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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Muppets! Always Muppets! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJLAFNYCE_c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWVDgN_K5Vg Not sure how you guys imbed the videos.
  2. Some of the best gear, and deals I've made through this site. It helps to know the person you are dealing with is also passionate about the hobby.
  3. I only mind the voices in my head when they don't speak english.
  4. I bought a 14 ft boat, trailer and 4hp motor which I was supposed to split with a buddy (still waiting on his half so technically its mine right now) A full setup for my girlfriend so she doesn't use my gear (5ft Ugly stick lite, Abu Cardinal reel, full tacklebox) A new Captians chair for my Kayak with 360 degree piviot Ice fishing MH ugly stick I don't even know what its called but fisherpete sold me a 2 piece beatstick perfect for catching Sheepshead, carp, catfish and hopefully General Sherman. Purchase of the year. In 2015 I have to replace my 6'9 St.Croix Mojo bass rod and Sahara reel that I accidently kicked into the lake A reel to go with that MH ugly stick An aditional captians chair for my kayak A better driver seat for my boat An elevated 360 degree fishing chair for the front seat of my boat Top priority: A hitch for my car so I can actually tow my boat around ......... geez....... looks like an expensive 2015.
  5. Very true. But what I have noticed is that Edmonton has no defensive or responsible play. The kids stream down the ice, don't score and then dog it back. McDavid is going to be great but another gifted young scorer on that team is the last thing they need. They need to make a big, drastic move or they are going to continue to be terrible. You can win with bad forwards but you can't win with consistantly bad D and goaltending.
  6. So, a serious question for Sens fans, my dad and I always like talking about 'If you were the GM would you.....' Lets say you are the GM of Ottawa and the Oilers come to you and say 'Scrivens and any ONE player on our roster for Anderson and Cowen'. Do you make the deal? What if Edmonton comes to you and says 'No-Goal-Apov (Yakapov) and Edmontons first round pick in 2015 for Anderson and Cowan.' Do you make that deal?
  7. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan. HOOOOOOOOOOO! When I was in Edmonton, there wasn't much else to do so I started watching again. I loved guys who could cut a good promo and CM Punk could handle the mic like few I had seen. Also loved the Rock for his promos Edge and Christian The new age outlaws and from back in the day Coco Beware. I miss the gimics from the 90's to be honest.
  8. Can't wait to see how it looks when you're done Dan.
  9. When Asian carp invade our Great Lakes it will be because it is introduced by man. And yes, I said 'when' not 'if'.
  10. Geez, this reminds me of online dating. 'The later at night the e-mail, the more bizarre' but that is for another topic. I've heard there is a big paypal scheme with kajiiji but I'm not sure how it work though. Apparently they pay you through paypal, have you ship the item and pull the funds. Best case scenario you are out the money and item, worst you have to pay fees I think.
  11. It's also hard to tell what items they have on sale. I noticed they had browning medallions on sale online and when I went to go buy one, the guy mentioned that it was only the U.S.
  12. I wish live target made an 'Ice fishing bait ball'. I feel like that thing would be insane!....... Wait! I have an idea!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Bah! Sail doesn't have them. Mad Science will have to wait until tomorrow.

    3. farsider


      Fill Mason jar with minnows. Lower jar down with rope. Fish away!

    4. Acountdeleted


      That could work too.

  13. My grandmother always used to drive us crazy, but in a good way. She was totally fine with baiting her own hook and taking off her own fish, but she had a 6th sense. Their cottage was on the French. All of us guys would fish all of the far corners of the River, coming back later with an empty boat and freshly washed fishing lures. When we got back there would always be pike and walleye cooked and ready to eat on the table. And the conversation would always go the same way. 'Grandma, where did you get those fish? We ate it all last night' 'Oh, these? I caught them while you were out?' 'Where?!?' 'Just off the dock'. Somehow she just knew. She would be sitting, watching tv or knitting and all of the sudden, she would get up, grab a fishing rod, not caring what was on it, throw a few casts off the dock and have something ready for dinner within 10-15 minutes. I'll never fully understand it, but that's what makes the story that much better.
  14. My girlfriend was always cool with baiting her own hook but never wanted to take the fish off for fear of hurting it. This year, I finally had to teach (force) her to take her own fish off. I'd never get my line in the water otherwise.
  15. Delish! Boil the meat until it is white, don't put anything on it and dip it in garlic butter. It truly is a poor mans lobster. I cooked it up with walleye and lake trout and the Burbot was the first thing gone. Go figure.
  16. Oh Oh! My dad got spooled and then got it back. Fishing on the French with less then 100 yd of line he hooks into a nice big smallmouth and has the drag set wrong, so the thing peels out line and spools him. A few hours later he hears *rattle rattle rattle* and few minutes later again *rattle rattle rattle* The fish was trying to shake the hook and kept coming up to the surface. So for the next 15 minutes they are chasing around this fish and what bit of line they can find until finally my dad was able to grab a handful of it and pulled the fish in by hand.
  17. Haha mine outfished me too. That girl can bring up 4+ pound bass like they are sunfish. For me a big pike 20+ pounds would be a dream. In the past 2 years I have been wishing for a 20+ pound laker through the ice. I can't even imagine what that would fight like. Under my buddies dock lives a Sturgeon we have named General Sherman. Far as we can figure he weights 100+ pounds and clearly doesn't give a **** about anything we do to try and catch him. He has broken 30 pound braid like dental floss and only hits when we never expect it. Just to see him once would be amazing.
  18. That actually puts this into better perspective. I can convert Miles to KM and back fairly easily but hectares and acres always got me. Puts me at a little more easy, but still food for thought, regardless.
  19. I can see what you are saying. What concerned me the most was let's say me and my 4 closest buddies pile into a boat and go to our favourite 500 acre lake. We each keep our limit on walleye. That's 1% of the entire population. Let's say 4 other boats do that. That's 5% of the population in one day. Over a summer and winter of constant fishing pressure, that lake doesn't stand a chance.
  20. This article was written based on Lakes in the U.S. (because they actually have the funding to do them) but after reading it, makes me think twice about keeping my limit when I go out. http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/WALLEYEVILLE
  21. With these negitive temps overnight I just have one question. Where the safe ice at?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      On the splake lakes around North Bay

    3. Acountdeleted


      Sweet. That's the news I was hoping to hear.

    4. Nipfisher


      Nosbonsing is safe now. Same place as early ice last year.

  22. My buddy came close. (This is one of my favourite stories). Fishing off his dock on Quinte, just tossing out worms for bass and sheepshead I had been outfishing him all day. He's at the other end of his dock and I see his rod start to waggle. 'Jer! I've got a good one' (sure you do). The fish takes off like a rocket. Peeling line like crazy as it heads further and further out. After what felt like 5 minutes (it was probably 2). I turn to my buddy and say 'you got lots of line on that reel?' 'Yup' 'Good. Because he's not stopping. TIGHTEN YOUR DANG DRAG!!!' 'Oh yeah!' Finally the fish stops this epic run. Now my buddy, he's a personal trainer and is 250 pounds of pure muscle. But at this time, he had no cardio. So after about 10 minutes of pumping the rod and reeling in, he's starting to get gassed. So I start raggin' on him. 'Big tough personal trainer. Gonna let a fish beat him. What's that about?' Finally he gets it in and lands a 15 pound Sheephead. Biggest I had ever seen.
  23. I see him from time to time. Small world. Chances are we have probably met at some time. I used to visit Kristin at Fleming all the time when she went there. I knew Orrin half decently as well from when he was dating Jenn. Umm..... if you tree planted with Kyle Harbin, I know he's still in Hearst. He can probably give you some info.
  24. My buddy has a cottage on Quinte and the only thing we target are sheepshead. All we do is throw out a nice big minnow on a rod and have a few beers, wait for the fight and hang on for dear life. Its always a blast. Forget targeting the bass or walleye.
  25. ........ this is going to be really scary if this is the case, was the bus driver named 'Kipper'? If so, I knew a lot of people on that bus. One of my closest friends Kristin had a pretty messed up back from it. Pretty scary stuff.
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