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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. LOL Thx for that Craig. It put a big silly smile on my face
  2. Would never have thought of that..but given the OP's circumstances I think that is a brilliant idea.
  3. On a fly in once out of Chapleau. We got up one morning and the four of us where having our breakfast and planning our walleye assault for the day Jamie says "What the hell is that swimming out near the island" We look and figure it is a moose but it's at least a half mile maybe more out, so it's real hard too tell. We grab cameras and jump in the two tinnies and motor out. Sure enough it's a big cow moose and shes a good half mile or more from the closest shore. We where all awestruck by how powerful of a swimmer she was. Her wake was about the same as the 8HP motors on our boats !!! We circle around her within touching distance for about 5-10 minutes and get a ton of pictures then back off as we where concerned about tiring her out as she was a loooonnng way from shore. We didn't have to worry. She didn't even make an attempt to swim to the closest shore. She aimed for a point down our side of the lake and swam straight for it. We kept an eye on her until she got out of the water. Our collective guess was that the point was well over 2 miles away. I had no idea a moose could swim like that. This was back in the 80's. I had at least 20 pictures of the event and had them in an envelope in my locker at work to show whoever might wanna see them. I came into work after a week off for holidays to find my work area had been reorganized. Somehow in the move my envelope of pictures was lost. I'm still a little upset over it
  4. My understanding from talking to a lock worker in Bobcaygeon was that the proposal was to cut hours of operation not close locks..although he admitted he really didn't have a clue what was really going to take place. Closing locks and cutting hours are 2 entirely different things. People using the locks will just have to be more mindfull of the hours. It's the same as any business you wanna use. If you go when the store isn't open then your going to be disappointed. Crackheads and welfare are an entirely different arguement. I would however whole heartedly agree that some serious cash could be saved if they trimmed the budget on that as well. I think I would even go as far as to say they could save way more money then they will save by playing with the TSW.
  5. I have mixed feelings on this. We have a cottage in Bobcaygeon and plan on retiring there. We discovered Bobcaygeon on a house boat vacation when are kids where small and have been going back ever since. It is highly likely that we would have never fell in love with the town if the houseboat trip was not involved. So I'm grateful to the TSW for giving us this part of our lives. Having said that our economy looks like it will continue to struggle for awhile so everyone including our government have to look at ways to pull up there socks and be a little bit more responsible with money. Now if the TSW feels they need to cut/or are being forced to cut back to do there part then I fully support it. Tough choices might have to be made and I understand that many will be affected. But honestly from my perspective of being a weekend resident of Caygeon for the last 8 summers, outside of the House boat companies...which I'm sure will suffer... I really don't see local businesses being terribly impacted by this. The vast majority of visitors come by car and that isn't going to change. And boaters in the area will still have the ability to motor into town and shop as long as they are not locking through. The only other group to be adversely affected are the people wealthy enough to have a boat and travel on it. In these tough times I really don't see why the general public should support there recreational activities. Nobody likes getting things taken away from them or having restrictions placed on things they currently enjoy. Whether we are at that point is up for debate.
  6. That's a really interesting story. Kinda makes you go My brother and I where perch fishing one fall morning out in Mcphee Bay on Lake Simcoe. The fishing sucked cause the water was almost totally flat. We where the only boat out there. No one else around. I can't remember which one of us spotted it first but we noticed a very large swell/wake coming across the bay towards us. It was 3-4 feet high. There are two marina's in the Bay but nothing in either of the Marina's could make a swell/wake like this, and even if they could there was no boats around..period. It passed and rocked us pretty good and that was the end of it. Remember there was nothing else around and we never heard any kind of sound/explosion. The only explanation I have is there must have been some kinda underground/water disturbance that made this mini tsunami. Every time we are in there fishing we still ponder what we saw that day.
  7. Did you capture the event with a picture something like the one trouty shared with us
  8. One time I was a backseat passenger on the drive home from ice fishing on Nip. I looked out the window of the car and saw a group of sparrows flying out in the middle of an empty field towards the tree line on one side. Up in the treeline behind them on an old dead treetop was a hawk. He swooped down from his perch and headed straight for the sparrows about 100 yards away. When he was within 50 feet of the sparrows they knew something was up and split off all in different directions. He homed in on one of them. It was zigging and zagging all over the place but he matched it move for move and was gaining. Finally he caught up to it and nailed it with a claw. There was a small puff of feathers on impact. The last thing we saw before we drove past was him lumbering back up to his perch with his prize.
  9. Not as outdoorsy as some others mentioned...this happened in my back yard. I was out puttering around in my vegetable garden. Concentrating on my chores I started to hear a humming sound...but never gave it any thought. The sound got louder so I finally stood up to see what the hell was making all the noise. My whole backyard an area approx 50 feet by 70 feet was full off bees! The swarm was about 7 feet off the ground and about 10 feet deep. They where everywhere. I stood very still and just watched them. After a few minutes they swarmed into a neighbors spruce tree and made a huge lump/mass in one of the trees. I was told later the queen bee was probably in that mass and they where protecting her. Left for my sons soccer game shortly after and when we came back from soccer the bees where gone. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I'm sure I will never forget.
  10. Your action of posting it here might bring about some positive changes for whoever views it that may not have seen it otherwise. Good on you for that Now after I finish my Burger and Sweet Chili Heat Doritos for lunch I WILL restart my diet. But wait... it's the long weekend. I'll have to restart on Tuesday..Yeah Tuesday that's it
  11. Congrats. Enjoy your new slice of Heaven
  12. Thx for sharing that Ryan. If it helps just one of us get off our butts and take better care of ourselves, then you and Dave have done a great thing NOTHING is more important then your health.
  13. A big thank you Terry for helping out And you too Brian I hope people enjoy it.
  14. I have neither so I can offer no help. Actually the main reason I have neither...other then I'm cheap ...is I just can't decide which way to go myself.
  15. Well I can see it didn't work. And I have no clue how to get the video on here.
  16. We have a swampy area behind our cottage...Lotsa turtles both painted and snappers and tons of frogs. One frog is huge....way bigger then all the rest around. Our neighbor has named him King. King doesn't like getting picked up and he will become very vocal when he is handled. I have caught tons of frogs in my life but I have never heard one anywhere near as loud as this guy. The first time my neighbor caught him I thought there was an angry cat in the yard somewhere. You could probably hear him from a football field distance away. Anyway my daughter took this video with her phone when they where up earlier this year. That's my wife Debbe with King. My neighbor calls her the frog whisperer because she is always hunting down frogs when our grandson Lucas is up for a visit. I hope the video works and you folks get a kick out of our King. Edit...A big thx to Brian & Terry for loading the video for me. Terry has posted it further down in this thread.
  17. Just got up and haven't had my breakfast yet. Your an evil evil man That looks awesome Simon.
  18. Happy Day Maureen. Go out and enjoy it :thumbsup_anim:
  19. I have had mink/weasel take fish from me while I'm shore fishing and they are less then 3 feet away. If I had not been looking in that direction and seen the movement he would have got away scott free because he never made a sound. BTW it was a 10 inch perch and I was having a real good day so I just let him have it. Met up with him...I'm assuming the same one again...3 more times that fall and he came up to me and took fish everytime.
  20. X2...I have seen it happen. Turtles are slower and more methodical, and I highly doubt that the fish left behind would have been banged up that much.
  21. Thx Bruce. I was waiting until the tops had all died down I'll try to remember your advise for next year. I'll get them harvested next week sometime and save the best ones for planting this fall for next years crop.
  22. It all looks good Bruce . You definitely have a green thumb BTW I just pulled up the first garlic bulb from the garlic you gave me last fall to grow. I used it along with some of my fresh basil and fresh tomatoes and we made an awesome Bruschetta Since you have it all figured out...when and how do you suggest I harvest/store my garlic crop?
  23. My family of 4 grew up going to this park. The hiking trail's are everywhere in the park..our main attraction... and it hooks up to the Bruce trail with lots of beautiful shore line hiking along GBay. I think Cypress is still a no motor lake..so a yak would be perfect. A couple of Sandy beaches in the park but Dorcas Bay and Singing Sands beach is right across the highway....now that is a huge mother of a Sandy beach and you can wade out forever before it gets deep so it's good for the kids. A side trip or 2 into Tobermory...10 minute drive... for supplies and to check out the Harbor is fun too. My folks had a cottage up there on the Lake Huron side of the Bruce on Larry's Lake...it had loads of Smallies and small pike so I never even fished in Cypress...but I know it had bass and walleye and it sure isn't fished hard. A few nice spec creeks up that way too...which I fished everytime I went and always had a brookie breakfast as long as the season was open. Do a more advanced search of the area if the park sounds good to you, there lots of stuff to do up there. The upper Bruce is a real gem and it really doesn't get the crowds that alot of other areas of Ontario get. http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/on/bruce/activ/activ2/activ2a.aspx
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