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Everything posted by steelhedrmatt

  1. I have both those reels. Winches!! For muskie, get the 6501. You wont be dissapointed
  2. If your in TO, try my mechanic. He's great. And he'll knock off 20-25% if paying cash. His names Mike. ARC auto service. 416-737-6496. Tell him Matt sent you.
  3. If they dont come to the surface, how will you see them laughing at you for trying to catch them?
  4. That looks painful
  5. We did well on Saturday at Port D. 50 ft was where the fish were, close to bottom. Spin doctor and fly, and williams spoons worked. We didn't have a stellar day, but the fish are there.
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Try safers end all soap. It can be found at Home depot either diluted or concentrate. that will get rid of it, but you must segregate the affected plant(s)
  7. I'm usually not one to jump in and criticize anyone for their handling of fish but I dont think its very good to hold them by their tail, FOR A FULL 11 SECONDS!!! That fish probably has a broken back now. Maybe next time, use a net. LOL
  8. Ya Rob, I learned from your mistake yesterday, makes it alot easier ya Twilight. I realized in between pics that I hadn't reset time/date yet. I just got it back from repair.
  9. Well after the good day with Iceguy De-winterizing his boat yesterday, I thought today would be my boats turn, so this morning, got up early and headed out. Well... PB lake trout for me yesterday, And today, PB brown trout. (man I love lake O) went 3 for 4 before it picked up with the east winds. Here's a few pics before my camera batteries died. Picture doen't do justice. Thats a 3.5 ft salmon net. About 12-15 lbs The release The soft water season has begun!!! (finally) now the boats ready for Quinte opener. Hope to see y'all out there!!
  10. Ya that was us. No hits on the planers for us though. In fact, I think thats you in the background of pic # 4
  11. Lookin for a partner for the morning if your down Al. But have to be home by noon. let me know.
  12. No Problem!! Fishing can be good there. usually slow water there though. Just park at the gates and walk down. It can be good for pike there too, but their closed for another couple of weeks yet.. Good Luck!!
  13. With the nice forecast, Iceguy and myself thought it was a good day to take the boat for a wash in the lake. Met at Iceguys house for 5:00, loaded up the boat and we were off. Day started off slow, Then about two hours in, Bang. Iceguy gets a nice laker off the dipsey diver. The Release... Then we did a whole lot of watching rods, and washing lures for about another two hours Iceguy kinda laughs at me when I pull out an 8" Magnum Williams Whitefish, but not 10 minutes after I do,,, Biggest of the day, and my new personal best. Approx. 18lbs. Had two knockoffs as well, so overall, not a bad day. couldn't ask for nicer weather!! Thanks again Rob for a great day!! Stay tuned for his video report. Sorry about the date of the pics. Didn't reset camera
  14. I was thinking the same thing. LOL Those hens definately arent droppies
  15. Thanks man!!! Disregard the Pm then.
  16. Thanks again Auger. We dicided Friday afternoon to attend, and am I glad we did. It was a lot of fun. This year I have begun to make an effort to start meeting more people from these fishing boards, and so far I have met some top notch people. Even learned a few things. Iceguy made a short vid. here's the link. http://www.vimeo.com/845883 Now enough with all this ice!!! Bring on summer!!!!
  17. If you have to store fish in the fridge, plastic is Bad. It speeds the deterioration of the flesh. In a glass or stainless bowl, covered with plastic wrap, you'll be good for 5 days. Dont let the plastic wrap touch the fish. I used to work in a fish plant, supplying Sobey's, Loblaws, Costco, and about 200 restaurants. We would sometimes warehouse the fish for up to three days before shipping, Then they put it on their counter for up to 5 days. This is not including the 2-3 days from the ocean/lake to our warehouse. Give it a rinse under cold water before cooking, and you shold be fine!!
  18. I know about chicken livers. We use them sometimes. We leave them in the sun laid out on a tray for a day. They get stinky, and stick to the hook a little better as they dry out a bit. Stinky minnows seem to work better though. I was curious about the sucker meat because, every year the stink of the dead minnows seems to get to me a little more. ( my arms are too short to get away from my nose) Also, when using minnows, The garpike wont leave it alone. I might just try sucker meat this year, to see if it helps with the stink and gars. Cant wait for those cats!!! http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh21/st...dr/Catfish5.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh21/st...dr/Catfish3.jpg
  19. What do you do to the sucker meat when using it for cats? I usually use dead stinky minnows. I sure catch alot of suckers while steelheading, and I might just try keeping a couple for cat bait. Do you have to let it rot a little before using it? cut into strips/chunks? If I can find an alternative to stinky minnows, that works as well, I might switch it up this spring.
  20. Had a blast!!! No fish, but one heck of a sunburn!!!
  21. Nice job on the PB's!!! Was nice to meet you guys in the parking lot yesterday. Sorry I couldn't stay and chat. Maybe next time. I might be there tomorrow. not sure yet. maybe we'll run into one another again.. nice job on those fish!!
  22. I guess I shouldn't tell ya that I was exactly 381.5 steps from my truck. Right beside the third red rock from the fourth willow tree, on top of the bump in the trail then. It's no secret river. It's spring!!! the fish are everywhere right now. If it's a flowing river in S. Ont. it'll have fish. Go have fun everyone!!! And remember, C&R!!
  23. Thanks for coming out Rob!! Did everything in our power to put you into a fish. Cant make them jump on your hook. Next time remember...... The fish dont live in trees!! Can't wait to do it again
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