quite the character... well liked and well known , actually everybody knew him... the kindest and warm hearted individual that anyone could have ever met. Always to be seen chatting somebody up on the street accompanied by his little dog Charlie Brown. He was a greatly respected Native Elder and locally known as one of Lake Nipissing's best guides. Until the late 70's, he was the last resident of Nipissing's Wig-Wam bay.. a distance of 12Kms from town... which in winter he would walk the distance 2x a day... He was also know for walking some 60KMS to Dokis Bay across frozen Nipissing and French River. Here is a tribute song and video that Garden Village men wrote for their elder. Very touching. I know that probably none of you, with the exception of a few had ever had the chance to meet this great man. Had you known him you'd have great sentiment, as do I. R.I.P, Francis McQuabbie <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_ImkpB4dKGY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Randy
  17. does anyone remember Vince MacDonell (spelling?) 's Casting Out? Whatever happened to that guy .. and how the heck did he get a show in the first place?
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