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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. See, with the Banjo Minnow, I'm just stubborn because it's a swim bait. I'd rather get skunked or catch one or two fish with crank baits and spinners then catch a boat full using swim baits and pitch'n jigs........ Oh my god I've become my grandfather!
  2. Have to wait a while longer for my Lake Trout spot so I'll be looking for a new lake for that. I really want to target burbot this year and find some decent pike.
  3. Bill....... That fish is a dream. I have a spot saved on my wall for a cast made of a fish like that (could never bring myself to keep a beauty like that) if I ever land one. Thanks ironmaker. That's the only one I ever landed but I'm hoping to target a few more this winter.
  4. This is only about my 4th year of ice fishing and I usually consider myself lucky if I catch anything. This 3 pound Burbot was my first fish on a tip up and it gave me a new appreciation for hand bombing fish. To date, its my biggest through the ice.
  5. Glad to hear. If you are in Mississauga, Island Lake is also an option. Pike and Crappie and they set huts out on the ice there. Best of luck wherever you decide.
  6. If you go to south shoal road there should be ample parking but I will set out this warning PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wait another week or so. With the bay flowing into lake O, the iffy weather and the channel dredging over the past 2 years the ice there can change super super fast from 6 inches to half an inch.
  7. I was bought the banjo minnow one year for Christmas. I'm not a fan of swim baits...... I'm not sure it came out of the package.
  8. Geez. Way to go Pete and Co. Those are some massive gators. I can only imagine the fight they must have put up.
  9. That's a trumpeter swan. Those are the best and super docile. Mute Swans = KILL IT WITH FIRE BEFORE IT BREAKS YOUR ARM!!!
  10. Yup. That perch's jaw was frozen shut. Even to get the pliers in it took Chris about 5 minutes of putting it in front of the heater. I was going to add more pics but realized it just would have been more of the pile of perch. It was great to get back out again with Chris. Seems like its been about 8 months since we've seen each other without one of us in work uniform. We probably should have set up shop a little deeper but being in just 7 FOW had its advantages. Getting to see the bottom of the lake through the ice was so cool and we were able to use a double attack to find the biggest fish. The flasher was used to see fish that were further away, and then when the school came close, we would watch them through the ice. It helped land a few extras as a few times the perch hit so lite we would have had no idea they were on if we didn't see them. Great day on the ice, good conversation and a bit of a feed. No complaints here.
  11. Not a headline but rather a posted sign. My absolute favourite. Swan Lake in Markam. I...... ummmmm........ huh? The swans will be? Where will you take them?
  12. Great catch! Chris K and I were there too yesterday in about 7 FOW. lots of 5 inchers and enough in the 8-9 inch range for a small snack. Was still a great day.
  13. Being able to see the fish through the ice fishing hole is the greatest. Playing keep away from the dinks and watching the bruisers do a 'drive by' on the minnows. Soooo cool.

  14. When I was in College we did a day of 'Ice safety' up around Gravenhurst. We had on dry suits and practiced getting out of the ice using picks, bars and nothing. A few of us mentioned to our prof 'This is all well and good, but if we go in it's not going to be with a dry suit on' so after a bit of persuasion and complete supervision he agreed to let us jump in with just our clothes on and with zero assistance. When it was my turn, as soon as I hit the water, I felt the energy drain from my entire body, like I had just finished a 2 hour workout at the gym. Even keeping my head afloat was difficult. I kept trying to kick and beach myself up on the ice but to no avail. Finally, I saw a chunk of ice that had frozen on top of the other ice at the edge of the hole we had made. I was able to grab it like a rock climbing grip, and roll myself onto the ice. Needless to say, after seeing how tough saving yourself can be, I'll never go on the ice without a float coat.
  15. Man...... I feel bad but for a big body of water like that with rivers flowing into it I feel like it's waaaay too soon. Such a shame this had to happen.
  16. Was planning on getting on the ice today...... Scratch that for another few days.

  17. Congrats bud!
  18. 'Does it catch fish?' 'I dunno. But it looks cool!'

  19. Had some friends over a-la potluck. I cooked up some crappie, dynamic_bear made his famous Jamalaya, other friends made homemade bread and crab dip. I'm not much of a drinker so I served as bartender for the evening. Good times had by all. I wish I could get out on the ice today. Looks like Sunday will be the earliest.
  20. Great way to start the season.
  21. Beauty pike there Brian. Great way to end 2014.
  22. Nick, it was an absolute blast to get out on the ice with you. Normally I don't do too well ice fishing so to go out and get a nice feed like that was defiantly a treat. The company was great also. Highlight so far from this ice fishing season. (driving to the lake, listening to the radio) Nick: This is a strange time of the year. We've got two big burly guys, driving to go ice fishing, listening to 'Frosty the snowman'. Crappie new year everyone!
  23. We find tons of those in the streams and creeks around the GTA. I'm pretty sure you are correct. They are part of a ritual.
  24. Sweet. I'm in. A little closer of a drive then Temagami too.
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