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Everything posted by steelhedrmatt

  1. My buddie Warren used to make good floats. He used a lathe, and a drill press.
  2. Where did you end up?
  3. There used to be a RepoDepot showroom around the Etobicoke/Miss. Border area near the QEW. Not sure if its still around though. Went there about 10 years ago when I was buying my first boat. The website should have the directions
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself. Keep em all big AND small. Crappies are the cockroaches of scugog.
  5. My brother has been doing well at the bottom of Quinte view rd. At least a couple every night.
  6. My favorite fish to catch (although I dont go nearly enough) and my name is Matt
  7. Bought the BP2 last year, works great for me!! Thermal would be nice, but for an extra $100,,, I'd use a bigger heater.
  8. I was fishing Little lake on Sunday with 8" of ice... 4 white / 4 black. ATV's and sleds were out also. Seen some yahoo out from guilford about 100 yards or so from open water. Remember,,, spud, walk. spud, walk. Please be safe everyone!!
  9. They are actually Arctic loons, and will wait for ice-up before migrating south. Next time notice the white feathers have a different pattern than the common loon.
  10. I dont think there are walleye in Bernard? ( I could be wrong though) Cecebe, and Ahmic have good walleye populations, that's near Magnetawan.
  11. A good recipe for carp: Preheat oven to 350f scale carp and roll in egg wash and flour completely cover carp in manure Bake on center rack for 6 hours let cool remove manure throw away carp and eat manure
  12. Not sure if this guy will help you, but i bought a coil for my 3hp last winter there. Good service too!! A1 Small Engine Shop www.A1smallengine.ca 6921 Steeles Ave W #5 416-748-8411
  13. I strongly reccomend Baffin boots. 4 yrs and counting on one pair (green rubber) Best 60 bucks I've ever spent.
  14. Try giving Iceguy a PM. He's in florida right now, but I know he's always looking for another night to play hockey.
  15. Hi everyone!! Just wondering if someone could tell me where I can launch a boat at Kashe. I know there's a gov't launch somewhere, but I can't seem to find it on a map. Any help is good help. Just don't want to get ticketed/towed. Thanks!!
  16. Cool when that happens. Here's one that was real hungry. full size sinking bulldog. also caught in the Trent. My Brother still brags about this one.
  17. Welcome aboard Mark!! Good fishin too!!
  18. Good going guys!! good luck this weekend!!
  19. As you all know from silveradosherriffs report we finished the weekend in 12th position. Saturday was great, but really had to work hard for them today. Here's some pics. Thanks again guys for a great weekend. (still get goosebumps looking at the pics of blastoff!!)
  20. Thanks for enlightening me to the world of lead core. Think I know where my bday bps card will be spent this week. Rod, Rob, and Bowen, Thanks for a great weekend, it was definately was a nail biter. Bowen, Thanks again for being a great captain. You definately know where to find the fish. Cant wait to do it again. Maybe bowmanville?!?! I'll post some pics soon. And yeah, that blast off was pretty crazy!!
  21. Three words..... Free To Air
  22. I use yozuri hybrid 6lb as my main on my pin. Never had any problems. I spool it with about 300 yards, then if it starts to twist, pull off about 20 yards, retie, and your good to go. Just remember to take the garbage line with you when you leave.
  23. My 97 Jimmy sounded like it was going to explode when I towed Iceguy's 19' sylvain to Niagra. Then this past weekend it puked. I would have to say, probably not.
  24. Had to go to Trenton today. On the way back, I thought I'd stop at Corbett's dam on the Ganny. The water was half way up the hole for the fish ladder and the waves were coming up onto the sidewalk. The water looked like flowing mud, with LOTS of trees and other debris coming down over the dam, and there is no longer two shutes down the dam. The water was coming over the centre part as well. I'd wait a few days. If ever it was unfishable, today is one of those days.
  25. I was thinking of posting the same question. I'm going there the first week 0f june for our bowling banquet for five days. I know there's lakers, walleye, and muskie. The east end is deepest (Ithink I remembered that right) But thats about all I know. Maybe someone can give us some useful info. Good luck when you go, and dont forget to post a report.
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