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Everything posted by steelhedrmatt

  1. I leave the borax. a ligt dusting over the now loose eggs is what you should see
  2. If their still in the skein, spoon them out, rinse in spring water, and shake and bake in Borax. For loose eggs, water harden in the river, make salt brine from river water, let sit in brine for about 1 hour, dry and store in fridge. I have loose eggs in the fridge from 3 years ago. Never frozen, and still as good as the day I caught the fish.
  3. Talk to Les at Dayspring cottages. Very nice people and a nice resort. If he's full, up the highway a little bit is Pickeral lake. Better fishing, and nicer resort. Doug and Susan Pincoe run pickeral lake cottages there. Tell them Matt sent you. They have a really nice place, and for the area, are reasonably priced. plus better fishing. Hope this helps
  4. All the time.. Own equiptment and all. And again, usually outfishes me too!! http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh21/st...dr/100_1386.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh21/st...edr/monster.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh21/st...edr/BigPike.jpg
  5. Been making my own for about 15 years now. Work great!! Dont be afraid to experiment. If its ugly, they'll probably eat it.
  6. Welcome aboard Jay. Good to see you on OFC. Nice pics too.. specially that brookie
  7. good times.. Not Doe lake though
  8. Lets do it. walking conditions will be perfect
  9. Warden/eglington store had two, well, one left. that was 45 mins ago. I just bought one as well. Their computer also says that there's one at whitby store
  10. Definately worth the walk. next time its my turn though. I cant get skunked twice in a row on my lake. next time we WILL find those walleyes. Thanks again for another good fishing trip.
  11. I don't suggest Pine Vista Resort. We used to go there year after year, Then they were bought by a resort chain about 9 years ago and the place turned to crap. Never been back. As for fishing, Stoney is awesome!! lotsa walleye and BIG muskie. If you decide on the irwin Inn, across from the resort is an island. Troll the drop off on the north side of that island. never been skunked there. Also, there's a good dropoff right in front of the resort. great at night. To the west of the resort, is a government dock, great spot to jig, and finally, in Gilchrist bay, the shoals there on the east side of the bay, can be very good at dusk. Good luck wherever you decide to go, but if it was my decision, it would definately be Stoney. Better fishing IMO than the other lakes.
  12. Hey Al... went out yesterday to shanty bay. There I would say no. snow was knee deep. Mid lake MIGHT be different with the winds out there but I doubt it. plus temps for the next couple a days, so Saturday might be a different story. Take a shovel if you go and make sure your phones charged. let me know how you make out..
  13. Hey Al.... I know where youre going!!! Good luck and be safe!! Me and rob are off hunting brookies tomorrow Matt,
  15. It was good meeting you again Shelly!! Love that Jimmy!! Thanks for the ride out in the morning. I dont blame you for being nervous around those cracks. Way to show Italo how its done!! Till next time...... BTW I think my mitts are on your dash still.
  16. Thanks for the vid Iceguy!! Today was just as good out there. Missed ya today bud. (noone to run the camera)
  17. P.E.T.A. - People Eating Tasty Animals
  18. almost half covered right now!!
  19. block and tackle x2 hung fron rafters of garage with two slings
  20. Hi every1!! I just picked up a used AquaView this weekend, but It didn't come with a charger for the battery. Does anyone know where I could pick one of these up? OR if someone has one of these could you please check the adapter for the DC voltage output and the polarity. Thanks in advance.
  21. Can be hit or miss there.. Ive caught LOTS of Pike there through the ice, ling, rainbows and browns. All through the ice. Years ago we used to get tons of rainbows there, but that was when the trout farm was on east shore. Set lines with BIG shiners always worked well.
  22. Just follow the signs off 427. the passenger pick up/ dropoff is pretty good actually. Just dont stay parked or leave you vehicle for too long, the green hornets are like vultures there. And they dont just ticket, they tow too!! Wish her well for the trip!!!!
  23. Great Unit!!!! Had it for 3 yrs now. Goes on my boat in the summer, and into the portable pack in the winter. Hard on Batteries in the winter though. (or maybe I just fish too much)
  24. I've had a cottage at the south end of big doe for 3 yrs. now, and i would have to agree with you about the over fishing. hopefully the new limits and slot will help. It seems, even in the 3 years i've been going there, more and more people fishing there, and keeping everything. I had to chase three boats away from my dock, on 3 different occations, because the guys were fishing smallies on their spawning beds. ( this was in may/june BTW). It's easy access is the reason i suppose. The ice fishing has never been that spectacular for me, but I don't have a sled. I know exactly where i'd go if I did though!
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