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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I'd like to see a video of what it does. Gotta agree though, may be an overpriced jerk bait. Has anyone used the scatter raps?
  2. Worms on a hook. Still the best thing you can throw into the lake. My favourite (see only) lure was a crayfish coloured Big-O. I remember if I ever lost that lure on the rocks or heavy weeds it would bring me to years. On the rare occasion my dad would tie one of his top water rapalas on to my line and we would go for bass up the river. Good times.
  3. Wooooow. Words can not express how angry I'd be. Sorry to hear. From the looks of things with the slush, the next month or two of ice fishing is going to be roooooough
  4. Does anyone have a used android phone with the wind network they aren't using? Even clunkers that charge a battery could be used.

  5. Family day ice fishing canceled. :( the weather is far too cold. As for the Meegz I bought today, scientificly speaking, I have a very good feeling about this.

  6. I'll get the GoPro ready.
  7. Went today with DynamicBear, the girlfriend and a buddy. I really like this show because it has more of a community sense. Got some great lures from Meegz and some great advice from Mike P and Chris K. I had a blast at this one. No fish-a-thon booth though.
  8. Haha! You should see what DynamicBear used to eat in college. Also, I've convinced him to take a photo with a Muskie taking a bite out of him.
  9. You'll have to be more specific. DynamicBear has sacrificed a lot of lures to the pine tree gods.
  10. Pretty sure the only access is at the bridge dissecting the north and south parts of the lake. I spent about 45 minutes once looking for a different access with zero success.
  11. For limiting out in 15 minutes I feel like the trek is worth it. That being said, I felt your pain reading that haul. Congrats on the beauty whitefish.
  12. Lures have never been that bad. Sadly I've punted 2 $250 combos into the water. First I was fishing French river in a paddle boat with my grandfather, we were trolling spinners from one side of the river to the other and then fishing senkos once we got over there so I brought two rods. When we were fishing against the rocks, we got distracted feeling in a decent bass and brushed against a cliff thinking nothing of it. When we turned around to go home, we realized my rod was gone. The second one was my last softwater trip of 2014. A series of unfortunate events caused us to beach my kayak with heavy waves pushing into us, so I had my cousin who was with me sit up on the front and start paddling like mad while I straightened us out and pushed us off. So I push and leap into the kayak, swinging my legs around I grab my paddle just in time to see my rod and reel sinking to the bottom of the lake. That was a baaaaad day.
  13. All depends what you are fishing for and where. Go to Thunder Bay and ask 'where are the bass'. They will drive you to the lake, buy your worms and cast your line for you. Ask that in the Kawarthas and you may as well be asking their Bank card PIN number.
  14. As someone who has been out there (and not even in the trades field) I can tell you that the oil fields will drain you. It chews people up and spits them out. The work legislation is different out there. Legally they can work you 24 days straight, 12 hours a day. Then they have to give you 4 days off before they send you right back out again. Most oil companies do 10 days on 10 off which isn't bad, but those 10 days you live at the oil camps. Eat, sleep and live away from friends and family. For small stints this isn't bad but if you have kids or loved ones it can be taxing over the years. Sadly I knew a few people who's relationship ended because of the strain. I guess I'm spouting off nonsense about wanting my cake and eating it too, but in life, the one thing I can't buy is time. I want to spend as much of it with my family as possible before I no longer have that opertunity.
  15. That's actually really good advice. A lot of high school kids need to hear this. Everyone thinks they are going to come out of school with a full time job making 50k a year. It doesn't help that most colleges and universities promote a 90%+ hiring rate or something there in. What they don't tell you is 80% of that 90 is unpaid internships, contracts, seasonal and filling leave of absence positions. I love what I do when I do it in terms of work, but if I had a second chance, I might take a look at what else was available.
  16. Work would be great if there was any. Nowadays we young people get paid with 'expeiance' and it's only getting worse.
  17. Sadly $20 is all I can afford currently.
  18. With the title I thought this was going to be a monster pike or Muskie. Still nice though.
  19. This derby sounds fantastic!
  20. Island lake is probably your best bet. Might be an hour but fullfils all of your requirements. That's fair with the smaller derbies. I may be imagining a worst case scenario I just have this horrid vision of some guy in his mid 30's greesing out some poor 5 year old to get this biggest fish in a derby.
  21. Maybe just me (I'm going to catch a lot of flack for this but I'm willing to debate and be swayed) Should they really be hosting fishing derbies on family fishing weekend? The lakes are already going to be getting enough pressure and it allows guys to enter derbies who don't have their licence and may not know the best catch and release practices.
  22. If vegetarians or vegans are giving you a hard time, just show them this. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/1516267/No/ Based off of that one picture I have yet to meet a 'true' vegan.
  23. It's interesting, I'm actually of the opposite mindset. If more people fished in the GTA I feel as though there would be more money to create better city fishing possibilities. Remember a few years ago when Toronto shoreline fishing was banned? Thankfully it was annulled quickly but I feel like it would have never come up if there were a bigger GTA fishing community. Groups are trying to stop fishing in Grenadier pond. Humber is going to extend the marshes and wetlands to become more like the Leslie Street Spit. Speaking of the spit, new marshes are being built in the cells. The Toronto islands are having a ton of work done. Imagine if more people in the GTA fished? More money and projects for fishing opertunuties from the Credit River to Frenchmans bay. I feel like it would draw more people in rather then push them out.
  24. Taking a large group of us out to cooks. A lot of my families first time ice fishing. My grandfather's mouth is watering at the possibility of all the perch he will have to fry up.
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