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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. When my son was little I took him to a spot near Orillia on Simcoe where we caught catfish in the spring. One day walking the bank of the creek I saw a bowfin...didn't know what it was then either... sunning itself right beside the bank in 1-2 feet of water. Took a fishing rod rigged with a worm and dangled it right on the bowfins nose. Well he inhaled it and I handed the rod to my son for him to enjoy the fight. He enjoyed it so much we pretty much stopped fishing for catfish and just walked the bank sight fishing bowfin. Until the water warmed up and the bowfins disappeared we where there every spring.
  2. Worked up there for the summer of 81. Your pictures brought back many great memories for me. Thanks for sharing your trip and enjoy the memories you have created for yourself.
  3. Looks like a great outing. Enjoy the many fish fries.
  4. Awesome weather and awesome fishing. Sounds like a great road trip to me.
  5. I'll 2nd that. Happy Birthday Beansie. Hope Maribeth spoils you today.
  6. Keeping busy is the key Bruce. Getting out fishing once in awhile is also a good thing. Take care of yourself.
  7. Glad you got a wing man Cliff. Once we are getting into April I just have too big of a "To do" list or I would have been happy for a road trip. Enjoy yourselves and good luck with the fishing and digging. And don't forget your camera.
  8. My fishing habits have not changed much in the last 20 plus years, so I really don't need any new tackle, clothing or gear. I hope they have a good turnout but I will not be in attendance.
  9. If I'm ice fishing for perch in water with any depth...20 feet or more...I always bring my vex. It really is a useful tool to help show you how to trigger less aggressive fish to bite.
  10. To me this is like Woodstock. Everyone involved or not involved will think back to this and remember where they were when it happened and everybody will have their own little stories about the 2022 Canadian convoy. But at the end of the day I truly don't believe it will effect any kind of change. I just feel bad for anyone in the area who might be having a hard time dealing with this as it is playing out.
  11. Been the story of my life fishing for perch on Simcoe Cliff. Can't tell you how many 18 inch perch I have lost at the hole🤣🤣🤣
  12. Hit Tim Hales with Cliff yesterday. Have not fished in a rental hut since the 80's. They have not changed much since then. Warm and comfortable huts lotsa pinhead minnows and no walking and dragging all my own gear out. Action was pretty steady for perch although yesterday the smaller ones visited more frequently than the bigger ones. Came home with 2 feeds for Debbe and I. Cliff did a little better than I did. However my favourite take away from the day was just hooking up with an old fishing buddy who I have not had face time with for far too long. Thx Cliff it was a great day.
  13. I don't target whities but I'm pretty sure a 6 inch hole would be fine. My first auger, which I still have but never use is a 6 inch and I have pulled 10-15LB muskie through my holes while targeting walleye on Scugog. My everyday auger now is a 5 inch strike master laser, and I have pulled 4-5 LB chubby smallmouths on Simcoe through those holes.
  14. Go whatever route you are most comfortable with. The only thing I recommend is that if you are planning on walking out on your own at the very least invest in your own auger. If you are only targeting perch a 4 inch hole is all you will need and man is it easy to cut a 4 inch hole. Myself I could not handle the frustration of looking for vacated open holes or having to bother someone close by to borrow their auger. Also to add I have always found the first light bite for perch to be the best bite of the day. I'm usually walking out in the dark and have holes drilled at my first spot as the sun is coming up and most days I'm coming off the ice well before noon with all the perch I care to take home.
  15. Thx for sharing Simon and enjoy your fish fry. Some of my best eye memories are from the sometimes unbelievable dusk bites back in the day on Scugog. Double digit numbers of eyes per person happened often enough during those 30-45 minute feeding frenzies.
  16. You are killing me. Followed the no travel advisory last year and never ice fished at all. Can't wait for the hardwater season to begin.
  17. Hard to beat that. For years I have heard only good things about the service from Shimano in PTBO. Sounds like they are still doing it right.
  18. Nice Brian. I absolutely love the inline for ice fishing. I will never go back to anything else through the ice.
  19. In my younger days that would not have went well if he had tried something like that on me. One of us would have been hurt and damage would have been done to the restaurant. I hope the young lady was able to gets his license or some type of ID and get the police involved. What a clown.
  20. I have 2 Lew's speed spin reels I got at Canadian Tire in Lindsay I'm guessing 5 years ago. I have these reels spooled with 4 LB line and only fish Crappies, Gills and perch with them. They have been bullet proof and work today as well as they did when I bought them. I'm pretty sure they where $29.99 each plus tax. If you can find them somewhere I think they will work well for you as long as you are going after smaller fish and don't need large line capacity.
  21. Too late to help now, but I thought I'd post to maybe help someone in the future. For years now I have just went out in the morning after a rain in the spring and collected them off the roads before the birds and the traffic get them. I then pick moss growing in my backyard and mix it in a bowl with cornmeal for the worms to eat. I have 2 large peanut butter jars and fill them with the moss/cornmeal mixture. I put 5 dozen worms in each jar and the jars with small air holes punched in the lids go in the fridge. I check every couple of weeks and if needed I add new moss or more water for moisture or more cornmeal for food. I have these in my fridge at home and the cottage from the end of April until October and have not bought any worms from anyone for years.
  22. A local Crappy Tire store here in Oshawa I deal with has done a work around for the few things I have needed. You go to the store garden centre with the part# for what you want. Give it to the person in the garden center and they go into the store themselves and grab it for you. Have did this twice now and haven't spent more then 5 minutes waiting for them to find my stuff and bring it to me.
  23. Yeah he took most of his crypto money out awhile back. Whoever he is getting his advice from seems to really know their stuff.
  24. 20 minutes ago while she was doing her morning computer routine Debbe found that our income tax refunds had been deposited into our bank account. I was a happy camper. Not nearly as nice as your start to the day though Lew, well done.
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