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Everything posted by davew3

  1. Go to google maps and look how to get to any of the locks or dams on the Rideau. Try fishing above as well as below. There is also Rideau Ferry just south of Smiths Falls. A good place for lunch and fishing from their shoreline. www.therideauferryinn.com Also on google maps look to the north west of Perth. Dalhousie Lake, There is a river that enters there at the west end. Good fishing and a great beach. Centennial Beach. www.sylvanialodge.com Have fun, I have spent a great deal of time driving those back roads. You never know what you are going to come across. Like the little town of Lanark. Regards
  2. Well seeing as this is a sealed system if you do not see any leaks then it would be electrical. Find the relay on the motor and see if it has worked loose. If not remove it and have it checked / replaced. It may just be a loose connection. regards
  3. Are you having issues with both control buttons ? shifter and on the motor ?
  4. Please remember, you are camping in bear territory. Island or not. My buddy had one swim out and destroy his camp there while he was out fishing. Take all due precautions. Regards
  5. Tomkat whatever you do don't try to hop across the tops. Not unless you can really get going. Everytime you hit a wave top it will slow you down until you plow right into one. Then it hurts. I found out.
  6. Garnet, what is 7 like now between Brock Rd and Simcoe ? Last time I saw a sign it was saying lane closures. If they have cleaned it up I will have to try it again. Regards
  7. I am looking at 3 options 1 move to Belleville 2 as Sinker said one concession north. We have done the Taunton way. Depends when you are going across. If you are there at 4 -6 pm it takes a long time as well. 3 buy a bigger boat. troll my way there until they get the highways done not much to do about it. Regards
  8. Good morning. With living in Burlington it is a pleasure getting to the trailer on the BOQ. I used to take the 407, then hwy 7 to Courtice rd. then down to the 401 . But with the construction on hwy 7 I have been going down Brock rd. Once we hit the 401 it becomes a zoo. Does any one have an update on the hwy 7 route from Brock rd (hwy 1) east? Or any better ideas? I may just start leaving at 9 pm and do the night drive. Any info would be appreciated Regards
  9. Matty just reading this creeped me out. Protect what is yours and don't worry about others feelings. Set bounderies for your neighbor and be sure he knows. Your wife has made her feelings known and hers are what counts. Sometimes it is just instinct to know something is not right. Don't screw around. regards
  10. There are some who consider being checked a PITA. But for others including myself we realize there is a reason for what they do. On the BOQ two young men have already lost their lives. Not wearing life jackets in a tinny/ not being prepared ? Who's to say. Too late for them now anyways. When on the water all it takes is three more inches of water the you are tall and if not a good swimmer you are done. It's not like a car where you can just get out and walk. If not for yourself then for family, Kids, Wife's Mothers, Fathers ,brothers, sisters. Keep all safety gear in good order at all times. And remember these are the same people who will put themselves in danger to rescue your ass. Regards
  11. Here at Lake Ontario the drop is rather close so casting from shore or piers can work. On G. Bay in Collingwood I see people fishing from shore using heavy slip sinkers and live bait or roe. (1 or 2 oz). They wade out then bomb them as far as they can. Some have tri pods set up an put their poles in them to keep their tips up high. When the water warms up wading and tossing spoons like cleos and alligators you never know what you could hook into. Trout, bass, salmon, some places pike or muskies. I had a friend who lived in an apartment on Lake O. You could see schools of fish swim by when the conditions were right. Big fish follow bait fish so you never know. Regards
  12. http://www.ontarioparks.com/park/bonecho On Mazinaw lake in eastern Ontario, What you'll like: •100 metre high Mazinaw Rock featuring over 260 Aboriginal pictographs •Great hiking trails from 1 km in length to 17 km in length •Interpretive Boat Tours on Mazinaw Lake and over to Mazinaw Rock •Camping experience for everyone: RV, car camping, backcountry, and roofed accommodations •Interior canoe-in and hike-in sites available •Friends of Bon Echo Art Exhibition and Sale .Lake trout, walleye, bass, whitefish and pike I believe
  13. www.ontarioparks.com/park/ivanhoelake Phone: 705-899-2644 Address: 170 Ivanhoe Lake Road PO Box 191 Foleyet, ON, P0M 1T0 fully equipped park for campers in the great north.
  14. Rules of the road As a cyclist, you must share the road with others (e.g., cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.). Under Ontario's Highway Traffic Act (HTA), a bicycle is a vehicle, just like a car or truck. Cyclists: must obey all traffic laws have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers cannot carry passengers - if your bicycle is only meant for one person. And as far as I know passing on the right on a single lane road will get you a ticket.
  15. Phat have you ever tried fishing the shoreline right at the bridge in Little Current at Mant. Island. Try big spoons, rapala's, spinners or minnows on three way set ups. Also off the docks in Little Current. Pike, bass, walleye. Good luck
  16. 2011 Ram, 395 hp can't even feel my boat behind it.
  17. Ven, Your prose on your morning adventure is worth the read. Regards
  18. What am I missing something 1- 0 Sens and no comments !!!!!!
  19. Well I would have to agree with the way HH has said this. To me it has been not just Wynn, but the way the Liberals have presented themselves. Lied to all of us. Now the one thing that is making me happy is the opener on the BOQ is only 9 days away, and hopefully this summer I won't have to drive so far to pick up my beer. Regards
  20. Terry, this is not strictly focused on the Teachers, but on all who voted in this bunch. And now the ones who backed them are having issues with them that is starting to effect all of us who are going to end up paying the bills. I hope you don't consider paying more for everything in the near future "silly" Is there a process in Ontario to Impeach a Premier/ remove a party from power ? I don't know. That is why I ask. Regards
  21. This post is about all the people and organizations that backed the Fiberals into a majority gov last election. On how they called Hudak and the Tory's no good for Ontario. Hydro increase, hydro sell off, teacher strikes. And now the fun begins
  22. A full page add on selling of Hydro One is " Historic sellout betrays the people of Ontario. It must be stopped" If I could find the full page ad on line I would post it..
  23. Do a check on resorts on Golden Lake. Just north west of Renfrew. A place I have always wanted to go. All species. Regards
  24. Did any of you see the Cupe ad in the Star today :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: And the Teachers :rofl2: :rofl2: You bought the lies, now we all have to live with them thanks a lot :sarcasm: :sarcasm: If this gets tossed so be it.
  25. In regards to what is happening, I hope I have not pissed anyone off but I cut and pasted a good chunk of this discussion and e-mailed it to the office of the Mayor of Peterborough. Now I doubt that I will hear anything back but if I do I will let you know. [email protected] Regards
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