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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Same thing as every year. A 15 inch perch. Have probably caught 100's by now over 14 with 14 7/8 being the biggest but I just can't get that 15 incher. In 30 years on Simcoe I have had a few that I have lost at the hole while ice fishing that I'm sure where over 15...but they don't count.
  2. My love of the fall is more weather related then fishing related Brian. Just love the, throw a hoody on weather, with no bugs to boot. After the 1st week in October when it got up to 27 celsius we have had very little of the fall weather I enjoy. Most days that had the temps I like had rain or too much wind to get out and enjoy them. This fall we where raking leaves at home, at the cottage and at my folks. Literally had 5 days during the last month that a would call decent days to get out and get yard work done. And now we have 4-6 inches of snow on the ground in Bobcaygeon. Just glad I got the raking done. Now it's back to fishing.
  3. For years I have said the fall is my favourite time of year. What the hell happened this year?
  4. I've been telling people this for probably 20 years. Get a box of 3/8 hex head screws and drill them into the bottom of your baffins. Replace worn screws as necessary. I usually have to do a few every season. A box of 100 screws will last a long time. No slip on crap to worry about.
  5. Thx for that Dan. My folks do not have a computer but if I get the chance I'll show this thread to my mom. It would make her very happy to hear others speak of her uncle that way.
  6. Seems someone posts this song on here every year and I'm always happy to see it. It is well done and really hits home for me. My mother's Uncle on her moms side was Leonard Birchall. I never met the man but I have heard countless stories about him from my mom. I have seen pictures of him in uniform with so many medals pinned on him you wonder how he stood upright. Take the time if you wish to google his name and read about his military career and accomplishments. I find myself doing it every year at this time and wish I could have met the man. Going to war is something I have never had to give any thought to. Remembrance day is a yearly reminder how lucky those of us are to have never experienced any of those horrors and how thankful we should all be "To the boys and the girls who went over".
  7. Beauty day to be fishing....well done. I spent mine raking leaves? Well at least I got outdoors.
  8. I love bass. Easy to catch, abundant and put up a good fight. But most importantly lotsa people fish for them. Which is good because while those clowns are targeting bass they are leaving the fish that I'm after alone?
  9. Betcha you where both happy with that outcome Lew. I have a ring story as well. I got a silver ring with the letter S engraved on it for a grade 5 graduation present from my grand parents. It was also too big. One day at public skating at the arena I lost it. Made a report in the office but never expected to see it again. Gord Brown who ran the arena and was also my coach one year said he would keep an eye out for it. Fast forward to the spring and my folks get a phone call and you guessed it my ring was found. When they where taking the ice out at the end of the season it was frozen right up tight against the boards behind one of the nets. Can't imagine how many hundreds or thousands of people skated past/over it for the months it was stuck there.
  10. Thats a beauty Lew. And yes it would be nice to have especially in the winter. I used to play a lot of pool and always wanted a table. When we built our house in 88 I specifically had a steel "I " beam installed so my 24 X 24 basement would have no jack posts in the entire room....leaving me lotsa room for a pool table. Cost me a good penny extra back in the day to have this done but I wanted a pool table. Fast forward to the present and I still have no table...lol. Still love to play but things just progressed differently and the room always ended up getting used for other things. No regrets whatsoever and I no longer want a table....but DAMN....that set up you have looks good. Enjoy it Lew. I can just imagine the hours of enjoyment you and your friends and family will get out of it.
  11. Still have a solid month of chasing perch on simcoe before my baby gets put away for the winter. And I have stabilizer mixed into every tank of my gas. BTW nice looking work Wayne. Your fishing stuff will outlast you if you keep looking after it like that.
  12. A 20 fish study? What a joke. Particularly that it doesn't address mortality at all. Of course if a fish hurts its mouth it's going to effect the way it feeds...but it doesn't mean it's gonna die.
  13. I have had 2 winters now with snows and am glad I made that decision, only wish I had done it sooner. To me these relatively new "All Weather tires" sound like a lose/lose decision, no disrespect meant for those that have chose them. Your driving circumstances might be far different then mine. But they wear faster then All season and they don't perform as well in the winter as dedicated snow tires. So my pick is all seasons for spring summer and fall and true snow tires for winter. And as has been mentioned get dedicated rims for your snows. Also to save yourself some coin buy your tires at Canadian Tire. They have good tires in stock and if you flyer watch like I do you can always get a deal. Plus Canadian Tire will change your tires for free when you swap out your tires in the spring and fall as long as you purchased the tires from them.
  14. Your so right Bruce. Quality time with kids and grandkids is what its all about.
  15. Good on your for getting the young lad out. And your right, Simcoe perch are hard to beat for a feed of fish.
  16. We only get to do this dance once so you might as well make the most of it. Your kids look happy your new friend looks like a keeper. I'd say your off to a real good start. Great story and pictures....thanks for sharing.
  17. Looks good Bruce. My garden is doing well too....cantaloupes next week I hope. Hopefully you are still finding some time to get out and fish.
  18. Enjoy it Terry. I took freedom 54 at the end of june.
  19. Have a pair of these at the cottage for everyone in my family. You only have to step on a zebra mussel once while swimming to understand why.
  20. Enjoy your trip Brian. I grew up in Fergus and wish I could help....but the Browns never showed up until after I moved away in 1982☹️ Not sure exactly when they started stocking. Too bad to because I am told one of the better areas is within walking distance of our old family home and the access area I used back then has houses there now.
  21. Have 2 pairs. Love them for wearing around the cottage in the summer. Also have a pair at the front door at home that are my slip on something quick to go get the mail or take the garbage out shoes. However they are downright dangerous if you have wet feet or your walking on ground with a steep grade.
  22. I meant never in the sense that the visual aspect of seeing a roundabout from a great distance as this would have been...would have at least made the driver slow down.....so a collision would have been avoided or at the very least at a much slower rate of speed. However you are correct, some of us dumb humans will always find a way to mess things up. So there is really no such thing as never.
  23. You can not go straight through at a roundabout..the center is all cement. And if they built the roundabout with the whole center actually being a say 3-4 foot high cement barrier...high enough for everyone to notice...but low enough for everyone to see over, it would be safer still....IMHO. No solution is perfect but I think this one would be a very good option. At the end of the day we have all made mistakes while behind the wheel. 30 plus years ago I was turning left at a stop sign onto a 2 lane each way highway. Coming back from a round of golf with some work mates to go pick my wife up at work. 100% sober...never had a drink. In a hurry because I'm running late...I just zoned out when I approached the intersection. Slowed down and then just turned left onto the highway. Screeching tires brought me out of my trance...as a car zoomed by me on my right. Turn just in time to see the driver giving me the death stare as he zoomed by. If it was a one lane each way highway I'm sure we would have both been dead because he would have had no choice but to hit me. I think of this EVERYTIME a story like this bus crash comes up. We all make mistakes. We don't always get away with it without consequences.
  24. Never understood the concept of roundabouts...until a few starting popping up around here. PITA the first few times I used them but easy peasy now. Throw a round about in at that intersection or any other intersection that has similar problems and this will NEVER happen again.
  25. Just seeing this today. Good job getting your young lady out. My daughter loved fishing and went with me often until she got older and discovered "boys"...lol. But her daughter Kennadi...our granddaughter.. loves fishing too, so I now have a young lady to take fishing again. Thx for sharing and enjoy the memories. They grow up fast.
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