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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Great report and some fantastic catches. As someone who has targeted splake multiple times with zero success I tip my hat to you.
  2. Great report guys. I'll have to talk to Chris about renting in the future. Gull lake can be tricky. I was there last Thursday and was met with an ole skunking.
  3. Him and Gardner to be honest. You never know. What's the worst that could happen?
  4. This was a great read. Glad you both had a great day.
  5. Phil Kessel just got traded. From team Foligno to team Towes. For Tyler Seguin and 21 first round draft picks.
  6. Man, I gotta follow you guys out on the ice sometimes. Great job. You guys are killin it.
  7. Baby better come back, maybe next week, cuz you see, I'm on a losin streak.

    1. c10


      I can't get no! Oh no no no

  8. Leafs keep playing like this and we won't win another game this season.
  9. I can't argue anything mentioned here. The worst thing is the Kessel deal, Raycroft trade, Blake signing. The day those were released to the media I did not say 'Oh yay! Great deal!' I said 'you have got to be kidding. This is a disaster'. Now I'll admit, a few of the deals I thought 'these could work' like Leetch, Owan Nolan, and a few deals were good. We got Bernier for free, Gigurere for unloading salary and Phaneuf for spare parts. The problem is, In my lifetime, I have never seen a deal where I said 'oh no. What were they thinking?' And the deal turned out that I was wrong and they got the better end. Am I smarter then the leafs management?
  10. I've heard of a lot of skunkings on frenchmans. Between the word getting out and the dredging the pike have packed their bags.
  11. It's easy to play the 'what if' game. But imagine if Burke didn't do that horrible deal for Kessel. Imagine how much better the future would look with Seguin and Hamilton. Two big pieces the leafs desperatly need.
  12. Ok so lets say you are Nonis, and cap space isn't an issue or can be worked out, what deals are you looking to make? Where do you want to move the big guys and what do you want in return? (No 'bag of pucks' comments. Those jokes get oooooold fast and no GM in his right mind would actually make that deal)
  13. We got one this past spring at Old Mill on the Humber River. I just sent in an email. They may be the coolest thing ever.
  14. Chris K taught me how to do that on Simcoe today too! I am not as enthusiastic.
  15. I'm not used to not being skunked through the ice. Then the voice of reason speaks. "Don't worry. It will come".

  16. I lucked out and got a Marcum Lx-1 for a good price. Watching Dynamic_bear use a hummingbird with an ice ducer last year and his flasher this year I really noticed the difference. I'll never hit the ice without it.
  17. I salivate every time I read this recipe. If I land a whitefish, this is happening.
  18. When Chris K and I head out we usually pile into his M3 Sherpa. The thing sets up quick and has tons of room. With a heater stays super warm too. Highly recommended.
  19. Ah the pocket chainsaw. Perfect for horror villains under 4 ft tall.
  20. Beauty. Great to see more ice reports getting posted.
  21. This sounds downright perfect.
  22. Goes out, spends $40 on new ice fishing lures, spends the last 2 outings using the same spoons I've been using for the past 3 years. LOGIC!

    1. fishnsled


      I can't believe that is all you spent! lol. Been there, done that and spent a lot more.

    2. Acountdeleted


      Its been a light year. If I find employment I'll spend more. (this was also after $300 of bass pro gift cards :D)

    3. crappieperchhunter


      Bought a good pop up...3 WINTERS AGO...and it has only ever been set up in the house. Grandson never showed any interest in winter fishing with grandpa


  23. I approve of this name change. BUUUUURRRRRRRRBOOOOOOT!!!! (This will be my war cry as I run out on the ice)
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