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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. OMGWD..... Thats just too funny., We were looking for a launch on Hays Bay drove around Sat evening (lost) looking for a place then saw the sign for pickeral park.. We ended up "last minute" camping for the night there and launching We must have past you about 10 times, on the water, and walked past you guys a few times... I even has the OFC flag fluttering on my boat.. Oh well maybe next. Looks like you guys had a super time. congrats.
  2. Don't worry Irishfield, I will be following right behind you and your new boat... (just don't cut the rope until we get there)
  3. Not too add more muck to this post but some engine's should not use the super octain as it increases the RPM at full tilt that could also cause issues. Another issue about the Ethanol is it deteriates some of the rubber in older hoses, so they need replaceing more.. this only really affect old equipment.
  4. I will be there Wed night to - Sunday.. Had so much fun last year bringing my Bro and Pops for added enjoyment. Camping seems too be our only hope we are on a waiting list for cabin accomindations.. Anyone ever done ATV trails up there?
  5. Nice Perch, Thats the thing about only going out with the dog, you have to make sure you are 100% before leaving cause I know the dog would not drive straight
  6. Nice, Quantam was good, then went off, now is coming back with some great stuff Nothing like buying fishing stuff..
  7. Boat is looking really nice, I the casting desk is super... Too bad about the prop, but looks like you can fix that one, enjoy
  8. P3TA must be really upset, I can't think of a better reason to put a worm on the hook and head out for the day
  9. Looks like a super day Any day you can catch a fish, is a great day!!!!!!
  10. I always carry a Sling shot on my boat, for bobber shooting practice, yet thats it.. :D Election coming up, make your voice heard !!!
  11. Super Report buddy, Wish I was out there with you guys.. mummmmm Walleye
  12. It was the first seasonal test weekend of the HMS LeXXington, and what a day too do it!!! Over the winter Tbayboy and I lugged all the stuff out on the ICE, drilled holes, walking, huffing and puffing. While on the ice he was kind enough to listen to me Bi#$th while I was in my hut about the cold lack of fish etc. I felt I should take him out with me and show him real fishing, OK it was perch but still Made arrangements to meet at 7am in Orillia, forgot how long that drive was. Got out tickets, Minnows etc and off to the launch. The engine fired up, no leaks, and put the plug in out we went to the narrows for the super highway of perch. All day we kept pulling them up if we got a while without a hit, move around a little and start again. We must have caught 50 or more but only keeping the larger ones for a nice feed. I am glad we packed it in a little early around 3pm cause by the time I had finished cleaning mine I was ready for bed. My poor first mate was so excited about fishing, poor thing tuckered herself out and slept all the way home. I can guarantee as soon as she see's the fishing stuff again she will sit on my coat so I can't leave without her Here are some pics of the day,. No tagged fish so I guess next year
  13. Welcome aboard... simple equipment sometimes catches the most fish.. Enjoy the board
  14. Nice first post newbie LOL There are pike in Toronto ?? if there are looking forward to some more nice pic's you guys are almost-famous down there..
  15. Hey All. I will be there.. Can't miss me in my Legend with the OFC flag Also be on the VHF all weekend,. Where I am staying is still not worked out yet, Maybe fosters or depending on the weather maybe sleeping on the boat.. See you all there
  16. Nice boats there Roger, Now I am never going to keep up following you out for the Bass... Toonie on Sunday eh.. hummmm
  17. Hey All: figure we have lots of people on the board that have access to various tools. I have 2 brackets on my boat that have cracked due to stress or just plain installed to tight. One part is attached to the boat the other part too the seat mounts with a crack down the middle. I spoke to the dealer for my boat and they said to drag it too Barrie leave it for a couple weeks and it will be all fixed under warranty, I figure just the gas too drive there would be more than the cost of doing the work never mind the leaving the boat for a couple weeks, So I ask them, its only 2 brackets about 5 inches long, that is not related to hull structure can I find a local person to do this without voiding the warranty sure they tell me. So is there anyone who has welding skills in Mississauga that has some free time in the next 2 weeks to weld 2 brackets. Please PM me. Thanks LeXX
  18. LOL, that guy always makes me laugh,
  19. I always stop there for the Perch Festivle and spend a few bucks Nice store, good to have competition here and there.. keep everyone honest
  20. Great Read, unfortuantly it happens all too often outside commanders doing what is politically right compared to what is just right. I have read this story before, and the same has happend before. The movie Hotel Rowanda showed the same thing.. I have the greatest respect for our People in uniform at there control and professionism.
  21. Check around buddy, It seems a bit high, as I am paying less and insured as $13,000 but I also have 2 cars, a house and life insurance but do get insurance.. One goof may sink the boat, but if someone gets hurt you are on the hook for way more than the cost of the boat
  22. Does the US version have the puck that comes with the red streak so they can see it..
  23. No such luck Terry, you want the new games have to get the X360.. I prefer Ghost Recon on the computer, the Xbox version was very crappy.. Go HALO II
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