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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. For the life of me I don't know why they brought Smoak back. Especially so soon into free agency. That extra $4 million could have come in real handy now.
  2. I don't see the Jays signing Edwin and I don't see him getting close to what the Jays initially offered him. I'd be firing the agent as soon as I got this contract finished. Looks like they cost Eddie a lot of money.
  3. I'll be there. Let me know what the plan is when we get closer to the date.
  4. 12? Maybe 25-30 with a strong year. Oops. Morales had 30 last year. I'll give him benifit of the doubt. So we are talking 40-45 with the two signings.
  5. The big thing they mentioned is that EE may have been getting a lot of pressure from the players union to hold out for a better deal. Although, looking at it now, EE turning down 4 and $80 may have screwed everyone over. Its a shame, they Jays are giving up...... 70+ homeruns this year by having Joey and Edwin walk
  6. If there is ice and you want some company on the 27th let me know. I was just thinking today I haven't been in Lindsay in a dogs age.
  7. I think that's the one I was thinking of. I'd always say hi to em and offer em a $5 to toss my kayak in off of their shores. They always told me not to worry about it. Ice fishing might be a little different though.
  8. There used to be a boat rental place a little ways down from the trailer park that let me throw my 'Yak' in for free. Think they will still be there or did they up and move as well?
  9. I ask Chad what they weather is like up there. Hoping the same. I remember one year we were fishing a small lake North of North Bay end of November. If I get out before Christmas I'll be a happy camper.
  10. I use different Rods for walleye and lake trout. Walleye - 28 inch Medium lite with a spring bobber. Lake trout - 36 inch medium heavy ugly STIk
  11. -2 today. Let's make some ice!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      1 inch of ice? Me and B will be out there in no time!!

    3. misfish


      Thats B and I. Thought you were edumacated? LOL

    4. Acountdeleted


      Its why I got into the sciences. My English as atrocious.

  12. I don't think the leafs are getting a top 5 draft pick this year.
  13. So cool! What a massive fish. Can't wait to target them through the ice. I haven't eaten Ling in years.
  14. My first ever Muskie (only about 5 pounds but still ) landed on this.
  15. This man knows his stuff. The crayfish Big-O has been my lucky lure for almost 30 years.
  16. Geez had the walleye fishing ever plummeted on Head Lake. That was the worst fall fishing trip in a looooong time.

    1. misfish


      You sound SURPRISED Jer. Lets hope it gets back on track there.

    2. Acountdeleted


      I'm always surprised when my limit doesn't just jump into the boat. XD fingers crossed. Hopefully the pressure eases up over the next couple of years.

  17. Favourite day of the year. Got to celebrate it 4 times this year and I'm exhausted now. Hope everyone else had fun and stayed safe.
  18. Can't wait. I'll let this guy test the ice too. Then follow him out to his secret spots. (and still get outfished 15-1)
  19. Wow. Great pics. Looks like an awesome adventure. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Its early but geez has Anderson ever looked rocky. Hope he can turn it around and get his confidence up.
  21. I have trouble with them but I asked a great source once (David Chong) and he said you have to cover lots of water and present slowly. He mentioned that bass will all pack together this time of the year and that if you can find one, you will usually find a bunch of them.
  22. Get rid of any D player that can't backcheck. We have all the firepower we need. Get us 6 Jason Smith/Glen Wesley types and we'll be in business. Ps- I love how muskymatt says Mathews has blue and white disease despite the fact he has 9 points in 5 games. If blue and white disease is being on pace for 150 points this season, sign me up!
  23. Ok so I'm a leafs fan but WHAT THE HECK BOYS? A 4-0 lead with a few minutes left in the 2nd and they end up losing 5-4. Babcock has to teach those kids some D. Loving the firepower but geez. Where was the backchecking?
  24. Was a heck of a season. A little disappointing only because Cleveland was missing 3/5 of its starting rotation. Will be interesting to see what the Jays do in the offseason. I like Edwin but there are a lot of big name corners out there.
  25. Bwahahahah. Wait until I tell you about
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